'Hmmm....what to do now? I have a temperary home, and I don't know how long I should stay...' Kinta thought as she walked the forest path. The Elf maiden sighed and turned back around to go back to the hut, but she realized, that she was miles away. 'Great...' she thought, hanging her head some, "I don't want to walk that far back..." she silently compalined to herself. Kinta took a breath, closing her eyes, muttering a small spell in Elvish: "On shoncleeleelee tielon tiepeydohdoh tiepeydoh douveyonneechsea lonmay tiepehdoh Dohleeveydohdea, leedohtie dondoh tiecleebondoh douveyonneeghon..." As she said this, black leathery wings sprouted from her back, and she hovered there for a minuet, before speeding off back to the hut.
{Note: "On shoncleeleelee tielon tiepeydohdoh tiepeydoh douveyonneechsea lonmay tiepehdoh Dohleeveydohdea, leedohtie dondoh tiecleebondoh douveyonneeghon..." means: I call to thee the wind of the Elves, let me take wing. It's something that my friends and I made up a few years ago as to confuse the teachers while where where passing notes. each thing has it's own letter. A-clee B-mon C-shon D-cshea E-doh F-may G-ghon H-pey I-on J-en K-bon L-lee M-don N-nee O-lon P-hey Q-no R-rey S-dea T-tie U-zon V-vey W-douvey X-eich Y-kay and Z-zhey. Feel free to use this in here or where you need it, but make sure to give credit.}