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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:29 pm
((Sorry, I DO have a history of god modding, and I did forget several important things. However basketball is comeing soon so I won't have time to RP, so my character needs to go, just have him fall off the side or something. Again I apologize for not having time to do this myself, but I need to get ready for bed now, I'm filming a ball game tomorrow, marching in a parade on Friday, and I'm busy all weekend, and then on Monday I have basketball practice. I will porbably be able to skulk around in the main forum, so don't cry biggrin ))  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:00 pm
(OOC - alright my friend, no hard feelings - I shall give your character a noble end)

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~Captain Quincy Martin looked up at Captain Edward Hellsmere and as he handed a paper and a piece of red chalk to him, said... ~

Quincy: You can NOT defeat this foe, he has the power of regeneration AND reincarnation. Our only hope is to send him somewhere where he will never excape. There is only one spell that can do this, but I have no more energy and can't do it myself, so you must do it. I saw you drink a power potion a little bit back. That will give you enough energy for one big spell.

~Quincy indicated towards the paper and red chalk~

Quincy: Use the chalk to draw the picture in the paper around me and then chant the words at the bottom of the page. QUICKLY, Before Rymer excapes!

~Hellsmere thanked captain Martin and looked at the paper - drawing the strange ornate circle around Quincy, hellsmere began to chant - suddenly a very bright collumn of light shot down from the sky engulfing Quincy just as the field holding Rymer dispersed and was absorbed into it, sucking Rymer into the light with it - From the outside, everyone could see Rymer struggling to excape, and then they heard Quincy's voice... ~

Quincy: I'm sure you wouldn't have done the spell if I told you what it really was. It's a transferance spell that requires a sacrifice. I am the sacrifice and with my last bit of consciousness I'll send him somewhere that has the spells and power to destroy him forever. I only hope that what you face in exchange won't be as dangerous...

~Quincy's voice trailed off as the light shot back upwards into the sky taking Rymer and Quincy with it and leaving a shining white symbol 9 feet up, right where the collumn had been~

~captain hellsmere collapsed to the floor, completely drained said... ~

Hellsmere: We still need one more ally, perhaps this newcomer is the one instead of Quincy. MR, you know what to do.

~with that, hellsmere slipped into unconciousness and shadowcat dragged him off to the side and out of harms way~

~the symbol that had been gathering power to complete the transfer, suddenly flashed and shot the deck with a second collumn of white light - then it dispersed leaving a man, with long silver hair, crouched down on the deck~

~the man stood up, unfurled a single large black feathered wing, turned around and without saying so much as one word, drew his 8 foot long sword~

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(OOC - this is for you moonracer, the planned gift for the nekogirl you gave me - your choice: attack till he's dead, or change his personallity just enough to convince him to join the crew, and have your own personal sephiroth)  


Vice Captain

Demonic Gatekeeper

50,640 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
  • Shady Hands Squad 250
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:16 pm
(OOC: I'm sorry it's so freakin long! I had a lot to do? crying I sorry!!!)

Moonracer kept herself between her captain and Rymer incase he did escape before whatever needed to be said was said. She would buy her Captain more time should he need it. However, the events that unfolded were not something she expected, but then she wasn’t sure what to expect.

When the events finished and the symbol remained she heard her Captain and turned to look at him returning her swords to their sheathes. She kneels down before her captain and listens to his orders. She nods firmly her eyes hardened in resolve she would see her captain got what he desire no matter what. She watched as he fades into unconsciousness and when Shadowcat came up she utters gently but firmly, “Guard him well Shadowcat.” She stood up and turned to look and see what now came their way as Shadowcat dragged off Captain Hellsmere.

Demon turned away from the bright light closing his eyes and raising his arms. Moonracer turned her head and closed her eyes slightly but when the light faded they both turned to see a new figure standing there and he didn’t look like a push over. Moonracer watched as this new figure was already standing a single wing unfurled and she raised an eyebrow to this and then watched as he withdrew his sword as well.

