Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:26 pm
Raz had teleported back to the top of the clock tower with Sari. They heard footsteps coming to the top. They all froze. He teleported to the door with his hand on the knob. Raz whipped it open to see Oliver standing there. "I guess I didn't get all of them" he thought to himself.
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:26 pm
(( is someone gonna answer what happened?)) Darren flew to the door breaking it off its hinges, and then he flew throught the hall ways watching the scientist hide and run the other way, he ignored them and continued to fly. he had no intentions to harm them....for nowDarrens good half had began to win the fight against its demon side and for now he was in control of what he did, but one bad move on everyone elses part and he would be back to full demon
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:28 pm
"What good will it do going to the scientists if they're the ones who did this?" Yuki said with a cold look in her eyes. "Besides, they're mostly dead now. And on top of that they would just go and do more useless experiments on me." Yuki felt her head start spinning "But I'm fine with the kitchen and whoever else you're talking about." Yuki accepted Lae's hand and no longer had a cold look in her eyes.
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:31 pm
Oliver shoves his hand in front of raz's face, releasing an extrmely high pitched sound, in hope to daze him, while himself recovered from the shock
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:40 pm
((@nothingles: What Oliver should know: that Raz and Sari were the first experiments to become Scout and are the best at what they do. That he thinks that Raz is an emo and Sari is an extremely dangerous person that he should avoid her temper. And what he shouldn't know: Sari is not the insane person anymore, that Raz has killed off all the other Scouts, and that Senku lives with them))
Raz flew back and hit the ground, but not too badly injured. He got up, rubbing his head. "Ouch, that hurt. But hey, small world, because I can do that too." With the flick of his wrist, he sent a small telekinetic wave that knocked him off his feet.
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:42 pm
((@dman:Idk, I forgot. Just actually read the last few pages))
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I just really wanted to help." Dawn looked down ashamed.
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:44 pm
Oliver B. Garcia ((oh... ok))Oliver fell, pointing the gun at raz, then puting it down "raz? oh sorry, while i increase you voice, its hard to distinguish it..." Oliver then puted his gun back under the coat
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:45 pm
"S'ok. No need to be ashamed." Yuki said. She hated it when people let others feelings towards them affect them so much, but she didn't say anything. "Let's go. I'm beginning to feel dizzy. And thanks for the help."
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:53 pm
Raz stood up. "Sari, this isn't good. Since you are back to your old self, we can't let other people know. Just give a scowl, and go to the roof. I'll handle the rest. Senku, play along" he sent thoughts quickly to the two. "Oliver?" Raz said blankly "What are you doing here?"
"All right, what exactly are we dealing with here?" Dawn asked as they helped Yuki to the kitchen. "Bullet wounds? Stun guns? Anti-Virus Shots?"
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:56 pm
Oliver B. Garcia Oliver got up, dusting off "searching, of course, you know full well my virus is just a prototipe, its hard to distinguish voices when i'm searching rumors, everyone sounds nearly the same... i counfused you with an project... i'l probably be on my way, but taking the oportunity... do you have any leads?" Oliver asks, lighting a cigarete
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:56 pm
Senku soon woke up from hearing Raz and yawned a bit
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:58 pm
"Stunning bullets." Yuki said as she looked around the kitchen.
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:03 pm
Raz continued to stare blankly at him "If I knew, I wouldn't be here, would I?"
"I'm not sure if we have anything for that, but I'll try. Let's try removing the bullets first." Dawn's hand glowed light blue as she held her hand over the wound and slowly, the bullet came edging out. Lae quickly pulled it out with tweezers and applied a small bandage wrap on it. "I'm sorry, that's all we can do for now, the stunning bullets won't allow me to heal them."
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 6:08 pm
"Better than nothing, thanks." Yuki said as she looked at the newly applied bandages. "These wounds aren't very fresh, so this is probably the peak of their effects. Probably would've been worse if I hadn't frozen the blood that had the stunning substance in it." She hopped off the counter that she was sitting on. "Well, it's about time I left this place. I've been stuck here for what, 3 years? Too long for me." Yuki said as she swung her arm around trying to get the blood flowing smoothly again.