Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:40 pm
angel_sparkle Randii Chan Teh K a a C h a n Randii Chan StrawBerryApple ninja ha ha I'm keeping the boys awake. -evil- twisted Oh so very evil. =3
@K a a: I sees, I can withstand lots of sugar, that would make me esssplode of happiness.Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|xD
A couple years of building up my resistance... But now not even energy drinks do anything... Which kinda sucks. I'm almost never hyper... Just ask Indulge. xD Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.| X33 Hehehe. I'm hyper all the time, but I can have lots of sugar and be fine. It all depends on who I'm with.i dont like sugar or soda really? Ok. Not going to hold it against you
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:40 pm
Randii Chan Mhmms. I sees. Growls. My stoopid brother is in here. He's so annoying. Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
D; I can only stand older brothers. NO YOUNGER SIBS D:
@ Indulge xD Yeah. >.> So Sara. She just drives me nuts now. Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:41 pm
Nixxen Hello. @Randii: Rawr back. ;D =3 How're yous?
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:42 pm
angel_sparkle i dont like sugar or soda Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|Er... You've said that twice now. So... Good for you...?
@ Via Gewd~ <333 I has gum. How be j00? Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:43 pm
VIII-Axel †...I'm so tired...I need to eat though...brb...† actually, I'm hungry too. I'm gonna grab a quick bite to eat. brb...
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:43 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Randii Chan Mhmms. I sees. Growls. My stoopid brother is in here. He's so annoying. Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
D; I can only stand older brothers. NO YOUNGER SIBS D:
@ Indulge xD Yeah. >.> So Sara. She just drives me nuts now. Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.| He left as soon as I posted that. THANK GOD!
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:44 pm
Teh K a a C h a n angel_sparkle i dont like sugar or soda Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|Er... You've said that twice now. So... Good for you...?
@ Via Gewd~ <333 I has gum. How be j00? Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|L m a o. j00 replied to meh twice~ xD Once as "Indulge" and this time as "Via." MAKE UP YOUR MIND, WOMAN! D< Lolz. J/k, 'course. <3
Gum? I got.... Grape JUICE. Annndd... How is Sara buggin' j00 if she isn't even signed into Y!M? O:
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:47 pm
†ok, back, but I'm heading to bed at like 10, so about an hour...I have to wake up at 6:30..†
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:47 pm
Indulge [In Words] L m a o. j00 replied to meh twice~ xD Once as "Indulge" and this time as "Via." MAKE UP YOUR MIND, WOMAN! D< Lolz. J/k, 'course. <3
Gum? I got.... Grape JUICE. Annndd... How is Sara buggin' j00 if she isn't even signed into Y!M? O:
And.... I HATE SODA WITH A PASSION! :3 Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|IYADA! J00 shall now be replyed to as.... ninja
-gasp!- I don't. Me luffs soda. especially Hansen's, Jones, and Dr Pepper. And Coke. It settles my stomach. 3nodding Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:48 pm
Randii Chan He left as soon as I posted that. THANK GOD!
D;;; Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|Yay!
>.>.... I wonder how many people here have older brothers.... Like meh. :3 Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:49 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] L m a o. j00 replied to meh twice~ xD Once as "Indulge" and this time as "Via." MAKE UP YOUR MIND, WOMAN! D< Lolz. J/k, 'course. <3
Gum? I got.... Grape JUICE. Annndd... How is Sara buggin' j00 if she isn't even signed into Y!M? O:
And.... I HATE SODA WITH A PASSION! :3 Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|IYADA! J00 shall now be replyed to as.... ninja
-gasp!- I don't. Me luffs soda. especially Hansen's, Jones, and Dr Pepper. And Coke. It settles my stomach. 3nodding Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|dr pepper has too many flavors in it to be tasty
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:50 pm
calcifer9 dr pepper has too many flavors in it to be tasty Dr. Pepper is good, Moxie is the most disgusting soda on the face of the earth.
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:50 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] L m a o. j00 replied to meh twice~ xD Once as "Indulge" and this time as "Via." MAKE UP YOUR MIND, WOMAN! D< Lolz. J/k, 'course. <3
Gum? I got.... Grape JUICE. Annndd... How is Sara buggin' j00 if she isn't even signed into Y!M? O:
And.... I HATE SODA WITH A PASSION! :3 Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|IYADA! J00 shall now be replyed to as.... ninja
-gasp!- I don't. Me luffs soda. especially Hansen's, Jones, and Dr Pepper. And Coke. It settles my stomach. 3nodding Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|MWUHAHA. >D 'Tou-chan FTW. (Ahem. I have my own definite for FTW, thank j00 very much! >3 In Haraism, FTW= ******** the What. idk what other people think it is.)
O: JUUUIIICCCCCEEEEE. I can't be president. D;
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:50 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Randii Chan He left as soon as I posted that. THANK GOD!
D;;; Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|Yay!
>.>.... I wonder how many people here have older brothers.... Like meh. :3 Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.| I WISH I had one. But sadly, only a younger one. ;-; But I DO have a brother-in-law who is older. He's pretty cool. I also have a 4 month old niece. She's mah baaaabeh. I luffs her. <33
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:52 pm
†yeah..that really figures...†