She un-shoulders her musket but keeps her eyes focused on this stranger, “Maskus!” She could see the man out of the corner of her eye and tossed her musket to him, “Hold me gun if the bilge rat decides to cheat shoot ‘em between the eyes, otherwise this be me fight.” She moves her hands to the hilts of her two swords wondering how long that potion would last it’s been some time since she drank the stuff and she didn’t know how much time she had left. She glances for a moment towards Maskus, “If this be tha one the Captain wants I’ll lose this battle.” She turns her focused gaze to the new comer, “If that be the case…I trust you’ll convince him to join the Captain somehow. If not…” She smirks, “…then we’ll keep searching for the Captain’s guard.” She was showing her trust in Maskus after all no one touched her musket and she rarely trusted anyone except those that have earned it.

As she walked towards the stranger she withdrew her swords from their sheath and commands back to Demon, “Demon, help Shadowcat watch over our captain well.”

Demon nods and quickly moves over to the other side of the unconscious Hellsmere and takes up a stance his hand resting over his shoulder on the hilt of his sword ready to take on anything that got to close to them.

Moonracer walked up, “Alright stranger, let’s see if I can’t straighten out your flying.” The stranger raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly amused by the guts this female had and soon the battle began between the two. Moonracer knew her upped abilities and such wouldn’t last long but she didn’t know how long so went all out in the beginning if this was indeed the man the Captain needed then he would fair fine so she held nothing back to defeat this stranger. The stranger kept to using just his sword, if he had any other abilities he didn’t show them other then the fact he was a fighter and an exceptional one at that.

Moonracer found she was in trouble early on. Allow her to have time to observe to find a weakness and she will strike anything down faster then a flash of lighting, but this man didn’t seem to have a weakness even with her abilities upped. In fact she could tell quickly that he was only toying with her he wasn’t even going full on in this battle he was holding back. She growls at the arrogant b*****d and went for her last ditch effort move, it wasn’t just to test him he already past and she knew this was for her own damaged pride now. She’s had to work twice as hard to prove herself and here was a guy making her seem and feel more like a weak child then the first mate that she is.

She rushes towards the stranger with a deep growl and a determination burning in her eyes. She wasn’t sure how this move was going to go with being upped as she was but it didn’t stop her or slow her down. The stranger watched her “suicide” run as it appeared to be but she gained more speed as she moved her arms close to her body her swords behind her. She seemed to vanish and then appear right before the stranger crouched down he looks down in surprise she looks up with a smirk as she pushes off with a spin and a scream. It happened so quick almost like flames or energy seemed to drift off of her swords as she came up spinning, as she rises, her swords are out slashing all that is close. The stranger seemed to be caught up in the attack when she landed and the energy cleared she was dizzy from the attack but her attack was for not as the stranger appeared with a smirk and elbowed her right in the gut sending her flying across the deck and slamming into the wooden wall. She slid out of the imprint she left but part of her remained in the wall unconscious as a bit of blood trickled from the corner of her lips.

The stranger walked over to her as if he owned the ship his wing furled up now as he stood before the fallen woman. He taps her cheek with the flat side of his sword and got no reaction but noticed the breath on his sword. He looks down and readjusts his coat a bit upset that it had a couple of cuts in it. He looks back noticing the one was still down and had two protectors and then looked to the other male the one called Maskus, “Looks like another goes down… So your captain wants my sword does he?” He smirks even if the cat girl had been the one in charge he wouldn’t have talked to her and something about this guy seemed important so he spoke to him. “What’s in it for me?”

Demon growls slightly and reaches into his pocket for something, but the stranger moves his sword to Moonracer’s neck blade side to it, “Uh-uh…now you don’t want anything to happen to this one now do you?” Demon backs down slightly but only removes his hand from his pocket not the one from the hilt of his sword. The stranger nods, “That’s better.” He looks back to Maskus, “Now, where were we? Ah, yes what’s in it for me?” He smirks, “I’ll allow myself to be this guard of your Captain…IF…I get this woman.” He taps the flat side of the blade against Moonracer’s cheek.

