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Rocket Agent Tambrey

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:43 am
At least three pieces of shrapnel were slightly more visible, being larger, than the peppering of other pieces Tambrey had received, protruding from her left shoulder, right side of her back and right leg.

Her right foot looked to be at an unwelcome angle; her heel and ankle fractured.

Thankfully, despite the fall, her head didn't seem to have received any drastic visible trauma. A more thorough examination would reveal some broken ribs.
While she was bleeding visibly, another worry would be internal bleeding; present but treatable with Rocket's field medicine as a temporary measure at least.

The agent remained, mercifully, unconscious.


Pygi warbled softly, looking around for Tambrey and not seeing her. She called weakly and still didn't hear anything. The bird tried to stay awake, worried, but the blast and crash and taken it's toll and she was having trouble thinking beyond a panic.
A few minutes after crashing, the Pidgeot passed out in the snow too.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:13 am
Glit burrowed upwards, shedding snow and drips of sap from the nearly sealed scratches, the cold having constricted the flow. She huffed, glancing around and gave a displeased cry before sliding over the snow quickly to her trainer side, making unhappy "Veeeee" sounds as she survey the damage.

Howlback shook herself, spreading her wings high to look over her wing panels. She gave an upset Crr at the torn leather and skin before setting them back to her side and went to check her rider.

Glit glanced at the Pidgeot and started digging her tail under the snow, carefully feeling the shrapnel and going around them, getting ready to lift.  


Wrathful Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:16 am
Kailee nodded at the question. "You?" She glanced to Claire thinking the woman may not have been far enough away but it was only a passing moment until she looked to the Arcanine. "Thanks..." She said it as the canine headed off.

As soon as she could she headed back out to try and find the other members. s**t. Why hadnt they all gotten out. She saw Phaeth and she frowned. Claire was with Tambrey...Where was Aulus, he had been behind her... She had seen Tama and Faleen... And lex and Hayes were missing too... Well... The clusters of pokemon kinda gave away were they were... She called Brimstone to follow her as she trotted out armed only with one roll of gauze and a box of bandaids that had playful pokemon on them. She had to help them.

She saw char. He looked mildly ok, she couldnt see his back though... He had saved the Chatot... Good for him! He had changed though... Mega evolved. Good for him! Her eyes were drawn to where the rapidash was. "Phaeth!" She frowned. Running to the pokemon, it was the closest to her and Brim as they had all been running. She slowed down not sure if the pokemon would be ok with her approaching. Though her eyes were drawn to the Typhlosion that that was near them. It had been running with them as well. She glanced to Brim and he moved closer to Phaeth. Kailee moved to Luc slowly at first, but then saw Aulus. "Over Here!" She called to the first aid grunts. Oh he looked bad.

She sank into the snow next to him and leaned over listening for breathing, or a heart beat... or both. It was there he wasnt dead... But there was nothing she could do aside from try to stop some blood. Using her coat, until she fished out her gauze she moved to stop the blood from the worse injuries, trying in vain not to look at the bones sticking from his arm... Moving that arm was out of the question and she sure as hell couldnt carry him. But brim could. "Brim! Wait with him... Until the medics say to move him... then carry him to the jet." She would stay till the medics got to Aulus. She glanced to Phaeth, keeping pressure on the bleeding wounds. "If you get in the pokeball we can get you to the jet without you walking."
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:33 am
[KO's presence cleared with Suu!]

"Don't move him you idiot!" This was yelled at Glit by a red-haired grunt approaching at high speed on the back of an Arcanine, a first aid kit in hand. "He might have spinal injuries," KO continued as he slid to the ground and then dropped to his knees in the snow next to Lex. "Pulsar what have you been doing?" he muttered, bending to check his vitals before checking which injuries needed attention first. "We'll have back boards here in a moment, just stay calm," he added with glance up at the pair of pokemon, "we'll have your trainer on the jet and patched in no time."

Lex looked bad. Really bad.


Phaethon stumbled, skidding onto his knees as a vaguely familiar voice spoke to him. the Rapidash demanded urgently, staggering back upright and casting around wildly. Going to the jet with Brimstone was the very last thing on his mind.
[Char: 3/5 turns]
Char - who was more sensible and far less confused by concussion - moved carefully forward and put a restraining hand on Phaethon's chest, still holding Potato carefully with the other. Or as Kailee said, returning to his pokeball would be ideal. The Charizard moved closer and stooped to tap the Rapidash's pokeball on Aulus' belt. He tried not to look at his trainer's injuries.


