Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:08 pm
Indu- xD Tidus is pretty amazing <3
Kaa- O: Oh noes! Your poor wrist.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:12 pm
Coconut Fishy Indu- xD Tidus is pretty amazing <3
Kaa- O: Oh noes! Your poor wrist. xP bleh. I need to figure out how to cover it up so she doesn't get any ideas. Like.... Get some leather, seal up the sides of it, and make a bracelet to go over it. xD;
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:13 pm
'Kaa~ xD;; Oh yea, that's probably for the best, then~ It's not so windy here, but every once in a while, there'll be a HUGE gush of wind... it's freaky to hear it come roaring down the street. ^^" Keeps me up at night too and not even the keyboard can lull me to sleep then. D':
Fishy~ Lolz, but he is also an idiot. A BIG HUGE idiot, I swear. xD;; So far, I think Wakka and Lulu are my favorite. Wakka is just so lovable and Lulu is just COOL. C: If 'Kaa was a video game character, she would be a combination of Wakka, Lulu and Yuna.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:17 pm
Kaa- xD If you do that you have to take a picture and show it to me... Cause you'll do that ;D
Indu- xD About Kaa, that's so so true. I think my favorite character is probably Lulu
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:18 pm
Indulge [In Words] 'Kaa~ xD;; Oh yea, that's probably for the best, then~ It's not so windy here, but every once in a while, there'll be a HUGE gush of wind... it's freaky to hear it come roaring down the street. ^^" Keeps me up at night too and not even the keyboard can lull me to sleep then. D':
Fishy~ Lolz, but he is also an idiot. A BIG HUGE idiot, I swear. xD;; So far, I think Wakka and Lulu are my favorite. Wakka is just so lovable and Lulu is just COOL. C: If 'Kaa was a video game character, she would be a combination of Wakka, Lulu and Yuna. >.>; I should really get FFX and play it before AX. xD;; er..... Do they make it for PC? I forgot.... >w< 'Cause to do anything with PS2, I'd have to clean my room for three days straight, try and cooperate with Tony, and lug a 90 pound TV into my room.
Anyways~ D: Poor 'Via! xD; I slept like a rock last night, even with the rain beating against my window, and the wind going "fffwwwwsssshhhheeeewwww~" all night. D: I swear, with the wind did the "fffwwweeessshhheeewww" thing the first time, I scared the heck out of me. xD;;; I thought Kaidoh was hiding in my room somewhere. [/gigglesnort]
Fishy Of the bracelet? -shrugs- Sure.
-snaps- I forgot Yuna wears jewelry again... D:
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:26 pm
'Kaa~ xD;; That's why I got it, so that I can know what it's like~ D: eto, I don't think they do.... I think only for PS2... or you can play it on a PS3 with a PS2 memory card... >>;; OMG! I AM SO MAD! D;< If I want to play KH III when it comes out, I'm gonna have to get a PS3///3
xD;; I wouldn't sleep at all if I thought Kaidoh was in my room... I would be pestering him all night with questions and useless chattering. :3
Fishy~ HAAIII! I know 'Kaa. C: I would be... a combo of Wakka, Rikku and Tidus, probably.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:35 pm
xD; I was super tired last night too, so if he really was in my room, at some point I probably would have told him to "Shut yer yap and go sleep in the closet, it's clean now."
-cracking up- Apparently I told Tony to when he came in the room last night and woke me up. ((He was being all huffy about the humidifier tank being almost empty))
D: FARK. [/has to make plans about a new bookcase soon then] The only place for the TV I'm gunna have in our room is on my dad's desk that Tony used to use... D: But it's covered with his clothes, and a couple of humidors, his clock and fan, the modem, and who knows what else. x_X
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:43 pm
xD;; I SO would annoy the heck out of him. "Kai-chan? KAI-CHAN!? Why don't you talk normally? Are you into snakes so much? Is your Mum a snake? does your dad like snakes? Have you ever eaten snake? Why do you like tennis so much? What's with the bandana? Do you have a crush on Inui? Or how about on Ryo-chan? Do you really hate Momo-chan-senpai? Why can't you ever stop SSSSHHHH-ing? Why are you glaring at me? WHY? WHY WHY WHY?"
