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Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:46 pm
Daniel paused and looked back at Elenore when she spoke, though it was so quiet he'd barely caught it. He nodded but didn't actually speak before looking back ahead. He stepped back, allowing her to walk beside him. Men like Ruggles Daniel had come across before and he didn't want to leave her alone in his presence. He didn't trust Fredrico Ruggles any further than he could throw him, though he very much would have liked to see how far that was. But he had to force that thought from his mind. Things like that were no longer part of his life. It was for the best, he told himself. For the best for him and for the best for everyone he knew.
And yet, some days he really missed his old life. Of course, he didn't miss the drama or the near-death experiences. But he missed the way he used to be able to threaten people into doing what he wanted and knowing he could get away with it. Granted, most of the time he wouldn't have had to threaten people but others, like Mr. Ruggles, he very much would have liked intimidating into leaving Elenore alone. But even as he thought that, he knew it wouldn't last. If that really did happen, Ruggles would simply wait until Daniel had his back turned before going after Elenore. No matter what happened, she would end up the loser.
Sighing deeply, he pulled himself from his thoughts. That's not who he was anymore. He wasn't the prodigy fighter he used to be. He wasn't the swift-footed thief he used to be. He was just a regular guy with a regular job with a regular, perverted, manipulating a** of a boss. How depressing.
When he thought of what had happened to his life, he realized that he'd become the person he wanted to be but he was still discontent. It seemed to him that no matter what he did, there was always something that he wasn't happy about. Before, he'd been unhappy with his profession, his lack of stable housing and the violence that surrounded him. Now, he was unhappy about his boss and the fact that this guy thought he could get away with perving on his female employees. The things he had now would have solved his problems before and the things he'd had before would have solved his current problems. He just couldn't win.
When they finally reached the door, he stepped back, motioning for her to go first. "I'm right behind you," he told her quietly.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:33 pm
(( ninja ))  


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:45 pm
Elenore shivered slightly as she continued to walk. This isn't want she would call a celebration since most people got good news from their bosses when they called them personally with a nice, friendly tone. Of course for Mr. Ruggles would say it was the best part of his day when he called his workers up to see him. It was all disgusting, enough to make her want to run to the nearest bathroom and throw up but sadly that wasn't an option quite yet. Swallowing, she glanced over at Daniel who happened to pause for a moment. Giving him a grateful look, she felt like a load had been taken off her chest.

Slowly, she reached out and took the door handle before turning it and pulling it. It didn't take long before she was walking in and she hoped that Daniel hadn't changed his mind at the last second but then again.. he didn't seem like the type of person to back out of something at the last moment. Taking in a deep breath, she plastered a small smile on her face since that was all she could manage at the moment and walked up to his desk, wishing she had worn flats today instead of heels and jeans would have been wonderful.

Raising his eyes from his desk, he looked at the door as it opened, someone was hesitantly and he could guess who it was. A sly smile appeared on his face as he say Elenore. "Good morning Ms. Darling." he said right before he say the busboy walk in as well. What was he doing hanging around that woman all the time?

Another chill ran down her spine as she saw his smile and heard his voice. "Good morning." she simply answered. "You wanted to see me. Is this to discuss the new project proposal?" she asked, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:24 pm
Daniel smiled down at Elenore at the look she gave him. It looked to him as if the world had been taken off her shoulders with his comment. He could understand that. Ruggles was not the type of person a woman wanted to be around, and possibly even that men didn't want to be around. He wasn't entirely sure but it wouldn't have surprised him if it came out that Ruggles swung both ways, wouldn't have surprised him in the least. After all, people like him, they liked manipulating people, male and female both, and if that was the only way to do it, so be it. All the more reason why Daniel wasn't about to let Elenore face Ruggles alone.