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(OOC: I will eventually come up with a name for the stranger just give me a bit.)  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:57 am

an interresting turn around, I didn't think far enough ahead to consider what the newcomer would want in exchange for his services, oops

so now both the captain and first mate are down for the moment, and the only 3 remaining are maskus, demon, and shadowcat

and all this while the rest of the crew look on in surprise
(in case anyone forgot, both NPC crews are hiding at the edge of the ship, trying to stay out of the fight) and is gryph still up on the mast ?

{drat, almost done with my surprise, but I need the "maskus" AVI pic}

EDIT: YAY, I got the AVI from maskus, so I made my surprize. (check my first post)



L337 M4573R N!NJ4

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:30 pm
As the new stranger appeared and Rymer went down. He rushed to the newcomers side along with the captain. As he gave the captain the tools to defeat Rymer Maskus tried to ease him, make him comfortable, and gave him some of his water.

After this event he got up and began to examine the encased Rymer. No sooner had he started to examine than the captain had finished the special markings and so it began. With that there was the brilliant light Rymer and the stranger were gone and the captain was down. As soon as he arrived so did the catgirl, looking up at the tall one winged newcomer he turned to catgirl. "Here, take this and use a damp cloth and wipe some of it on his wounds or anywhere he's hurt, with what's left make him drink it all of it. It tastes awful too."

Moonracer tossed him her gun, "Aye, but we'll all be in trouble if it comes down to that" he said with a smirk. The fight between Moonracer and the stranger was evident that it was going to be a one-sided fight before too long. Moonracer was a great fighter but no matter, for however hard she tried this winged stranger was simply better. When Moonracer let her pride get the best of her he hit her the hardest. As the Stranger strutted his stuff and made his declaration to Maskus, Maskus pondered for a moment. Alot was going to be riding on him to get them out of this situation alive.

"Well stranger since you asked I suppose I should give you an answer. As the current commander I cannot grant you that luxury unless she deems it so. For I have known her only for a short time so I cannot answer for her and since the Capn' who could tell me an answer for her is disposed at the moment and he (pointing at demon) dosen't talk much. Perhaps first I should make you aware of your situation". The strangers eyebrow lifted, his face showing his curiosity and amusement.

"You Sir came in on the middle of a fight. This ship has massive holes on it's hull on the deck and all it'll take to sink it is one hit to the mast. If you look closely there are three sticks of dynamite attached to it and if you don't put that sword away that'll be the end of that." He said as he cocked back the gun in his hand pointing it towards the mast. "I'll do it with her gun, too". "Now I don't want you to think of me as not civil but if you try to harm her I will make this ship sink and unless you've got another set of those wings of yours you aren't going to make it far with the whirlpools, seabeasts, and no land for days. To boot that if I do we all won't be going together. See we have an alternate means of transportation and before you land a killing blow we'll all be gone." "Now, as for something else to entice you to join us besides existance, I'm a well connected individual, Take for instance this." Maskus drew back the gun for a moment before spinning in place and vanixhing before their eyes. He appeared again spinning but closer towards everyone. "This is a cloak of invisibility I took off a bloak who was here just earlier. Since I wouldn't trust you with this, this particular item is off the menu but I can get you something just as nice. Now are you interested?"  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:19 pm
The stranger listened to the man he was talking to and raises an eyebrow when Maskus said he couldn't grant his request, but he listens. The stranger's eyes drifted slightly to Demon when Maskus pointed to him and smirked as he utters to Maskus, "Oh...I'd say he speaks just fine and rather clearly too."

The stranger was not only getting a deadly look but was also receiving the "bird" he got the message loud and clear that guy didn't like him and could careless what happened to him. The stranger thought he spoke rather clearly personally and he respected him for it too.

