Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:42 pm
"Remember when you asked me if this was a school or an orphanage? It's a bit of both. It's all part of the reformation project the Man in White asked me to take care of before he passed on. None of us really live here, but most of us do have homes. I do. I was supposed to stay home last night and I'm supposed to be at regular school, but you guys had an incident." Renault slid his hands into his pockets then cracked a bright smile at the girl. "It's never cramped unless I say the words movie night. Then no one wants to leave. Next time we have one, would you like to join?" the hazel eyed teen asked jokingly.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:50 pm
She laughed at his reply, shaking her head grinning. "I basically live at, well I used to basically live at our base, but obviously I can't do that anymore. School?" A laugh started her next reply. "I keep forgetting most of you are still at school. Weird thinking I've basically been fighting kids." She ignored the movie night request, smirking.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:57 pm
"You have to give us credit though. We've been fighting back and holding our ground against you guys." Renault replied. "As long as your base is gone, you all have beds here. Or at the nearest hotel, but we're free. And that movie night offer is still there. Accept it anytime you like." He walked past her back into the house to await any news of movement from Cleanse or Sentinel. "I have a question. Do you enjoy working with the people you work with? Any regrets about working with Cleanse?"
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:10 pm
Elizabeth followed him back into the house, pulling the door shut behind her. "Regrets?" She smiled before continuing. "Brian's father came and helped me when my mother, err, died," Her words were followed by her head drooping at the thought of her mother. "Cleanse is the only place I know, I suppose the only family I know." She brought her head up again to face Renault staring at him smiling slightly. "It's the only place that has ever really helped me, I at least owe it my allegiance."
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:17 pm
"Sounds like things've been going well"
In actuality Chris only had a vague idea of what she meant by "sealing". As he rounded a corner in the hall, he saw another remotely familiar face, Natalie. Unfortunately he couldn't seem to think of anything to say to her, and was hoping internally that she'd have the first word.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:18 pm
"I understand fully." Renault placed one leg over the other then sighed in a relaxed manner. "It makes me wonder though. How do you think life would've been if you'd been found by us first? Do you think you'd be like us? Fools that wishes to help everyone and will tread aimlessly across any and at times no terrain until it is done?" A grin parted his lips, then a nod livens his still body. "What was the purpose of the questions you asked me? You're not a spy are you?"
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:29 pm
"A spy? Ah but I'm just a lackey, it's the boss you need to worry about." Elizabeth smirked, a laugh shaking her body. "Nah, I'm just curious. Cleanse and Eden are so different, it interests me." She paused for a moment thinking about his question. "Found by Eden? I don't know, I suppose I'd want to help people more, maybe. To be honest I don't think it would have made much difference, seeing my mother dead made me want to kill her killer, so I see my job as stopping something like that happening again."
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:34 pm
"We've had people do things like that unfortunately. Come in, get help, or hone their powers, then go out and get revenge usually in the form of death." Kicking his foot, Renault continues,"As Eden, it's our job to help the gifteds. Almost nothing can be denied to them. That is the only bad part about it. Consider it a circle. Sometimes, we send out bad people, Cleanse comes and kills them."
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:39 pm
"Ah, so you don't disapprove of us entirely?" Elizabeth laughed before becoming serious once more. "And sometimes we get there first. And it's not revenge; I know very well how likely it was that it was me who killed her, but surely it's better to have them dead than having them running around everywhere killing people? Like the members of Sentinel."
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:45 pm
"I don't approve of you killing them. Far from that ma'am." Renault retorted. "It's just, there's nothing we can do once we let them go. We can't go out and capture them again. If we could, we would. Now, as for Sentinel, Eden has agreed to stop them and talk to them. If we can't, Cleanse can...." He gulps as tears comically begin to fill his eyes. "Cleanse can have them....we can only help but so much...."
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:53 pm
Elizabeth looked down awkwardly when she saw the tears in his eyes, unsure of what to say. "But some of them stay, surely. And at least you've tried." Her eyebrows drew together into a frown as she thought. "So...so you put your lives in danger because of a maybe?" She bit her lip as she realised how unsympathetic she was being. "I...I'm sorry. I know you disapprove of what we do, but it is what we do, and what we think is right."
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:05 pm
"Not so much a maybe. I just know that if we don't help them...then you guys will." Renault looked up at the girl and the trail of tears dried up leaving nothing behind. "I have no qualms about what I do and I hope none of you do as well. We're all serving our purposes even if they are supposed to oppose. All I can say is that I'm happy to speak with a lady of Cleanse such as yourself on behalf of Eden. I also thank you for not trying to dump water on me, then shoot me.." He spoke honestly with a genuine smirk.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:11 pm
"Dump water on you?" Elizabeth laughed thankful that his tears were gone. "I don't fight dirty, and you know I'll probably use that fact against you at some point in the future." She smiled jokingly, replying "a lady of Cleanse? I haven't heard that one before! But it was nice speaking to you, and finding out about Eden. At least now I have a first hand account of what you do."
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:53 pm
(( Wow that must be a huge bike Solaris if you want 4 people to ride on it sweatdrop ))
Cheshure smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder again. " Alright if you're ready. Come on Alex, Karana, we're going to need some directions. " He winked and they vanished from sight.
The Mad Man smiled and touched the screen with his finger a picture of Lucas appeared near the image of Egypt. " Good one down. " He said with a laugh. " Any more volunteers? You're all going on a mission one way or the other, and only one person is going to a single location. I myself will also be going on a mission, I think I will go to Buckingham Palace, there are some old friends I would like to get to know better. However if anyone else wants to go visit the illustrious Buckingham Palace I will simply go on a different mission. "
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:06 pm
Karana walked towards Alex's motorcycle again and fastened the helmet onto her head and climbed on behind her. She took a deep breath and let it out before looking at Evie. "Good luck," she said giving her a thumbs up before placing her arms lightly on Alex's waist and waiting for the other tracker to get moving. Lena listened closely to what was said. A few of these places interested her, but none more so than Antarctica. It might be a bit of a challenge getting in and out of that place, especially with a monster lurking around. "I can take Antarctica," she offered before looking at the others. "That is, if none of you mind." She would change that if she had to.