Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:53 pm
Randii Chan I WISH I had one. But sadly, only a younger one. ;-; But I DO have a brother-in-law who is older. He's pretty cool. I also have a 4 month old niece. She's mah baaaabeh. I luffs her. <33 Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|Awe~ >.< I have TWO older brothers. One's a pain, but the other's pretty cool a lot of the time...
xd Haraism is the same as everybody elsesism. FTW is the reverse of WTF which as I told j00 means What the ******** it's only right if it means ******** the What. 3nodding Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:54 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:56 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Randii Chan I WISH I had one. But sadly, only a younger one. ;-; But I DO have a brother-in-law who is older. He's pretty cool. I also have a 4 month old niece. She's mah baaaabeh. I luffs her. <33 Awe~ >.< I have TWO older brothers. One's a pain, but the other's pretty cool a lot of the time...
Aye, he can be a pain sometimes when I'm hanging out with my boyfriend.
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:56 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|Awe~ >.< I have TWO older brothers. One's a pain, but the other's pretty cool a lot of the time...
xd Haraism is the same as everybody elsesism. FTW is the reverse of WTF which as I told j00 means What the ******** it's only right if it means ******** the What. 3nodding Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.| O: NNOOOO-UUHHH. Haraism ish totally unique. PLUS-Thats my DA username. O.<
Anyways... I used to think it meant "Fight to Win." I mean, seriously... in context, it could totally mean that, too. :3
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:57 pm
Randii Chan Aye, he can be a pain sometimes when I'm hanging out with my boyfriend. Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet| xd My brother's still think I'mma get a boyfriend. In the town I live in? Heck no! rofl (is homeschooled and llives in a town full of stupid people) Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:59 pm
Indulge [In Words] O: NNOOOO-UUHHH. Haraism ish totally unique. PLUS-Thats my DA username. O.<
Anyways... I used to think it meant "Fight to Win." I mean, seriously... in context, it could totally mean that, too. :3 Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|0.o
J00r name is FTW on DA? Seriously? WOOHOO! xD (joking)
xD Yeah, it really means "Fight to Win" But "******** the What" is the Urban Dictionary's definition. 3nodding Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:59 pm
calcifer9 Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] L m a o. j00 replied to meh twice~ xD Once as "Indulge" and this time as "Via." MAKE UP YOUR MIND, WOMAN! D< Lolz. J/k, 'course. <3
Gum? I got.... Grape JUICE. Annndd... How is Sara buggin' j00 if she isn't even signed into Y!M? O:
And.... I HATE SODA WITH A PASSION! :3 Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|IYADA! J00 shall now be replyed to as.... ninja
-gasp!- I don't. Me luffs soda. especially Hansen's, Jones, and Dr Pepper. And Coke. It settles my stomach. 3nodding Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|dr pepper has too many flavors in it to be tasty Are you crazy!? It doesn't have enough flavors!BTW, I'm back from snacktime. Got some popcorn, a twix, and a Monster. I will not be able to sleep tonight
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:00 pm
Ulquiorra Shiffer Are you crazy!? It doesn't have enough flavors!BTW, I'm back from snacktime. Got some popcorn, a twix, and a Monster. I will not be able to sleep tonight Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|-GASP!-
J00 rock.
-bows at j00r feetz- SOMEONE TO STAY UP ALL NIGHT WITH! WOOHOO! xD Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:00 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Randii Chan Aye, he can be a pain sometimes when I'm hanging out with my boyfriend. Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet| xd My brother's still think I'mma get a boyfriend. In the town I live in? Heck no! rofl (is homeschooled and llives in a town full of stupid people) Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.| 3nodding I got lucky and found a good one. He used to be on here, but he isn't anymore. He's the one that gave me my nitemare collar. <33
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:01 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:04 pm
Randii Chan 3nodding I got lucky and found a good one. He used to be on here, but he isn't anymore. He's the one that gave me my nitemare collar. <33 Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|O:
Cool~! >.< You get those from a giftbox... D: I'm trying to get something from a giftbox right now.. >.< but it's expensive.. Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.|
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:05 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:06 pm
God i feel so stupid now x__x >w< 3
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:06 pm
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:07 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Randii Chan 3nodding I got lucky and found a good one. He used to be on here, but he isn't anymore. He's the one that gave me my nitemare collar. <33 Gimmie One More Beat... |So.I.Can.Stand.Up.On.My.Feet|O:
Cool~! >.< You get those from a giftbox... D: I'm trying to get something from a giftbox right now.. >.< but it's expensive.. Gimmie One More Beat... |Lemme.Dance.Away.These.Memories.| What are you trying to get? gonk My katana is so far away.