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Byako, City of Everything

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Byako, the city of everything. A city hundreds of miles in size where anything can and does happy on a daily basis Join the random sillyness 

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:05 am
Leaning back against the wall in shock from the near miss, Summery fired at the large turtles head as it retracted from the shell.  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:21 pm
as the head popped out, the turtle looked around to see if his jump had worked. turning his head to face the intruder there was a look of confusion on his face as he wondered what the brown dot he was seeing was.

then the bolt impacted. the yellowish skin of the unfortunate oversized bipedal turtle glowed for a split second, and was gone in an explosion of red and squishy and fire.

meanwhile, the plumber exited another one of the pipes and said "Nothing through that one... those two. Want me to check the next one?  


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:25 pm
"Yes please."

Summery said as she bent forward from her perch to try getting a better look to see if the turtle was dow nfor the count
PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:08 pm
the plumber hopped down from the pipe and hugged the wall over to the next pipe.

the giant turtle, now seemingly headless, fell backwards with an odd sqishy sound and stopped twitching after a moment.

the other four shells continued to bounce about the chamber.  


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:32 pm
Aiming at the ground in the middle of the room, Summery fired another explosivbe quarrel. Hoping to create a small put in the ground for the bouncing turtles to fall into.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:56 pm
the bolt hit the ground, started to richochet, and exploded. the shockwave from the explosion sent the shells temporarily airborne, and threatened to do the same to the plumber and summery. the plumber jumped to avoid being launched.

the floor, other than a few scorch marks, seemed entirely unaffected.  


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:31 pm
Summery fell backwards against the wall and looked around for the plumber to see if he was alright. Assured and seeing the shells had not yet touched down, Summery looked around for the princess she was supposed to rescue.  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:13 pm
Taylor slowed to a halt. Somewhere, somehow he had ended up in the underways. But, it was a section that was unexplored. Light shone down into the ruins that lay before him. It was a sight that could only be explained by seeing it. But I shall try to do it justice.

The ruins were tall, and the cave area that they took up was atleast three or four city blocks. Or from what Tayor could see atleast. In the distance, a waterfall's roar echoed, mist flying high into the air from the three hundred foot drop. A rainbow spaned the length of the mist cloud that the waterfall created.

A lake took up most of the floor, the only way to get around were stepping stones that were created from unfathomly tall pillars that reached down into the dark depths of the water. The waters surface was like glass, clean and untouched as the ruins around the cavern kept the waterfalls influence to a minamum. The water itself was cold, keeping the humid and hot lights temprature from heating up the cavern to an unbearable temprature.

The ruins that stood directicly infront of Taylor, were old. He couldnt even begin to guess how old they were. They could be compaired to old Korean ruins, or Incan ruins. Vines, moss, trees and other vegitation grew intertwining with the rocks and other stone work.

To be blunt, it was a breautiful sight.

Taylor stood there for a moment longer, taking it all in. He was at the bottom level. Looking up at everything was awe inspiering. With the ray of light that shone into the cavern, Taylor could see everything. Its bright light illuminated the entire cavern enough that Taylor's eyes could clearly see everything, though where he stood, it was easier to look out into the light then into the darkness.

Taylor took a step forward and held onto the yellow messanger bag at his side as he crouched then lept onto a small stepping stone. He used his momentum to keep going, jumping to the next stepping stones. On the last stepping stone his footing slipped and his right foot dunked into the water. But he landed safely to the other side, reaching a large platform.

Shaking his foot to get the excess water off he cursed alittle as he looked forwards. The only place to go was up. So thats where he was going to start going.


Aged Autobiographer

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Aged Autobiographer

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:24 pm
Looking at it all, from his new view. Taylor couldnt belive it. The place was huge. It was something from a game, or a movie. He never thought he would see something like this.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Taylor broken into a slow jog, jogging up old stone stairs that went in a circle around what could have been an old tower. It only went up one flight to the next level, but it was enough. From there, Taylor could see more. And when he came to the top of the stairs he broke into a dead run, sprinting to the ledge. His right foot planted hard on the ledge and pushed, vaulting him into the air. His left hand gripped the hard plastice messanger bag as he right reached out into the air.

With a tuck and a roll he landed on the other side of the six foot gap. There, on the this platform were some old stone tables, or rather huge blocks of stone that were covered with engravings and moss.

Taylor walked over to one of them and placed a hand on it, letting his fingers feel the soft moss and the hard stone work meshing together to make an odd sensation. It was alittle warmer, being closer to the light, but it wasnt unbearable. Even the sound of the waterfall had grown louder, along with the view of the unimaginably tall falls. It was nice, being free...

Free... Something he hadnt known in along time.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:32 am
Mist lightly pricked Taylor's face as he stepped through a stone archway. The stonework under his feet were covered his a thin layer of moisture from the small amount of mist that made it this far out. Where to go from here, that was the one thing that Taylor wondered. Then, out of the corner of his eyes, a red stone. It was a vaulting point, perfect for making longer leaps.

But Taylor shook his head a few times, and the red faded from the stone work. He looked at the block of stone for a moment, walking over and touching it with his hands. It wasnt painted, so what the hell?

He wasnt going to question it to much, it had shown him where to go.

He moved back as far as he could in the small open room then with a burst of speed he ran at the stone blocks. He pushed up with one leg, then the other as he climbed the two steps before vaulting off of the second and final one and into the air. He soared for a moment then reached out and grabbed onto a ledge, just barely grabbing it with his fingertips. He looked down at the now three story drop and shook his head before he pulled himself up, struggling to keep his finger hold.


