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Formerly the Mil-a-Day Giveaway, this guild is now a just great place to hangout and meet some new friends. 

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Dieu de Musique

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:03 pm

Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique
whus wrong?

I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do right now.

Current moment, I'm fighting the urge to break down.
no mental breakdowns please
just look forward to christmas break :]

After this work it IS christmas break.

Which is why I don't want to do it. But I have to. My grades are already shitty because I slacked so bad this semester. =/ Nobody knows it but me... not even my fiance.
its okay, just try your best to do the work
as long as you try, you know you did your best
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:12 pm

Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique
whus wrong?

I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do right now.

Current moment, I'm fighting the urge to break down.
no mental breakdowns please
just look forward to christmas break :]

After this work it IS christmas break.

Which is why I don't want to do it. But I have to. My grades are already shitty because I slacked so bad this semester. =/ Nobody knows it but me... not even my fiance.
its okay, just try your best to do the work
as long as you try, you know you did your best

Eh. But I didn't try, and I didn't do my best. I could've gotten straight A's this semester and I know it. I just don't apply myself where I need to.

Vice Captain

Dieu de Musique

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:13 pm

Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique

I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do right now.

Current moment, I'm fighting the urge to break down.
no mental breakdowns please
just look forward to christmas break :]

After this work it IS christmas break.

Which is why I don't want to do it. But I have to. My grades are already shitty because I slacked so bad this semester. =/ Nobody knows it but me... not even my fiance.
its okay, just try your best to do the work
as long as you try, you know you did your best

Eh. But I didn't try, and I didn't do my best. I could've gotten straight A's this semester and I know it. I just don't apply myself where I need to.
just try to try from now on
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:18 pm

Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique

I'm just overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do right now.

Current moment, I'm fighting the urge to break down.
no mental breakdowns please
just look forward to christmas break :]

After this work it IS christmas break.

Which is why I don't want to do it. But I have to. My grades are already shitty because I slacked so bad this semester. =/ Nobody knows it but me... not even my fiance.
its okay, just try your best to do the work
as long as you try, you know you did your best

Eh. But I didn't try, and I didn't do my best. I could've gotten straight A's this semester and I know it. I just don't apply myself where I need to.
just try to try from now on

Gonna have to. =/

Ugh. I even shut myself in my room and am refusing to open it for anybody. I have my iPod going (haven't installed iTunes on my new comp yet; so no music. ;P ) and I'm just singing along, heh. It's helping me calm down a little bit as I'm working.

Vice Captain

Dieu de Musique

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:25 pm

Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique

After this work it IS christmas break.

Which is why I don't want to do it. But I have to. My grades are already shitty because I slacked so bad this semester. =/ Nobody knows it but me... not even my fiance.
its okay, just try your best to do the work
as long as you try, you know you did your best

Eh. But I didn't try, and I didn't do my best. I could've gotten straight A's this semester and I know it. I just don't apply myself where I need to.
just try to try from now on

Gonna have to. =/

Ugh. I even shut myself in my room and am refusing to open it for anybody. I have my iPod going (haven't installed iTunes on my new comp yet; so no music. ;P ) and I'm just singing along, heh. It's helping me calm down a little bit as I'm working.
music always calms me down, even if its angry music XD
gotta have a level head while you're working 3nodding
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:31 pm

WHOOSH! domokun


Eloquent Lunatic

Dieu de Musique

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:33 pm

WHOOSH! domokun
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:36 pm

Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique

After this work it IS christmas break.

Which is why I don't want to do it. But I have to. My grades are already shitty because I slacked so bad this semester. =/ Nobody knows it but me... not even my fiance.
its okay, just try your best to do the work
as long as you try, you know you did your best

Eh. But I didn't try, and I didn't do my best. I could've gotten straight A's this semester and I know it. I just don't apply myself where I need to.
just try to try from now on

Gonna have to. =/

Ugh. I even shut myself in my room and am refusing to open it for anybody. I have my iPod going (haven't installed iTunes on my new comp yet; so no music. ;P ) and I'm just singing along, heh. It's helping me calm down a little bit as I'm working.
music always calms me down, even if its angry music XD
gotta have a level head while you're working 3nodding

And now I just wasted time changing my avi. ._.

Vice Captain

Dieu de Musique

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:38 pm

Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique

Eh. But I didn't try, and I didn't do my best. I could've gotten straight A's this semester and I know it. I just don't apply myself where I need to.
just try to try from now on

Gonna have to. =/

Ugh. I even shut myself in my room and am refusing to open it for anybody. I have my iPod going (haven't installed iTunes on my new comp yet; so no music. ;P ) and I'm just singing along, heh. It's helping me calm down a little bit as I'm working.
music always calms me down, even if its angry music XD
gotta have a level head while you're working 3nodding

And now I just wasted time changing my avi. ._.
LOG OFF NAO scream stressed
PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:42 pm

Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique
Dieu de Musique

Eh. But I didn't try, and I didn't do my best. I could've gotten straight A's this semester and I know it. I just don't apply myself where I need to.
just try to try from now on

Gonna have to. =/

Ugh. I even shut myself in my room and am refusing to open it for anybody. I have my iPod going (haven't installed iTunes on my new comp yet; so no music. ;P ) and I'm just singing along, heh. It's helping me calm down a little bit as I'm working.
music always calms me down, even if its angry music XD
gotta have a level head while you're working 3nodding

And now I just wasted time changing my avi. ._.
LOG OFF NAO scream stressed


Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:18 pm

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:33 am

And Then, He Said:
morning people...
what's up???
And Everybody Listened!


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:37 am

'Tis 3:40am!

And I'm still doing school work.

God save meh.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:22 am

And Then, He Said:
thanks god my college is over...
And Everybody Listened!


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:39 am

Pretty much after today at midnight, I'm done 'til January. Have an exam on Wednesday, but it's bound to be absolutely easy.

The only problem is, I have so much work that's due today.

I just want a nap. ><

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