He noticed though that even like that, Demon didn't have an opening in his stance, but his gaze just shifts back to Maskus. He listens to him and watched him as he offered to spare his life as well as bribe him into joining them. He stood for a few moments and seemed to be contemplating the options but only for the briefest of moments before he outright laughed. He calms his laughter fairly quickly and looks at Maskus, "I like you boy, but...you should really know your enemy before you threaten. Your whirlpools, sea beasts, and what not do not bother me in the least I've seen and lived through far worst then even your nightmares could imagine much less hold a candle too."

He smirks a bit amused but a bit darkly too, "And what if I were set off those little blasting sticks? Could you truly move fast enough to save all your comrades?" He shrugs but chuckles, "However, you've amused me and perhaps I may have use for your skills of acquiring items."

He looks about he'd need something to tell him exactly which realm this was, but if he was correct then there was indeed something here. He looks back to Maskus and lowers his sword slightly, "Tell you what boy acquire me the Mask of Solin at some point along the journey and I'll lend my services to your Captain provided it's a good fight of course, but till that mask is in my hands you'll have to give me something of value to you after all my sword isn't given on promises alone. Do we have a deal? Other wise...please ignite those sticks I think it would be fun to see how many of you I can kill before you even lower your weapon." He smirks darkly at Maskus.

The stranger's smirk though shifts into a smile, "However, I doubt it will have to come to that after all we both seem to be reasonable men and have simple demands do we not? A mask for my services but until then something of yours to show good faith and your captain will have my services even without me owning the item I want and all without any blood shed or complaint from me.Though giving me the girl would be simpler but one must take what one can get. And to show how nice of a guy I can be you can keep your cloak of invisibility I like it when my enemies see me coming it's more fun that way." He smiles darkly this guy enjoyed battles perhaps way to much but it proved he wasn't a novice when it came to fighting though the fight earlier already proved that.  

Vice Captain

Demonic Gatekeeper

50,640 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
  • Shady Hands Squad 250


PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:21 pm

And the situation heats up. I guessed that maskus would say that moonracer should make that desision for herself, and offer the stranger something else. I also guessed the the stranger would laugh thinking it nothing more then a small amusement.

So believe it or not, you guys did EXACLY what I thought you would do.
I predicted perfectly. mwahahahahaha !!!

- OOC  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:11 pm
Unbenownst to all of them a small electric blue lizard arrived with the winged man. Unnoticed by all, except perhaps Maskus, the lizard darted across the deck and hopped into the unconcious captain's pocket.

((Just wait, you'll see))


L337 M4573R N!NJ4

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:03 pm
"You'll have to tell me more about this mask later, as for your immediate item tell me what you desire and I'll see what I can do. Otherwise, we have a deal" Maskus tucked away the gun in his belt and approached the stranger whist the stranger sheathed his sword and did the same. They simultaniously reached out and shook each others hand. As they shook each stared at the other emotionless and sternly. "Alright then, first... (he turned to demon) Demon, take care of Moonracer *he tossed him a bottle from his coat* Second, let's get this hunk of junk moving in the right direction."

Maskus made his way to Rymer's old quarters and kicked the door open. Searching it over he saw the captain bed, chests that were sure to be full of treasure, and a large map on the table. (what he was looking for all along) He studied it over and over till finally... "there we head east towards here then northeast here to arrive here." Maskus walked out to the deck from there Demon helped him move the captain and moonracer into Rymers quarters where Demon and Shadowcat would watch them for a while. Maskus made his way to the Wheel and began to steer the vessel. Maskus shouted to the top of the mast, "Hey, Make yourself useful and loosen up the sails." he said to Meshi assuming it was a crewmate of the captains he didn't meet. He looked to the newly aquired guard while steering and said "Well what name do you go buy? We'll have to call you something."  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:02 am
~Shadowcat, after following maskus and demon as they put the captain into rymers old quarters, began to dig through the bag around her waist, and pulled out a small bottle similar to the one that maskus had given demon - she then popped it open and poured some into the captains mouth~

(shadowcat would have done this earlier, but was too busy with defending him)

~the captain suddenly relaxed and after an hour, woke up~  


Vice Captain

Demonic Gatekeeper

50,640 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Frozen Sleuth 100
  • Shady Hands Squad 250
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:29 pm
The stranger nods, "Agreed..." He smirks slightly and looks at Maskus, "The immediate item is something you precious most...after all it will be the 'contract' so to speak...something that I know you'll want back and will make sure I get the mask and yet I will lend my services to your captain." He thought for a moment as he eyed the man, "It would have to be something of equal value something precious to you something you'll want back, but will compensate me should you fail."