O: If you find p0rn, tell me! I found p0rnz in my cousin's room once, and I lol'ed so hard that I cried. It was gross. xD;;
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:52 pm
Indulge [In Words] xD;; I SO would annoy the heck out of him. "Kai-chan? KAI-CHAN!? Why don't you talk normally? Are you into snakes so much? Is your Mum a snake? does your dad like snakes? Have you ever eaten snake? Why do you like tennis so much? What's with the bandana? Do you have a crush on Inui? Or how about on Ryo-chan? Do you really hate Momo-chan-senpai? Why can't you ever stop SSSSHHHH-ing? Why are you glaring at me? WHY? WHY WHY WHY?"
O: If you find p0rn, tell me! I found p0rnz in my cousin's room once, and I lol'ed so hard that I cried. It was gross. xD;; `Naaaah He hides it all on his computer. `Tis internet p¤®ñz. 'Cause we share a room.
xD I don't think I'd do the bandanna questions, but maybe the snakes ones.....
<.< the light keeps flickering on and off.... D: I hope we don't loose power soon. I know Pete did, down in Folsom. The whole Aerojet plant's power went down. xD;
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:53 pm
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:57 pm
O: L O L. My sister has taken to downloaded Doujinshi on my account, and some of it is.... O.O'' A little.... erm... disturbing? x-rated? ...So I delete it.
For srsly. :B That boy has an unhealthy obbession with snakes... I bet he's a parsaltongue. :B And a Sytherin.
D': If we lose power, you'll know because I'll disappear suddenly, since I'm on the main computer.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:02 pm
Indulge [In Words] O: L O L. My sister has taken to downloaded Doujinshi on my account, and some of it is.... O.O'' A little.... erm... disturbing? x-rated? ...So I delete it.
For srsly. :B That boy has an unhealthy obbession with snakes... I bet he's a parsaltongue. :B And a Sytherin.
D': If we lose power, you'll know because I'll disappear suddenly, since I'm on the main computer. ._o; Yah. -deletedelete- D: I'd figure out a way to block that 'r somethin'.
xD -gigglesnort- 'Naaaaaaah. He'd be a hufflepuff, 'cause he's really a big softie. <3 'Though Slytherin would work better with the Parsaltongue thing. xB
<.<; Same. I'll be the first to know if we loose power too 'cause my computer is on the kitchen circuit, which is an iffy one anyways. It doesn't like our microwave.
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:07 pm
eh~ Some of its not so bad, so I just delete the bad ones and keep the cute ones. xD;;
O: Haiiii~ It should be okay, since HarHar isn't a Sytherin, yet he is a Parsaltongue. O: ...I know I'm spelling that wrong, but I can't be bothered into finding out the right spelling now~
We FINALLY got a new microwave. Ours died six months ago and we just recently replaced it... only to find that the replacement was crappy and died after a few uses. /3 Now we have a working one. C:
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:17 pm
Indulge [In Words] eh~ Some of its not so bad, so I just delete the bad ones and keep the cute ones. xD;;
O: Haiiii~ It should be okay, since HarHar isn't a Sytherin, yet he is a Parsaltongue. O: ...I know I'm spelling that wrong, but I can't be bothered into finding out the right spelling now~
We FINALLY got a new microwave. Ours died six months ago and we just recently replaced it... only to find that the replacement was crappy and died after a few uses. /3 Now we have a working one. C: Yus. <3
lawlz, I don't really care about spelling.... Unless this thing can check it for me, and change it. :] I has a kitten in my lap. Teh one that doesn't like to bite and scratch my wrist. <3 She's kewt and fuzzy.
D: Microwaves are nice and all, but sometimes they're a pain in the butt.... ewwie. D: The wind is blowing the smoke from the chimney back into the house. -coughcough-
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:30 pm
lol. My speeling ssssuuccckkks. Spelling! S P E L L I N G. I can't even do that today. xD;; I'm just too tired to give a dxmn.
D: OH NOES! Quick~ open a window. O: