x3 thisismysn x3
mysn: Trsut me, I know. I remember in High School when I had to carry a heavy History book along with an extra heavy Algebra book, along with others... I think my bookbag weighed at least 50 pounds.
Mine weighs 50 on a good day.
Usually around 60.
I have back problems because of it. scream
@Sam: Ancient history > US History.
I'm glad I'm an art major in college now. Dont' have to carry aroudn as many annoying books.
A bunch of art supplies, a portfolio, and a toolbox take their place. -_-;
What's art college like? o3o *wants to go to one*
Well, so far I've only been to a local University, which had art classes. But they didn't have what I was really majoring in, plus the teachers-scratch that, everybody- were obsessed with abstract, which is something I have difficulty with.
However, I have visited the college I want to go to, and it looks absolutely awesome. The place is huge and strung out all over the city.
mysn: Anthropology? Sounds interesting.