Predestined Inquisitor


Wrathful Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:16 am
Glit shifted and glared at KO, eyes thin slits and gave a peeved “Viiiiiii” in answer to his command. Her trainer was injured in the snow and she wanted him out of it. She grumbled and curled about Lex, head resting in the snow, coils resting against his skin.

Howlback looked over KO and carefully approached the other, rising up to drag her hand from shoulder down giving a firm ‘Cro,’ as she attempted to tell him where the injures were.

Lex coughed, blood spattering his lips from internal injuries. His movement jarred something since blood and some clear liquid started to seep from under his right eyelid.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:37 am
KO nodded to Howlback, quickly finding the shrapnel and flicking open his medical kit. Once he had on a pair of red latex gloves he grabbed dressings and starting to build up around the embedded objects, covering each one completely before securing the dressings in place with tape, taking care not to put any more pressure on the shards stuck into Lex's body. With that seen to he made another assessment of the patient's condition and at that point he noticed the eye; KO grimaced, counting his lucky stars that he hadn't decided to sign up for this mission.

"Take it easy Lex," he said clearly, just in case the other grunt could hear him. "It's Naos here, we're going to get you on the jet and then back home okay?" As he spoke he reached over to take one of Lex's hands. "If you can hear me squeeze my fingers." That would tell him firstly how aware Lex might be and secondly whether he could move his hands or not, the impact with the ground could easily have damaged his spinal cord.


Predestined Inquisitor


Spacey Spark

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:23 am
Blood would lead Claire's Arcanine to Hayes; the metallic scent was suffusing slowly into the edges of a shallow depression broken by a dark hummock. The blond was sprawled on his side, breathing shallowly with glassy eyes. A trickle of red ran from his ear and disappeared into his coat.

Darwin rose from the ground a dozen yards away flapping asymmetrical wings, overbalanced, and fell back into the snow.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:29 am
Glit worked with KO, using her tail and first two feet of her coils to keep her trainer steady as the shrapnel was tended to. She gave a soft coo sound, gently brushing her tail over his face, wiping away blood. Howlback settled close by, lifting her wing and swiped her tongue over the wounds, grooming to clean them out.

Lex’s faced winkled, grimacing and his eyelids flickered slowly parting slightly before shutting again. Everything hurt. He wheezed slightly and squeezed Naos hands, not at the order but reflex of something touching him before slipping back under.  


Wrathful Shapeshifter


Floppy Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:52 am
When things from the explosion finally settled down, Tiamat finally landed, panting heavily. Tama patted her neck, "Good job Tiamat." He praised her before looking to Claire as she called out if he, as well as anyone else who made it through the blast, was alright.

"I'm alright." He called back, dismounting from the Charizard's back. As soon as he planted both feet onto the ground though, his leg crumpled underneath him in pain, Tiamat rumbling in worry. "Well, as alright as I ever will be." He said. He figured some shrapnel probably caught him in the leg, slicing into something. Climbing back onto his feet though, he managed to walk up, barely with a noticeable limp.

He took note of his own Pokemon's conditions and frowned. He recalled Quidal, but when he tried to do the same for Tiamat, she refused, nosing at him worriedly. He patted her snout softly, "This is better for you.... I'm alright." He comforted before returning her to her ball.

After that was done, he looked around the area, seeing other Rockets strewn about the snow. "Is everyone alright? Anything I can do to help?" He asked, already noticing other grunts with med kits running through the snow.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:41 pm
KO looked up from his patient, incredulous at what he'd just heard from Tama. "Oh they're fiiiine, they're just taking a little nap after all that hard work," he drawled. "If you want to help you can come over here and stay with Lex until a team comes with a back board for him; talk to him, yell at the team if they take too long. Don't move him." As he spoke KO stripped off his bloody gloves, shoved them into a little bag on his hip, rubbed his hands with disinfectant gel and took a space-blanket from another pouch at his side to spread over Lex.