As Elenore hesitantly opened the door and walked in, he watched as she plastered a fake smile on her face. He felt sorry for her. He really did. She had enough trouble with the three kids of hers without having to deal with Ruggles and his out-on-control libido as well. No one should have had to put up with that. If he'd still been involved in underground affairs, he may have considered getting Ruggles killed but he wasn't. Besides, if he was still involved with the underworld, he would have been able to take care of Ruggles himself but he couldn't risk it being traced back to him. Even though he wouldn't get Ruggles killed, he still wished he could, especially at the thought of him trying to force Elenore into something she didn't want.

When Elenore walked in, he waited a moment before walking in after her. The moment he stepped in, he saw Ruggles's face and he knew the man was not pleased to see him. That made him feel a little better. Ruining Ruggles's day seemed like a very satisfying way to spend his time.

When Elenore spoke, Daniel stepped to the side of the door and leaned back against the wall. After all, it would be horribly rude of him to distract Mr. Ruggles's attention from her by placing the deliveries before him, now wouldn't it? So, he would simply stand back and let them discuss whatever it was. He was so considerate of others, it sometimes amazed him.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:29 pm
Elenore saw the look of disappointment on his face and it seemed like Daniel was thankfully sticking around. "Well?" she crossed her arms, feeling a bit more safe now, though she didn't sit down in the seats that were provided.

"I have a proposal that was approved by the company. I wanted you to start working on that and set everything else aside for now since this is a rushed order." he answered before picking up a package and handing it to her.

Taking the package, she avoided making any contact at all with him before she nodded her head. "Alright, I'll get to it then. Good bye Mr Ruggles." she said as she turned around and hurried out, wishing that she could run in these heels but then again it would be best if she didn't run out, that would only let him know that she was afraid of what could happen.. he would find how to use that fear to his advantage as far as she knew. Walking out the door, she headed towards the elevator though she was planning on waiting for Daniel once she got there.

Now that she thought about it.. he really was a nice guy, the kids even seemed to like him. Leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes for a moment, letting herself daydream as she smiled softly. Even if it probably would never happen, dreaming wouldn't hurt.. right? What was the point in it though?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:24 pm
Daniel remained silent throughout the entire situation, his eyes darting back and forth between Elenore and Ruggles. He could see the disappointment clearly on Ruggles's face and held back a smirk. He loved disappointing people like him. It was just so much fun. The fact that he saved Elenore from whatever Ruggles had had planned was just a bonus.

When it turned out Ruggles had work for her, he didn't believe for a second that it was merely for that that she'd been called up. However, he didn't say anything, watching as he gave her her assignment and she left. Watching for a moment as she walked out the door, he turned his attention back to Ruggles and pushed himself away from the wall. Walking over, he placed all the packages on the man's desk since they were all for him anyway.

Deciding it was best not to stick around for whatever Ruggles's reaction would be to his presence, Daniel left the office and pulled the door closed after him. Sighing deeply, he relaxed now that he was finally out of danger. Granted, he'd never actually been in danger but Ruggles set him on edge, something that he had connected to danger during his years on the street.

Slowly making his way back towards the elevator, he was actually quite glad he'd gotten those packages to deliver to Ruggles. Who knew what could have happened if he hadn't been there? Knowing Ruggles, he probably would have pressured or blackmailed her into sleeping with him. He wouldn't put anything past the man. He really wouldn't. As he turned the corner and approached the elevator, he spotted Elenore standing there and quickened his pace to catch up as the elevator door opened.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:43 pm
Elenore pushed the button after a moment as she waited for the elevator doors to open. It could take forever at times. She really wished they could get some different elevator music as well, it would be nice. Hearing the footsteps, she looked up to see Daniel walking towards her just as the elevator opened.

Walking in, she put her hand on the door to make sure it didn't close until Daniel came in. She doubted he wanted to stay on the top floor with Mr. Ruggles. Who did? She felt bad for his personal secretary but then again, the woman always seemed to be pretty happy and in a good mood. Letting go of the door when Daniel had come in, she pressed the floor that they were on.

