Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:39 pm
After a while Scarlet slowly walked out of the building seeing that a train had come. Perfect! she said as she quickly walked over to the train and ran in sitting at the back. She brought her knees up and hugged them and waited for the train to go. She still didn't know what was going on and she looked into a bag she had with her. She pulled out a couple things and a couple of necklaces all the with the same symbol. "What the....." She thought quietly. Again she tryed to remember what the hell was going on. Apperantly the only thing she could remember was her name and the flash backs she had that didn't really make much sense.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:40 pm
"Just be calm, and if you have anything that will identify you as a Nobody, Hide it." Zenjin said slowly
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:42 pm
"Alright let me hide these blades really quick"Snyn threw his blades into his coat and attached them to the inner latches used to clip on stuff and then said "Hey should we get on that train?"
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:47 pm
June shook her headache off, standing back up as the shadow move to the previous barrier in front of her feet. she looked over to where Zenjin and the other guy was and walked over to them. the memories that she kept she used more as an encyclopedia, taking no action even though she remembered what that symbol was for now.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:48 pm
"I dont know really" He said to Snyn
"Scarlet?...what are getting on the train for?. I dont even think its gonna move for awhile."
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:49 pm
Scarlet wanted the train to hurry up and go. She untangled all the necklaces with the weird symbol that she doesn't really know if she's seen it before. She put everything back in the bag except for one of them. She closely examined it trying to remember where she got it or how. She looked down to see she was wearing a necklace but it wasn't like the one she was holding it was a red almost crimson colored stone.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:50 pm
june smiled kindly at the man next to Zenjin, extending her hand in greeting. "Hello, I'm June." she said. her free hand gripped the keychains tightly.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:52 pm
"Hello,I'm Snyn" Snyn said as he extended his hand and shook hers while whispering to Zenjin "Hey she seems friendly"
((is ure name from World of Warcraft Zenjin cause it sounds like it))
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:54 pm
when Snyn shook her hand, she tightened her grip on the keychains. almost as if they would leave permanent imprints on her palm. She released the shake, bringing the hand over to her keychains as non-awkwardly as possible. one began to vibrate, sparkling slightly.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:57 pm
"She is.." he said as he began to walk towards Scarlet. He walks over and sits next to her. "Scarlet....i'll tell you what those mean...you just have to play along for a bit..that June person is not very nice to our..Kind...we must get away from her..." He said so quiet that only Scalret could hear him.
((Lol no. but hey thats a good idea.))
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:01 pm
When the keychain seemed to calm down, june dropped her hands to her sides softly. she looked over at the train and cringed slightly. she saw Zenjin and the girl that almost fainted inside. She questioned how they would have the guts to go in there, even if it were their symbol on the train. an idle train is usually unsafe to travel on. She turned back to Snyn, sighing.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:01 pm
Scarlet looked up at the guy that sat next to her. She looked at him almost confused. "What do you mean our kind?" She whisphered back trying to figure out things, almost giving herself a headache. "I'm sorry but i don't know anything, I've seemed to have lost my memory so how." She sighed and looked down at the necklace with the symbol.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:03 pm
"Well I'm going to check out that train i feel like i need to be on it"Snyn said as he walked to the train with Scarlet and Zenjin.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:05 pm
June stood on the paltform, unsure whether it would be safe to step on the black ground. instead she took a step back to the opposite wall, and leaned against it. she watched them in the idle train, her facial expression more disapproving than it should have been. her keys jangled loudly when she hit the wall, and she looked down at them after a few moments. She pulled off the whole keyring itself and examined all of the keychains on it, especially the one that had begun to sparkle earlier.
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:13 pm
"Like i said ill explain later. just stay on the train, i know where it goes."
Zenjin looked at Snyn "Theres one more guy out there that is with us. we need to all gather together without June around."