Vincent and Cross broke apart again as there matter wrapped around each other. Cross kicked back and landed firmly on the pillar was once half of Vincent's hexus.
"You realize that isn't our brother down there?" Cross asked. Vincent sighed and shook his head.
"It is. He simply doesn't know who he is." Vincent said and he dived ontop of Cross. Landing on Cross's blades..he kicked off. More sparks falling to the ground below. Vincent and Cross were spinning. Blades meeting blades. Matter's wrapping around one another.
"You expect our siblings to be able to handle him?" Cross hissed.
"Trust in they have trusted you." Vincent replied and they broke off again.
As the girl known as Mirage was talking to Vincent's pet. A form came walking. Very slowly..his footsteps as quiet as a mouse. His eyes covered by metal plates. His blade on his back. Hades's nose went in a twitch up and down.
"Die Götter Lächeln niemand heute. So scheint es. Ein Mädchen, nicht weiß einfach noch über ihre Abstammung und ihre Tante..auch ihr fremd. Zu schlecht ist, dass es kommt es auf das ist es nicht?" He hissed. The wolf looked up with surprise in his eyes.
"Its been far to long since I heard German come out of your mouth!" The wolf growled and slowly got in pounce mode.
"Who are you? You are certainly not the man you pretend to be!" the wolf growled.
Hades slowly looked at the wolf and his hand lifted very slowly.
"Sterben Hund."Hades hissed and a explosion of matter occurred sending the wolf flying into the air and crashing into the street. Sending rubble flying every which way.
His head turned to were the wolf had crashed..Hades turned his head back toward Tori and the little girl named Mirage.
"Parasites should know there betters don't you think?"he asked. Then his eyes changed again as Cael's creatures came running toward them. He lifted his hand and another huge explosion occured sending several of them into the air. Eaten like they were in acid by Hades's matter.
Hades began to chant as he was quick against this army of creatures. With each punch he downed one. One kick sent one flying through a group of creatures.
"Ich Geruch der Angst in dem lächerlichen Versuch mich testen." Hades hissed and caught two of them simultaneously. Bending them and breaking there necks with no issue at all. When there bodies hit the ground? Hades lifted his hands and his matter rose into a huge orb. He lifted it up and dropped it into his mouth.
The creatures that were charging at Hades suddenly turned and began to run. It was to late however. The huge ray of matter that came out of Hades mouth absorbed everything south of Vincent and Cross. The light absorbing each building quickly. As the light faded out..a crater was all that was left.
"Pathetic pawns." Hades muttered and spat on the ground. He turned and began to walk toward the battle occurring between Vincent and Cross. A small figure however was in his way. The wolf again.
"Verschieben Sie Hund." Hades said coldly. The wolf simply growled back. Not going to let this...this monstrosity interfere in his master's work. Hades lifted his hand again.
"Pathetisch Tier. Sie bedeuten mir nichts. Verschieben oder sterben!" Hades growled and his matter began to became a orb in his hand. Focusing for another blast no doubt.