"Thanks.. I never really got to thank you before I walked in. This is the third time you've helped me in these two days and what have I done?" she shook her head. "It seems like you're my knight in shining armor." of course it was a joke, and she hoped he wouldn't take it the wrong way. Leaning against the wall, her heels clicked against the floor right before the lights flickered.

The elevator had gotten stuck more than once since she had been here but she would have never thought that it would happen to her. The movement had come to a stop and she thought the doors would open any second but they didn't which only made her heart beat faster. "Please don't tell me we're stuck." she swallowed. Elenore had never loved being trapped somewhere and right now, that's how she felt. Was this some kind of payback that she had gotten away from Mr. Ruggles? She really hoped it wasn't.. but you never knew...
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:57 pm
Daniel hurried as the elevator doors opened and Elenore stepped on. He smiled when he saw her hold the doors open until he had stepped onto the elevator. Leaning against the back wall, he watched as Elenore pushed the button for the floor she wanted. He would press the button for the bottom floor once she got off. As the doors closed, the music sounded in his ears and he ground his teeth. It was one of the few, illogical things that really rubbed him the wrong way.

When she spoke, Daniel looked down at her and smiled. "No thanks is necessary," he told her. "Getting to piss off Ruggles was more than enough reason to help." The fact that he saved her from Ruggles was a reason as well but he would really do that for anyone, though he was more inclined to help her since he now knew her personally.

He smiled when she called him her knight in shining armor and shook his head. "Nah. I'd never be able to stay on the horse." He'd tried once and had fallen off. He could run alone the edge of rooftops without a problem, or at least he could have the last time he'd tried, but he was as balance-less as a newborn when it came to horses. Michael had, of course, laughed at him for five minutes afterward.

He was about to say something else when the elevator suddenly stopped and the lights flickered then went out. Frowning, he looked up and around. When the doors didn't open, his frown deepened. He'd complained more than once that they needed to do maintenance updates on the elevators but would anyone listen? Oh no. His opinion didn't matter because he was just the delivery boy.

When Elenore spoke, he looked over at her. He sincerely hoped she wasn't claustrophobic or anything. He wasn't, having long since gotten over that fear. When he'd been in the gang, they'd more than once sent him into places where he'd had to stay crouched in a small space for long periods of time. Sometimes, he'd even gotten stuck and, hours later, they'd had to go and get him out. "Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine." After all, all the other people that had gotten trapped had gotten out just fine.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:12 pm
When the lights went out, she couldn't help but feel a chill running down her spine. Wonderful, just wonderful.. She would have been fine as long as she could have seen where an exit was going to appear but now there was nothing. Pitch black. Moving over a little bit, her shoulder brushed against his own before she moved away slightly, after all, he probably wouldn't want her that close. Closing her eyes for a moment, she heard his voice.

"Fine? Really?" she let out a nervous laugh. Elenore could not relax for the life of her. All her muscles were tense. Of course she wouldn't be pounding against the walls or anything but she wouldn't be able to sit there and fall asleep. Biting her lip, she then let out a shaky sigh.

Her phone was still in her office and she honestly doubted that she would even be able to get reception in here. A distraction would have been perfect at the moment but there was none. Lowering her head she couldn't help but feel like she was in a coffin or something. Her hand reached out and she put her palm against the stainless steel wall.

"I don't think I'm ever going to be able to go into an elevator again." she said as she shook her head. Think about something else.. think about something else, she continued to tell herself that but the only other thing that came to mind was what she had been thinking about before she had gotten on the elevator and that was just awkward since he was right there.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:22 pm
Daniel continued to look around the elevator, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the darkness. However, it was simply too dark with no source of light at all. Sighing, he leaned back against the wall but jumped when he felt something brush against his shoulder. It took him a moment to realize that it had been nothing more than her shoulder and he forced himself to relax, mentally berating himself for being so jumpy.

When Elenore spoke to him, he smiled weakly. He could hear the nervousness in her voice. "Yeah, really." Leaning back against the wall, he slid down until he was sitting. Even if they did manage to get out alright, it would still be quite the wait while people realized the elevator was broken and got someone in to rescue them.

Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back against the wall. Whenever he was in a dark space, he would close his eyes. That way, it didn't seem so dark even though he knew it was. He didn't have a problem with the dark but he certainly preferred the light, any amount of light. Maybe that was why he didn't have a problem walking around at night, the moon would always light his path.

When Elenore spoke again, he smiled again. "You will," he told her. "You'll have to, unless you want to climb who knows how many stairs everyday." Then again, she may very well end up doing that if she was traumatized enough. Granted, being stuck in an elevator wasn't exactly what he would call scarring but he didn't know if she had a problem with the dark or enclosed spaces where she was trapped. So, he decided that a distraction was in order, for himself as well as her. "So what's up with Nick? Surely he wasn't always an insomniac."


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:38 pm
She had felt him jump and that only sent her even more on end. Biting her lower lip, she heard him slide down as well, probably to sit. She hated complete darkness and not being able to see where everything was. Elenore slowly sat down when she heard his question. Nick.. she didn't even know where to start.

"I think I would rather climb the stairs. It's good exercise anyway." she shrugged before closing her eyes and tilting her head back. "Even if my feet do kill me by the end of the week.." she sighed and lowered her head then, not knowing how to start on the question he posed with Nickolas.

"No.. he wasn't. I'm guessing it started since we moved... split." she couldn't think of anything else that could have possibly caused it. "I'm just ashamed that I only found out about it yesterday." running her fingers over her face, she wished she had paid more attention to her kids.. after all they didn't have a father anymore but she always had so much work to do.. she wouldn't use that as an excuse anymore though.

"I came home one night.. and he was cheating on me." her voice was indifferent, low even. "I told the kids to pack a few things and we left that night. He didn't even notice until a few hours later, when I was supposed to come home." she stayed silent for a little while after that.

"Nickolas didn't have a father anymore.. Deserai was born a few months later and all I could think about was getting a job to support my family. There was no way I was giving them up to their father. That's when it probably started.." her lips formed into a straight line and she fell silent once more only this time she didn't say anything else, her mind lost in her memories.. those had been stressful times.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:52 pm
When Elenore said she would still rather climb stairs, that it would be good exercise, Daniel chuckled lowly. She said that now but how would she feel at the end of that week? She wouldn't be able to walk at all. He knew he wouldn't have been able to. It would have been even worse for her because of her high heels. He never had understood the reasoning behind those.

When she answered his question about Nicholas, then continuing speaking about her husband and what had happened after she'd found him cheating, Daniel remained silent, not only because she had his full attention but because he knew how much it annoyed him when he was trying to talk and people kept interrupting him. At least, that was how he used to feel, when people still talked to him. Now, it was mostly just Michael, Elenore and the few random people he came across. And Max. He wasn't crazy but when he was alone in his house at night, it was nice to have someone, something, to talk to.

It didn't really surprise him to find out what had happened. He had seen the anger in Nicholas's movements when he'd been walking the boy home that one night. The boy hadn't been angry but the pain of betrayal had practically oozed from him. He doubted very much that most would have seen it but he'd long since learned how to read people. Nicholas wasn't handling it well at all and it didn't surprise Daniel to find that she suspected his late-night walks had started after she'd left with him and his sister; sisters, as it would become.

"It's not your fault," he told her. It wasn't her fault she hadn't known. How could she have? She wasn't home. It sounded bad but it was true. She wasn't there to find out. Besides, Daniel suspected that even if she had been home, Nicholas would still have found a way to hide it from her. The kid was smart, no doubt about that.

Personally, if he had been in Elenore's situation, he would have shot the b*****d. Then again, that was him and she wasn't him. She wasn't a violent person. He could already see that. She didn't deserve to be cheated on. Granted, no one did but especially not her. She was too good. That guy was an idiot. "Did you divorce him?" It was none of his business but he wanted to know.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:06 pm
It was strange to talk about what had happened years ago after being silent for so many years.. after all she really didn't have a social life anymore. Sure, there was her aunt and people at work but that was it. She was too tired by the time she got home to do anything else but take care of her kids, like cooking dinner.

