Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:38 am
Zann turned back after a few seconds and looked back at Alex. "Those fangs aren't real, and they're pathetic too." Zann showed off his complete set of fangs. "Now these, these are some fangs. We demons have them. Gotta sharpen them every week or so though..." He said, turned back around, and started to walk away. "And I'm not and odd kid!" He shouted at them as he walked away.
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:38 am
Alex rolled her eyes then looked back at Luke and said "Hmm. Should I curse him or jinx him? Oh!! I coul use my favourite spell!". She whispered the word 'stupefy~' and knocked Zann out. She grabbed a pink dress and used another spell to put it on him. She cackled then said " Oh eww! I just cackled!". She walked back to Luke and smiled.
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:20 pm
((Vroom vroom! Hold yer horses, speed demons! I'm gonna timeskip soonn, so make sure everyone is where they need to be for tomorrow. It's a class day, by the way.))
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:01 pm
"Was that really nesesary to put that on Zann? He may get you back in teh morning." Luke said to Alex."But I really think we should be geting some sleep. Last time I slept was, 1, 2....2 1/2 days ago I think."
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:26 pm
Zann barely woke up and saw a pink dress on him. "Why even bother..." He said to himself, and his head dropped again as he fell asleep again. (( Yay! More classes! ))
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:22 pm
((Hooray!!!Class time again.Damn I haven't posted since like...well a long time ago. Anybody remember me?))
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:29 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:03 pm
((Well if it is only one person I'm happy. You just made my day, blaugh ))
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:33 am
((Everyone where they need to be? Alrighty then, let's do this)) Timeskip - The Next Day, around 9:00 AM Lucien was sleeping comfortably in his bed, with a hint of a smile on his face. He was dreaming about last night, about Faliecia, about the circumstances of their getting-together. He rolled over a bit, and rolled right off his bed, hitting the ground with a thump. He sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "Owwch..." he whined a little, but shook his head and stood up slowly and stretched out. He went about his daily routines, brushing his teeth, washing his hair, and taking a shower. Once he was dressed, he shook his head, making his hair look less stuffy and more carefree. He reached over and touched his toes, and decided to go visit Faliecia on his way through his morning walk. He snapped his fingers and appeared right outside of his door, and began walking down the halls. Once he reached Faliecia's quarters, he knocked on the door with a hand behind his back. He grinned a bit and waved the hand, conjuring a single flower. This was a special flower that only he could make. It looked like a cross between a rose, lily, tulip, and poinsettia, and the petals were ever-changing their colors, so the flower looked like a rainbow in motion. "I do hope you're awake, my dear." he said. "I'm off to take my morning walk, and would enjoy the company." The truth was that he really just wanted to be around her. He usually liked solitude on his walks, so this was a change.
Shane, who was laying lopsided on his face, woke up to find Hana still sleeping. He rolled off the bed making minimal noise and laid there for a moment, his eyes closed. He snorted and jumped to his feet to walk into the bathroom to brush up and take a shower. Once his morning routine was finished, he morphed into his wolf form and leaped on top of the empty dresser that was next to his bed. He didn't really have anything better to do, and classes didn't start until noon. He resigned to lay his head on his paws and watch Hana sleep, his eyes half-closed.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:09 pm
Hana woke that morning to niggling feeling that she was being watched. Opening her eyes she saw she was indeed being watched - by a huge blue wolf laying ontop of the dresser! She grinned and stretched, rolling over onto her back and sitting up. 'Goodmorning, love,' She said, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She sat there for a moment, letting herself wake up a little. 'Class starts back up today,' she realized out loud.
Leaning forward she pressed a quick kiss to Shanes' nose and grabbing her over-night back and headed for the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:06 pm
Alex woke up and yawned. She looked out her door and saw Zann in her dress and laughed sleepily. She walked to her closet and looked for an outfit. After she chose one she walked to her washroom to take a shower and brush her teeth and such. She changed then walked out then noticed Luke sleeping. " Wake up sunshine!! There's Classes today!!!" she said nudging him. She waited for less then a minute then got bored. " I'm just going to curl my hair, ok?". She grabbed her wand and used a spell to curl her hair. She walked back to Luke and kept on nudging him and telling him to wake up.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:33 pm
Zann woke up again and looked at himself. "Eeeeeeyyaaaahhh!" He yelled and jumped up. He realized he had slept in a pink dress outside of Alex's (and maybe now Luke's) room. Immediatly he opened her door and started to say, "What the HELLFIRE DID YOU DO THA-" He started, and took off Luke's ring. He burnt off the dress, and continued. "As I was saying, WHAT THE HELLFIRE DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" Zann yelled at Alex. He was about to shoot a flame at her, but stopped. Glaring at her, he put Luke's ring back on and walked away.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:49 pm
Strum woke up and shook his body around to get the sleep that was still lingering around. He got out of his bed and walked around his room for a bit before using a spell to put on his usual robe. He walked out a door that led to his classroom and sat at his desk. He was eager that classes where going to start again, since he really didn't do anything at his last class. He looked at the clock and realized that he still had plenty of time before class started. "Well looks like I'll be able to get some training done before class today," Strum said to himself. He walked over to the bland area of his classroom wall and used a spell to get a door to appear. He walked into the new room, his training area, and started using a few spells. This was what he'd been doing for most of the time that class wan't in session, and as such he didn't know too much about the sociological things going on around Sellaria.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:52 pm
Alex glared back at Zann. Once he left she ran to the remains of her dress. She grabbed her wand again and used a spell to put it back together and cleaned it. She walked to her closet and put it back then thought to herself 'Goodness! What a temper he has!'.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:11 pm
"Gezz so much yell this morning." Luke said and started to rub his eyes. Then he got up and streched his arms."Now whats with geting me up in the morning. I pefer wakeing up in the evning."