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Reply Crazy Character Convos! [[The Roleplaying Forum]]
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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:04 pm

Locke took Drake's arm, not realizing exactly how much energy that took out of him. "Actually, I've been reading up on Alchemy and it's more pacifistic uses. I guess I just wasn't quite up to par with what was required. I can't even feel the abundant energy that was in me before. It's likely I will not be in any condition to use Alchemy for a couple days or so." He walked with Drake. "Also... Been getting a little worried. I've been reading up on what is called a Chimera. A fusing of two species to create a new one. I figured that we may need this new type of healing. Because for some reason, I don't know why, but I've been feeling like they are not fully gone from this world. Like I can feel their existence."

Gaurin watched from a building across from the Inn, suppressing his energy from detection. He has been spying on the group for a while now, hiding in disguise, sizing up his opposition. "Try as you might to understand what is going on, my young alchemist friend, and you, my mystical friend, you will not survive our next little encounter. As it is, 'Madcoil' is gathering his strength. The Order will take Andrea back, and you, Locke, will die by my hands." He went back to his drink, taking a long sip.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:22 pm

Andrea got down from the roof eventually. She walked about the town trying to sort out her mind. The blurs of thought trying to settle. Thoughts came but knew she couldn't accept them. She knew the betterment of the world and was ready for the cost, but knew her friends were not.

he thought on what Locke was talking about as he helped him to his own room. "Well we will see then. She's home now so we may have or troubles once more."

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:43 pm

Time passed, and dinner was approaching completion. Sam was busy working on Locke, because it seems that the Alchemy he used earlier may have damaged some of his nerves that connected to his Machina. Jack was also keeping himself busy, trying to cook a hearty meal and grasp how this alchemy worked exactly. He knew Magic drew upon the energy of the world, but it seemed that Alchemy was a completely different type of power altogether.

"So, Locke. Exactly what happens to you when you perform your alchemy? I'm curious." Jack was never really a bright one when it came to understanding things.

"Jack! Let it go for now. I'm sure it's fascinating, but can't you see how tired he is? Just be more sensitive!" Sam threw a cog wheel at Jack, hitting him in the head.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:49 pm

Andrea continued where she was most of the day before deciding to walk about the town. She kept her mind as clear as possible though was still battling in her own way conflicting thoughts. She soon found an area she knew all too well from the other world and wondered. She soon entered the arena and signed up for battles. She wouldn't do any for the current day knowing well Locke would kill her if she were to get wounded after he went through so much to heal her. She looked about the crowd then noticed two figures that almost seemed out of place. She tried to move closer though lost them in the crowd and paid no further mind to them as she watched the battles.

He listened and chatted a bit with the others as the day had gone by before finally asking Locke what he had been wondering. "So, was she angry with you, or try to kill you? Last we all saw was you in her bed beside her, both of you passed out. I can only imagine with her reflexes what could have happened. That and she's been gone all day." He worried a moment realizing this and hoped she hadn't run off, though wasn't sure she would despite everything.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:12 pm

Locked laughed a bit, then lowered his head in shame. "Don't worry about her. As for how she reacted... Yeah. She was pissed. To say the least. But it's not like it wasn't warranted. I did heal her against her wishes... And you know how she is about people being close to her. And..." Locke thought a moment about his dream he had, then decided it best not to mention it. "Nevermind. It's not important." Locke went inside himself, thinking about the dream, about the past. He wondered if anything would be normal in the days to come.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:18 pm

Drake looked to Locke as it was clear there was something else he wasn't telling them. He sighed shrugging his shoulders. "Not enough for her to simply take off right? Given her history, I don't know if six years in that world stopped that quality of hers to run off or away from what bothers her." He looked to the window seeing it was getting dark and knew she still wasn't back yet. Or at least he hadn't seen her.

Andrea looked about some more finding the fighting boring and wondering if she should have bothered entering the next tournament in the coming days. She left the building and soon moved through her portals to her room and looked around. She could hear the conversation but would let them think that she was still out. She liked the alone time. She moved closing her door without the trace of a sound and simply sat by the window of her room.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:02 pm

Locke shook his head. "No. I don't think she would do anything like that again. She knows that we care about her, now. I think that's the difference from before. And no matter what happens, I'll continue to care for her..." Locke took the bowl of soup Jack had prepared special for him to regain his strength.