When he said it wasn't her fault, she blinked. How was it not her fault? She was his mother, mother's were supposed to know these things at least that's what she thought. She didn't really have a motherly figure to look up to.. someone she could get advice from and her father, well she never really talked to him these days.

Hearing his question, she nodded her head but then realized he couldn't see her. "Yes. I don't do well with betrayal... Nicholas got that from me. Besides, I know that it wasn't the first time that he did it anyway." Pulling her knees up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her forehead against her knees. "I just never fully believed it.." she mumbled.

Taking in a deep breath, she kept her eyes closed. Of course he sent money since that was his part, but she never used it. She put it away in a savings account so that Grace, Nicholas, and Deserai could get the chance to go to college. She tired to never use that money but when times got hard she took a little bit here and there.

"Well enough about me.. what about you?" she asked, wanting to get the spotlight off of her life. "Don't have a wife waiting for you at home every night?" she nudged him gently, teasing him and she hoped he wouldn't take it personally. It was just to lighten the mood a little bit since the area was so dark.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:42 pm
((I got to go. Goodnight))

Daniel sat there in silence, his knees bent and his forearms resting on top of his knees. He kept his eyes closed simply because if he opened them, he would end up straining them in his attempt to see. It would certainly save from doing a lot of damage. In the darkness, he could hear more clearly the sound of his heart beating. In fact, being as still as he was, he could feel it. It wasn't a sensation he felt often, usually when he was laying in bed, waiting for sleep to claim him.

When Elenore finally spoke, he nodded slowly in understanding. He was surprised to find that he was actually pleased at the news that she'd divorced the man. It shouldn't have made a difference to him whether she'd divorced him or not, right? It was simply for the fact that he felt she deserved to find true happiness rather than stay with a guy like that. At least, that's what he told himself.

He smiled when she said that Nicholas got his non-tolerance from her but his smile faded when she said that it wasn't the first time her ex had cheated, that she simply hadn't fully believed it. At he sat there, he was shocked by the urge he had to go out, find this man and shoot him. It wasn't like him to be so protective of someone he hardly knew. What made her so special?

Daniel was pulled from his thoughts when Elenore spoke again, nudging him. He smiled at the teasing tone in her voice. It was much better than her sounding nervous or upset, or indifferent like when she had spoken about her ex's cheating. However, at the question itself, he sighed. "No, no wife for me. Just Max, my cat. Well, he's convinced that I'm his human. I've found that's a common factor in pet cats. They act as if they own the place." He distinctly tried to stay away from the subject of him lacking a wife. The fact was, he did want to marry but he hadn't found the right woman yet. That, or he had but he'd pushed her away. Or he'd met her in his early years and had screwed up any chance he'd had of a relationship with her.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:59 pm
It was so quiet now.. well at least now she knew why they had that elevator music, it was supposed to keep things from becoming awkward. Hearing his answer to her question, she couldn't help but wonder if he was in a relationship, even if it wasn't as serious as being married. Asking that though.. well, she didn't know if she should do it.

"I'm guessing that he's protective and possessive of you as well." she answered with a small smile. Keeping her head lowered after that, she kept her eyes closed as well for the same reason that he was keeping his own closed. Biting her lip, she stayed quiet but the silence sent another chill down her spine. How long was it going to take them to fix the elevator again?

If she started thinking about the elevator too much that would not end well. So she turned her thoughts back to Daniel. He hadn't said anything about another relationship.. had there been something before? The same thing as her? Considering how late he had stayed over yesterday, she doubted that he had any young kids waiting for him at home. "What about kids?" she asked, a little bit hesitant since she didn't want to push any buttons and she didn't know if she was treading through deep water yet. Hopefully things wouldn't be completely ruined between them after they got out of this mess.
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