Aged Autobiographer

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Aged Autobiographer

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:48 am
Taylor didnt dare look down or backwards, only forwards. He pulled himself up, onto the next stone platform he had leaped to. Standing up and dusting himself off he looked around. He had gained some ground, which let him see more of where he was going. It was an amazing sight that only increased in its beauty as he went. The platform that he was son now was small, but sturdy. The stone masonry that was used to build the old stone structures was surprisingly good, especially for its old age.

Taylor looked around, for his next route to go. Without really thinking, he started running towards the edge. He launched himself into the air, reaching for a vine that was hanging from the large hole above. However because of the mist, the vine was to slick, and Taylor's hands slipped off of the vine. Still moving forward as he fell, his only remaining option was to tuck and roll.

So just as he landed, Taylor's legs bent and he rolled, breaking the fall that he had just taken. Taylor looked head and continued to run, banking to the right as he sprinted at full speed. The Ruins that he ran through intertwined with the cavern around it, ledges of the stone platforms led to ridges and ledges of the cavern and back again.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:58 pm
The white paint spread fluidly on the face of a man tied to a chair tightly. "Don’t believe in ghosts do you?"
said the masked painter. "You certainly look like one to me. Do you like your new haunting grounds?"
The man angrily mumbled through the cloth in his mouth. "What’s that now?" Tatiana grinned beneath her mask.
Then grabbed the cloth and yanked it off his head. The chair bounced backward she grabbed the back of the
and set it right again. "You’re going to die. I’ll see to it. My men will find you" the man blubbered
"Oh I do love it when men are involved." she giggled "now now don’t worry I will find your men for you.
now be a good boy Mr. reed we aren’t finished preparing you for your haunt." She slowly pulled the the paintbrush
along his cheek. Mr. Reed struggled pulling at the ropes that bound him. He stared at the dagger placed conspicuously
on the ledge in front of him. Tatiana took a step back and watched him. "Being a ghost isn’t so bad Mr. Reed. You get
to visit all those lovely people you and your men disemboweled. I’m sure there would be much conversation."
"Ill visiting your guts soon" He replied as he strained against the ropes." "Oh goody!" She laughed again.
"In need of guts eh. your type always does" His type did indeed need guts. He and his gang suffered
from a severe lack of guts. So they murdered their victims as the slept in a drug induced dreamland.
The ropes snapped and Mr. Reed went flying forward towards the dagger. As his hands gripped the dagger
He grinned madly. "You’re dead now" Tatiana just stood there. "Really right now!" she looked at her hands
and down at feet. "Sorry your diagnoses is incorrect" The wannabe gangster ran forward and shoved the dagger
into her chest. He began to laugh hysterically. Tatiana grabbed at her chest "oh oh I’m melting" she
swayed back and forth until she was at the floor of tunnel. "Oh what a world oh what a world" she flung her hands
into the air as if in a dramatic dying scene. It occurred to Mr. Reed that this didn’t seem right. However
he did not have time to figure it out. As Tatiana jumped grabbed his collar and threw him head first
into the wall. There was a loud crack as his skull broke open. She leaned down and picked the toy dagger
from his dead hand. She stabbed herself with it and giggled. "Maybe you should hunted down some brains
but don’t worry you can haunt for some now. She giggled. Turning she kicked the chair against the wall and
began picking up her equipment. "Well that was fun" she pulled off her mask and put it in her bag. She
removed her disguise and armor and stuffed them into the bag. Now wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans.
She began to walk down the tunnel. "So sorry Mr. Reed it’s time for me to go. Do come visit sometime"  

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:46 pm
A sharp turn, the sound of Taylor's special shoes skidding on the rockbed, heavy foot falls as Taylor continued to hard run down the tunnels. Jump, hurrdel vault, land, roll, sprint. It was like watching something from a movie, his moves all perfect as he ran, like his body just knew what to do instinctivly without any help from his mind.

Keep running... Dont stop Taylor...

A voice echoed into his mind. The faster he ran, the longer he could avoid this hurt in his heart. He knew that much atleast.

Taylor slowed to a halt as he neared another ledge. The roar of the waterfall that wasnow very close, drowned out the any other sound around. Taylor stepped onto the ledge and looked down. He had gone up another level, and the distance to the bottom was becoming increasingly high.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:45 am
Taylor kept his gaze downwards, looking at the steep ledge that led to the water down below. To his relief there was a path that continued onwards. But, where did it lead besides up? That was the point of an adventure wasnt it though?

Taylor started to jog, following the path that seemed to lead to the waterfall. The path was to convenient to be natural. Almost as if it was apart of the culture that had left this marvelous place behind.

Water droplets speckled Taylor's face as he began to pick up speed. Why though? He didnt have an answer for that question, why speed up? He just, felt like it was the right thing to do, it felt like he could run away forever. To keep moving and never be caught by anyone, to stay free from the grip of reality around him. That was what he wanted wasnt it?


Aged Autobiographer

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Aged Autobiographer

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:41 pm
The roar of the falls surrounded him as he stood behind the wall of water. Mist coated him, soaking his clothes through and through in cool water. Taylor stood there for a moment, arms spread, eyes closed as he just let the cool water wrap him in its cool embrace. It felt great to be this free.

But his freedom couldnt last forever could it? Someone or something might be lurking out there, in the shadows of the massive ruin covered cavern that he was in. It was in all the movies, places like this gaurded by something or one. Though that was the movies, and those werent real.

Taking a deep breath, taylor turned and began running again. Slipping and sliding down the slick moss covered ledge that led to the other side from where he had entered in from.
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