When Maskus seemed to agree and slung the musket over his shoulder the stranger gives a nod and re-sheathes his sword. He shook hands with Masks to "seal" the agreement so to speak. He looked the man right in the eyes his eyes guarded but charismatic. He released Maskus's hand and watched as he took over.

Demon had noticed something out of the corner of his eye move across the deck, but dared not move to attack it because of the tense situation. He did turn his head to get a better view but there was nothing there. He shrugged it off and returned his focus to what was going on.

Demon eyed Maskus unsure if this was such a wise idea but he gives a slight nod as he catches the vial. As he makes his way by the stranger he eyes the stranger but quickly gathers up Airiana. (There Moonracer has a name. It's the best I could come up with.) Once Maskus was finished searching for something Demon helped bring in the Captain and first mate and let Shadowcat tend to the captain while he tended to Airiana using the vial that Maskus gave him and then watches over her.

The stranger while the others were busy looked at the gaping whole in the deck that went pretty far down. He looks over the edge to and smirks a bit, and figured this crew would be lucky if this tub reached land of any kind...but then this wasn't his home lands maybe it was nicer here...had to be if they weren't sinking already.

He walks over and pulls the sticks of dynamite from the mast and mutters, "Don't want these going off and damaging my payment." He then walks back over to the whole and looks down at it again, and shrugs then walks back up to the wheel. He thinks to himself, 'I'll deal with it should I have to if not they need not know.' He looks to Maskus when he came back out and took over the wheel and looks forward. He thought about the simple question that man asked him but shrugs slightly, "I don't have..." He stops himself and shakes his head slightly, "Take that back I was given one, Eclipse. You can call me that everyone else did..." He smirks darkly at the memory.

Demon nods to the Captain when he woke up and continued to tend to the first mate Airiana Tempest. Her wounds were healed and her body was resting as it still needed rest from that last battle.

Demon looks to the Captain and points to the door to indicate the others were out there. His gaze turns back to Airiana and he just sits and watches over her.

(They're the best names I could come up with sorry they aren't very...pirate like, but one ain't no pirate. lol)  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:51 pm
~Shadowcat, after following maskus and demon as they put the captain into rymers old quarters, began to dig through the bag around her waist, and pulled out a small bottle similar to the one that maskus had given demon - she then popped it open and poured some into the captains mouth~

(shadowcat would have done this earlier, but was too busy with defending him)

~the captain suddenly relaxed and after an hour, woke up~

The lizard waited until the captain had regained consciousness before crawling out onto one of the chairs in the room. Ignoring the captains startled stares the lizard slowly grew larger until it was as big as Cap. Hellesmere and sat in the seat like a regular person. Standing up it stepped towards the captain and bowed on one knee. Growling in a guttural tone through a mouth full of needle sharp teeth he said, "Captain, I would be honored to server on your crew. I have been sent to study human culture. Here is a list of my attributes." The lizard/man pulled a yellowed and burnt piece of parchment out of an invisible pocket and placed it in the captains hand. Then, with unearthly speed and agility, jumped the the far wall of the room.



PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:55 pm

List of the Attributes and Advantages of Hiring Klen, of the Lizard Men

*The rest of the document is written in strange symbols often including lightning bolts*

*Reverse Side*

To on Earth Do:

1. Engage in the pirate festivities known as brawls.

2. Meet a "wench".

3. Attend a Parley

4*More odd symbols*
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