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Witty Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:46 pm
Bran watched as the love of his life plotted wickedly. He always liked it when her thoughts were of the evil sort. It showed on her face in a most beautiful way.

But he had to rein her in, or else his prize might suffer for it. "Now, now, Akira. Remember, we aren't going to harm her. And first, we have to find her..." Here, he grew thoughtful, as he tried to locate the princess. He had found her before because of her use of her powers, but that had been a near thing. The mazoku had nearly missed it... and now she could be anywhere on the Neko Kizoku grounds...

Alcina held her staff in her hands, making a few passes with it while she was sitting there. This was getting her no where. She was just sitting here getting nothing done. She hasn't even been able to find another stranger.

"Talk about being useless..." she said as she stood up. Biting her lip, she began some of her morning exercises, going through each with far more energy than it needed. Finally, Alcina brought the staff down on the stone she had been sitting on, pouring her power into the staff as an extension of herself. The rock shattered.

Alcina gasped, slightly startled at her own power. She backed away from the pieces remaining. "What am I doing out here anyway?"

Bran smiled. He had found her. "I think we'll find our little soon to be guest over there," the mazoku said as he pointed away from the neko castle. "What luck. It seems she won't have much company..."  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:17 pm
Sui stared into the night sky and made a sad smile at its emptiness. He really didn't want to chat with Daisuke and be in the mood for any festivity. Heck, he was always the one running away from festivals and celebrations such as this. He hoped that there would be at least one star out in the open, shining brightly. Stars were always glimmering with intense fire and mystery.

He smirked, thinking about the two new women he had met; Kuromi and Alcina. He looked around and thought, women sure do love to run away from everything, don't they?

His thoughts then transformed into a misty fog. His eyes glazed and transfixed in the heavens above. An image was appearing in the dark sky but he could not depict who it was.

From all he could tell, it had a cold yet welcoming aura and the figure had long hair and her eyes had a shroud that covered every piece of information... but, they did have a lovely, captivating hue.

Sui smiled and shook his head. He looked back up again and saw that the figure had disappeared.

Hmm... that was very strange indeed.... He mused. Is this what it's like to fall for someone that you don't even know?

He then turned his eyes back to the surprising new guest, Kuronagi Daisuke, hoping that the man's friendly face didn't conceal any dark secrets.

But then again, I could be wrong.

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:03 pm
Akira licked her lips, her eyes gleaming with hate. "Oh, I can't promise I won't hurt her...Maybe a little if she's lucky, to make her realize that it was Hayato's fault that she was in this mess with us. Who knows? Maybe she too will come to hate Hayato?" She chuckled. "But I won't hurt her too much, for your sake anyway. I don't see why you like her." She tossed her head, her hair waving in the air. "I just can't wait to see Hayato's face when I tell him that I have killed his precious...friend." She hissed the last word, her eyes flashing in anger. 'She'll regreat ever meeting him, I'll make sure of that.'  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:20 pm
Bran decided it would be best to try and distract Akira to save his prize. "She's just my type. Feisty, like someone else I know..." He grinned at his love, winking. "Why don't you create a distraction at the palace while I take care of the princess?"  


Witty Lunatic


PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:24 pm
Akira thought for a moment on his idea. "Actually...i wanted to get her, but" She shrugged. "I think i'll play with his other friends first. That Kisuna and Sui...Ill save the Princess for later." SHe chuckled, and with that, she took off. "I'll creat my distraction...it should be obvious." With that, she disappeared.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:14 pm
Bran smiled wistfully as the love of his life disappeared. "Well, time to hunt me a princess..." he said, after a few moments of contemplation.

Alcina was just about to head back to the palace when a familiar voice stopped her. "I wouldn't go that way, princess."

She twirled around to that mazoku from before, the one that kissed her. "You!" she spat out, bring up her staff in between them. "You're dead meat after what you pulled before."

"Whoa," he said as he held up his hands in surrender. "Is that anyway to treat someone who came to warn you?"

"Warn... me?" Wasn't he a bad guy? The staff wavered in her hand for a moment before it came up again strong. He's trying to throw me off guard... I'm not letting him near me again.

But his next smile made her want to go weak at the knees. It's not fair that the enemy was so handsome...
"Yes, you see, there's a crazy woman at the palace who wants you dead. So you should lay low for a while."

Alcina was extremely confused at this point. What was he after? And if there really was someone back at the palace... Sui and Kisuna were still back there! Along with all the other people of the neko clan! She had to go back and help. "Well, thanks, but I can take care of myself. I really should get back."

As she turned to go, Bran had suddenly appeared in front of her. Damn, he's as quick as Cadfan...
"I don't think you catch my meaning. She'll kill you."

The princess jumped backwards, once again bringing her staff up between them. "I don't care. Now get out of the way."

The mazoku sighed playfully. He tisked her softly, earning him a glare.
"Now, now, princess. I'm here to help you. And if I have to save you from yourself, I will."

"But my friends are back there! If this chick really is as bad as you say I can't just leave them!" Why the hell wasn't she bashing his head with her staff right now? He deserved it, he really did. Especially after taking her first kiss! "And why should I believe you anyway?"

"Now this is a dilemma," the mazoku seemed to be thinking over a prospect. I should make a break for it now, while he's not paying attention... "You don't want to listen to me, and Akira is not going to play nice if she sees you... What to do, what to do..."

She was slowly inching away from him when he appeared next to her again, golden eyes staring directly into her startled grey ones. A not so nice smile crept across his face. "It seems I'm just going to have to force you."  


Witty Lunatic


Witty Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:43 pm
Alcina didn't bother saying anything to that. Instead, she put all of her weight into a thrust which sent her staff right into the middle of the mazoku's stomach. It knocked the wind right out of him, but she didn't wait for him to recover. She wasn't about to let him use that flash step again.