"I'm with Locke. I think things will be a lot better than even Andrea will admit. Come on, everyone. Soup's on, and it's getting cold." Jack had already prepared the table, and had served everyone's seats.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:14 pm

She turned her back to the door as she laid in bed willing her mind to shush and to let her sleep. She didn't want to face the others yet. Not till she was sure of her own mind. She let her eyes close and attempted best she could to force sleep to come.

The cloaked figures would stand before the inn as night fell. They had been wandering for a few weeks now and knew their main target was within the building. The leader looked to the other who simply nodded. Soon they would take off, a thick smoke emitting from their cloaks making all those that came in contact to pass out. Soon up the stairs and waited by one doorway allowing the smoke to enter the room to make the inhabitants docile before their strike.

Andrea woke hearing noise in the hallway and took hold of her sword. She heard what sounded like the others coughing but wouldn't be sure. She took one of her shirts with longer sleeves and slipped it on before opening her door a hair to see what was going on if anything. As she saw the figures and the smoke entering the room she knew trouble was on it's way. She moved quickly though not enough as the taller figure blocked her strike and pinned her to the wall with his own blade against hers. She looked to him a moment, sure he wasn't human but sure it was one of the ones from the arena.

Drake joked about with the others. He started smelling something off in the air and soon noticed the smoke beginning to fill the room. "What';s goi..." As he started to speak he stood only to feel dizzy and seeing the same of the others. He fought best he could calling a shade knowing it wouldn't be effected to guard the door before he hit the floor unconscious.

The figure viewed the one that had attacked recognising them faintly though it wasn't their target. They moved quickly into the room once they heard the bodies hitting the floor. With a slight smile they charged making quick work of the shade and moving towards their target. One quick swipe and the metal arm would be removed before the figure would pick up the man. As they left the room they would turn to the other. "We may need that one. Bring them." And with that watched the other knock the fighter out and grab their form. Soon both would leave with their target plus one heading for the deeper woods beyond the city.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:05 pm

Locke and everyone was eating quietly, talking about what has been going on for the past few months. They were all laughing at a lot of the stupid stuff that each of them have done, hoping that they cheer each other up. It was about then that Jack suddenly fell to the floor, passed out. "Jack? Hey, Jac-" Locke stood up, and suddenly fell to the floor, seemingly passed out. However, not quite. He heard loud steps coming into the room. People were here. He felt a sudden pain in his arm, and knew that his machina arm was destroyed. He tried to move, but to no avail. He had finally passed out, and fell into darkness.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:19 pm

She groaned a bit with a headache fro the gas as she woke. She struggled to move but couldn't. She let her vision clear seeing a dimly lit cavern of sorts and her body half into the rock face as if molded into it. She struggled still with little use and tried to scream realizing she had also been gagged. She cursed in her mind wondering about the others and Locke remembering they had taken him before they got to her. She looked to a table at one side seeing her weapons and outfit. Her eyes went wide a moment soon looking herself over sighing in relief, though only just at the simple tunic she seemed to have been placed in.

One of the attacking figures sat patiently for their captive to wake. Bits and pieces imbedded into their mind of this one from the beginnings. As they had done with the silver woman, Locke was placed a bit as if merged to the wall. The cloaked figure would soon stand and pace the floor growing impatient for this one to wake. She turned looking over the metal arm they had detached knowing full well with an extra hand he could change things.

The other entered his cavern seeing the woman wake and look very angry. He smiled bringing an elongated hand to run down her hair. "I had out clothing maker design that for you. You have a lot of fight in you, we like that. Breaking you into my personal slave will be quite the challenge I am sure, but well worth it I'd imagine." His smile only grew seeing her rage deepen as the red of her face. "Your friend is dead. It was our mission to sacrifice him here to appease the powers. I'll bring you his arm later as a memento." He chuckled seeing her expression mix, though still of anger. "Yes, you will make a feisty slave."

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:38 pm

Locke was still groggy. He had regained consciousness, but decided to act like he were still out cold. It was hard, though, because he felt as if he were encased in stone. He heard footsteps, light, and fast. He figured a woman was guarding him, and he also figured she was nervous, or angry about something as well. Suddenly the pain from the wall became too much for him, and he groaned in pain, giving away that he was awake. "Unh... Where... where am I?" He looked around, but could not see well. Who's there? I can hear you..."
PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:49 pm

The figure turned hearing him wake finally. "It's about time you woke." The figure looked to him letting him wake more though. She debated a moment before removing the hood. While patches of the skin were blackened as if still healing the features would be undeniable to him. Her hair a mix of red and black, her eyes a golden orange color. As she removed the cloak fully dark wings would appear to be folded behind her form. "The seekers have been waiting for an alchemist for some time. Rumors of one nearby to home was well worth the trip. Pray for your life you are one and they may spare your life." She would pause her words a moment before continuing. "The others we found you with are dead. We killed them as we took you. So there is no sense in fighting us now."