With his friend(?) seen to his next priority was the elite who'd been on the mission, the one who was sleeping with both the roboticist and the angry scarred martial artist according to his own wager in the betting pool. A rather pathetically flapping Pidgeot soon caught his attention and after that he spotted Elite regulation boots nearby; KO hurried over, pulling on fresh gloves as he went.

Kneeling down again he made a check of Hayes' vitals: pulse and breathing but not breathing well to say the least, he'd probably need oxygen on the jet. "Elite, can you hear me?" he asked. "I'm going to take a look at you alright? Talk to me if you can, or move your hand." From those glassy eyes he doubted Hayes was conscious but you asked, you always asked no matter what... well maybe not if their head was clearly separate from their body but barring that, you asked.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:17 pm
The Arcanine whuffed at KO as he approached Hayes, cast around to look at the others, then decided it'd be best to Stay and so she flopped her hindquarters down into the snow with a soft whump and began to thump her tail into the snow as KO did things that were Very Good.

The Typhlosion whined softly as he circled Aulus and Kailee, his ears back as he looked mostly at the fallen agent. Potato shivered in Char's grasp and made sad, pained noises, while his injured wing hung at his side.

Luckily for Claire one of the grunts hurried over to Tambrey and could more accurately assess the damage done to her, and carefully began wrapping up the bleeding areas to make them stop while being careful of the shrapnel sticking out of her, and also to stabilize her obviously injured ankle.

A number of bipedal pokemon with hands - like Machoke, Sawk, and Magmar, to name just a few - were released near the jet, and moved inside of it. They all reappeared a couple of moments later with long medical stretchers they could carry by hand, and moved - fire-types first - towards the various unconscious Rockets. A pair moved to Lex, another pair hurried over to KO with Hayes, another towards Tambrey to be moved to once the medic was done with her, and the final pair stopped near Aulus and Kailee as another medic hurried over to assess and begin bandaging up the agent.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:24 pm
The pokemon was panicking. They couldn't panic. Brim pointed and then there was Char. Kailee smiled when the pokemon went back to its ball. "Thank you..." She was still holding the gauze and then a grunt arrived with a board and a med kit. Kailee moved away to give them room. He would be fine now. The medics could handle it. She looked up. They called another over and started to prep Aulus for the move to the Jet.

Kailee headed to where she could get on the jet. It looked like the grunts had found everyone. With that she turned to go and return to the jet. There was nothing really wrong with her. She had a few scratches on her arms. A gash across her cheek and a split lip. Brimstone had a similar gash on his jaw. As she waited, feeling much less helpful now, Her hands covered in blood she moved and kinda huddled in now safety. There was nothing more she could do so she returned all her pokemon and tried to stay out of the way on the jet.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:45 pm
Char followed after his master, fading back into his usual form as he entered the jet. After casting around for a few moments he moved to sit with Kailee, draping a warm wing around her with a soft; "Charrrr," of reassurance. His trainer and his allies were strong, they had survived serious injury before and they would do so again. They had to.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:48 pm
The snow's shadows fell weirdly on the elite's face, collecting at his lips and the hollows of his eyes; when he dazedly tried to push himself up, they remained. His gaze passed over KO, unfocused and erratic; some garbled word was caught in a choking cough, specking pinkish foam at the corners of his mouth, and he sagged back again.

On his back, Darwin beat his wings; one flapped, the other fluttered, as the Pidgeot opened his beak in a silent hiss.


Spacey Spark


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:57 pm
Well that was... not great. Lungs injured then, not exactly surprising with a blast like that.

KO got on with his work, checking quickly for any bleeds he could do anything about out here before surrendering the elite to the grunts with the stretchers. Once they had him on and lifted him up KO straightened and walked along by their side, one hand lightly touching Hayes' arm in the hopes of keeping him calm so he didn't hurt himself worse. "We've got you elite, you're going to be fine," KO said in smooth, hopefully reassuring tones as they headed towards the jet. "They're already got your uh, bodyguard on board and Agent Faleen looks to be on her feet."

As Hayes was taken up onto the jet KO muttered his observations to one of the other grunts before grabbing all of the elite's pokeballs and jogging back over to the injured Pidgeot. After a couple of false starts with already occupied pokeballs he managed to return the flying type and pocketed its pokeball along with the other five before heading back towards the jet; he'd give the pokeballs to Faleen for safekeeping when he got a moment.

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