This time she brought the staff across sideways, aiming for his head. He recovered quicker than she would have thought possible, but not quick enough to completely dodge the attack. She smirked slightly as she moved in again, before he could even wipe the blood from his mouth away.

She wasn't letting him even get in an attack, this princess of his. Bran ducked and dodged the staff, only to have to block a kick followed by another pass with the staff. She's good... I knew I liked her for a reason.

However, as much as he liked getting beaten up by a female, it wouldn't do to let Akira think he was weak by coming back with too many bruises. On her next downward thrust, he grabbed hold of her staff. Ignoring the stinging in his hands, he used her own momentum to throw Alcina over his head.

The moment she felt his weight on the end of her staff, Alcina jumped into the air herself. She was controlling the leap, and she curled up to preform two roll's in the air before landing behind the mazoku.

She did a quick pivot to turn and face him, bring her staff down as she did so. The mazoku was just barely able to block it by bring up his left arm.

Bran winced as pain shot through his left arm. The mazoku could only be grateful that there was no sickening crack that followed. He couldn't afford to waste any time on that however. As soon as her staff connected, he gave her a blow of his own, his right hand whipping straight for her throat.

The princess bit her lip in pain as the blow pushed her back. Tears sprang to her eyes, but she couldn't afford to be blinded now. Tasting copper in her mouth, she twirled her staff low to hit the mazoku in the legs. He fell, giving her some time to recover.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:45 pm
((Fwa. How is that for a fight scene? lol... Now if I could just have that distraction please? An explosion or something would be nice. xd ))  


Witty Lunatic


PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:49 pm

Akira smiled wickedly (sp?) as she hopped out of a window from 2nd floor. As her foot touched the ground, a huge explosion answered her, smoke rising from the room she jumped out of. She chuckled softly to herself, congratulating her. "Well, now with the other two..." She said, as another rumble of explosion answered the first. She had placed 4 bombs in the castle, minor one since she had no time to prepare, but big enough so that the earth shook each time it exploded.

"Two..." She said, tossing her head. "2 more should go off in 2 minutes..." She said, looking around. Chuckling, she sped to where she sensed the Snake Kizoku leader. "I'll take care of the small one first..."

((Is that good?))  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:36 pm
((Perfect. xd ))

Both of the opponents by this point were breathing heavily. The mazoku's left arm hung limply by his side, blood showing on his lip and shoulder. Alcina wasn't off much better. Her throat hurt badly and she could barely talk... She also had a slight limp from one of his kicks. Neither of them seemed able to get the upper hand.

That was when she heard the sounds of the explosions coming from the neko castle. What?! Sui-san, Kuromi-san, the others... They're all still back there! She had to finish this quickly and help-

Bran saw his chance when she briefly looked over her shoulder at the explosions. He managed to knock Alcina out with a swift blow to the head, catching her as she fell forward into his arms.

Setting her against a near by tree, he wiped the sweat from his brow with his good hand and sighed. It seemed like he had needed Akira's help after all, even if at a distance.

"You know, Princess," he told the unconscious girl conversationally, "you and I aren't all that different." No... Not much different at all... Bran watched her sleeping for a few moments before pulling himself together. He had to get her back to their strong hold before she woke up... Especially since he did not fancy another bout with the girl. He also had tend Alcina's wounds and his own... He couldn't let Akira see him like this, after all.

Akira... He looked toward the glowing red of the explosions. She could take care of herself. He doubted he could be much help in the condition he was in anyway. Better just to get Alcina back and subdued.

With that, he picked up the princess and started off.


Witty Lunatic

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:50 pm
Kisuna was... well, very bored. Usually at parties like this, he would have been chatting with some government official from some foreign country, or a random visitor from the village near his palace that wanted to discuss some policies or so. But at those times, he usually acted like a grown-up. How exactly do you act your age when you've already come so far?

Kisuna frowned, not really wanting to talk to Daisuke either. He sensed an odd aura from him that he didn't like at all.

"I think I'm gonna--" Kisuna was interuppted when him and Sui felt the ground shake. He turned his head to Sui, "What was that?

The older one didn't answer but glared at the smoking rooftops of the palace.

Sui's fixed eyes caught a silouette in the night who was jumping extraordinarily from one place to the other. He commanded to Kisuna, "Stay here unless necessary." Then, he rushed past the screaming nekozoku, wondering where Alcina had run off to. Without her near, they couldn't necessarily transform.

As if I'm gonna stay here, Kisuna thought and rushed off the opposite direction the Sakanazoku went.  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:15 pm
((Am I needed to transform everytime? Crap, that's bad... lol.))  


Witty Lunatic


PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:07 pm
((Am I needed to transform everytime? Crap, that's bad... lol.))

((Indeed...that is very very bad...like...HOW AM I GOING TO AWAKEN KUROMI WITHOUT ALCINA? gonk I'd like to awaken her soon...but she needs Alcina...or something or other... whee I really want Kuromi to be the one who saves the Nekozoku...but she can't do that without becoming a stranger...))  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:14 pm
Kuromi, who was not all that far away from home heard the explosions. "Eh?" She turned and looked at the mansion. She jumped down from her tree branch.

"You're not thinking of running in there wearing that are you?!"

Kuromi looked down. "Ah...blasted frilly dresses...oh well." Kuromi ran towards her smoky looking house. "Luckily I'm still wearing sneakers..."  



PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:15 am
Akira looked at the smoke rising with triumph. "Well, where are those two kizoku leaders?" She said to herself, and she smirked as she saw the sakanazoku clan leader running towards her. "Well well well, looks like he wanted to see me badly..." With that, she hopped down and landed swiftly on the ground, waiting for the Sakanazoku Leader to come.  

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