Andrea looked to the man not believing him about Locke. She had no proof otherwise but would make this one pay especially if any of them had been hurt or worse. She tried to strike but couldn't feeling sore with her efforts. She wanted to curse and scream and kill the one before her. More she knew she would have his blood the moment she got the chance. With men as this she rarely missed her mark. She would watch though for a moment as he revealed himself and noticed what looked like grey patches of skin. He had long grey almost a skin version of rabbit ears that were hidden beneath long pale brown hair. She noticed his legs and feet also looked more like an animal then humanoid. she wanted to ask what it was before she killed it but still could not speak.

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:11 pm

Locke's eyes adjusted to the dim light from being kept in that black hood. He couldn't make much out, but saw before him what looked like a woman, only... not quite human. Something about her features struck him as odd. Almost as if she were... "A Chimera!? That would explain these sensations I've been getting." Locke was struck with a sudden hate for this one, though. The mention of his friends being killed, whether it was true or not, enraged him. He wouldn't believe it, though. He knew how strong his friends were. "I don't believe you!" He yelled at the female chimera. "Even if it were true, why the HELL should I do ANYTHING to help you!?" He tried to struggle out of the rock, hoping it would distract her from his true goal at the moment.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:29 pm

She looked to him bringing a light closer to view him better. "I am not a chimera. My partner in this realm, yes, but I am not. And It was quite easy once they were unconscious. I assure you it was painless. Save for the one that fought us. Further inspection of that one showed an Alchemist healer had recently healed them." She looked to him almost sympathizing with him over news of the deaths, however untrue they were. "We needed a healer. We had watched your group a little. They did not appreciate your abilities the way we do. We have a deal in place for you. Our resident healer recently passed on. We needed a new one for this underground city. We have the tools available for you. Patch your metal arm there if you wish, or create a new working arm of flesh and blood. Parts are easier to make then a full being." She tried to appeal to the curiosity of more abilities and uses. All alchemists had it, she just had to turn it on. though was told by their leaders, that this one wouldn't resist her.

He watched this one struggle with a fierce fire in her eyes. He would have fun breaking this one into a slave. More then the others before her. He would call a bit and soon two stone Golum like creatures entered, plucking her from the wall as if it were nothing and carrying her down a hall. Soon she was bound to a metal frame. He stood there picking up a long wooden rod looking to her as they removed her gag. He was sure she would scream and curse though no sound escaped her. He knew simple starving wouldn't break this one by her eyes. Given the size of their caverned city he was positive the other and her would never meet again. He wound high before bringing the rod hard across her back seeing the cut it had made. Still no sound. After another few strikes he looked to her face seeing her expression and laughed in amusement. "You will be a hard one to break. But it will be done, I like a good challenge."

She struggled as the rock creatures took her and brought her through the caverns. She made a mental note of the layout knowing if she chose she could escape, though was sure Locke was still alive. She had seen the other take him and knew they may have need for him. As she was hit she forced the pain aside. She just had to bide her time, though disturbing thoughts began to surface as he spoke. Her anger and hatred growing. She wondered how much she could take before she would try killing all in her way.

Drake slowly woke feeling his head hurting. He wasn't sure if it was from the fall or what caused it. He saw light through the window and moved sluggishly to see that it was already past mid day. He looked around getting a count until he noticed Locke was missing. He went to Andrea's room, and the same. He worried a moment wondering and went to try waking the others seeing some metal pieces where he had last seen Locke. "come on you two we need to get moving."

oO Lorelei Oo

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Wolf McNugget

Destitute Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:04 pm

Locke listened to the monster's words, and her claim of killing his friends and about her not being a chimera. "If you're not a chimera... Wait a minute... Those wings...." Locke's mind suddenly went back to when he had first tried to perform the taboo. The failure that seemed to disappear without a trace... "No... It can't be..." His mind went back once more to the time after Andrea went missing. The time when it was just him.. and... "Demona...? NO! Why do you look like her!?"
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