Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:49 pm
((yummy goodness!!!!!!))
Maggie shrugged. "Maybe so," she said with a wink.
Dimitri chuckled at being called 'furball'. As he kissed Derrick back, he playfully pushed him back into the body of the pool, taking them underwater for a moment. He held Derrick tight as they shared the underwater kiss, smiling as they broke the surface.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:12 pm
Giamonde pouted and then grinned, poking her waist. He knew all of her tickle spots, and while his current form didn't quite give him the advantage anymore..he knew them all the same. "Wench." he growled playfully and fondly. All his years in the modern age hadn't dimmed his love of some classic vocabulary.
Derrick found himself pushed into the pool and he returned the kiss, grinning as they broke the surface. "I love you, Dimitri." he said warmly, pressing his lips against Dimitri's softly.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:21 pm
Maggie let out an 'eep!' as he tickled her. She pouted playfully and ruffled Giamonde's hair with a grin. "Twerp," she teased back. She set her purchases down on the checkout counter before turning her head and giving him a wink.
Not wanting to break the kiss, Dimitri nodded and continued to kiss Derrick deeply. He pressed the other's back against the other side of the pool, not caring that he was getting a little carried away.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:28 pm
Giamonde chuckled at her eep before scrunching his nose as she ruffled his hair and called him a twerp. "Now that's just mean.." he whined playfully. He stood beside her as she set the purchases on the counter. Giamonde looked up at her and stuck out his tongue. "Giant." he retorted after a moment's thought. It was a bit late for the comeback, but he was enjoying himself far too much to let a little thing like that stop him.
Derrick found himself pressed against the pool and he smiled, wrapping his arms around the other as he slid his tongue past the other's lips and smiled at the taste of his beloved.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:36 pm
"Wow. All that time and that's the best you could come up with, munchkin?" Magelia shot back as she paid for the groceries. She gave the cashier some cash and grabbed the bags. "Alright, short stuff, let's get going." This was starting to remind her of when they first met. To the outside, someone would have thought they hated each other. But, the bickering was actually them flirting, and the start to a fiery, passionate relationship.
Dimitri pressed himself even closer to Derrick as he massaged the other's tongue with his. He let his fingers become entangled in the other's hair, causing the kiss to deepen even more.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:43 pm
Giamonde pouted a bit more and corssed his arms. "Stop picking on me! It's not my fault if I'm cute and tiny and you're less tiny and..well..I'm not sure I ought to say in public." he said with a lascivious sort of grin that was not belonging to a child at all.
Derrick continued the kiss, taking in the other's warmth and enjoying the feel of the hand in his hair. The other was wonderful..he pulled away enough to murmur, "I love you so much.." As Rowdy and as Dimitri..the other meant the world to him..
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:52 pm
Maggie rolled her eyes. "Come on," she said, heading outside. "We better get out of here before someone thinks I'm a ***** cougar," she teased.
"I love you, too," Dimitri murmured, his lips brushing against Derrick's. "I love you more than you could ever know." He wrapped his legs around Derrick, pressing every inch of skin against the other that he could as he kissed him passionately.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:06 pm
Giamonde chuckled as he followed her out. "A ***** cougar? You made that up." he said with a slightly raised brow.
Derrick beamed at that..kissing him deeply.
There was a startled bark and Elryn came scrambling outside. "Dimitri! Dimitri there's a port-" A flash of light shot out from behind him and swallowed them whole..
When darkness cleared from Derrick's gaze..he found he was fully clothed and completely dry. "Ugh.." he mumbled, blinking to clear his gaze as he looked around. His eyes widened. The area was one huge forest and not far off in the distance was..a castle? "What is this?" he glanced to Dimitri beside him, or at least, he thought it was Dimitri. In actuality, it was Elryn in Dimitri's body..and the dog on the ground was Dimitri, once again in the dog's body.
Elryn blinked, struggling to clear his vision. He'd tried to warn Dimitri of the impending portal..he lifted a hand to rub his eyes-..Wait....a hand? His eyes widened and the first thing he blurted was-"I didn't do it!" he wanted to make that very clear.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:12 pm
Maggie chuckled. "I guess you don't know what I mean when I say cougar," she said, unlocking the car. "A 'cougar' is an older woman who goes for younger guys," she smirked.
Dimitri went to rub his eyes and to ask Elryn what he was talking about, but he noticed that he didn't have hands. He jumped up...onto four feet. "NO!" he yelled despairingly. "Elryn? What happened? Why? Why am I a dog again? Why are you in my body? Damnit!!"
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:33 pm
Giamonde tilted his head at that. "Ohhh..well, no worries here. I'm a good century and a half older than you." he said with a grin as he got into the car and buckled up.
Elryn winced at the 'no' and the barrage of questions. "I don't know! I swear! I told you I wouldn't ever betray you again and I haven't!" he cried. "I was lying there..and I sensed a portal, I went to warn you and it opened up and swallowed us all..and for some reason it switched us. Maybe it sensed the recent magick change in us and undid it for some reason. I don't know, but I didn't have anything to do with this! I swear, Dimitri!" he said, looking extremely anxious and flustered, close to tears even, as the confidence he'd been building up began to crumble. Elryn didn't ever want Dimitri hurt because of him again, and he couldn't bear it if his cousin turned his back on him..
Derrick looked between the two with wide eyes, listening to them speak.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:40 pm
Maggie chuckled. "Good point," she said as she started the car. She began to back out of the parking spot and started on their way home.
Dimitri let out a doggish whine, looking up at Derrick and then back to Elryn. "I believe you, cousin," he said, though his voice was sad. He walked over to Dimitri and sighed, laying his head in the lap of his love. "Derrick," he breathed with another doggish whine.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:50 pm
Giamonde yawned and stretched his arms above his head. "Mmm..a family dinner..and with all of our children's significant others..this should be good." he said with a chuckle.
Elryn was relieved even as he felt a pang at the sad tone.
Derrick picked up Dimitri, hugging him close and petting him as he kissed the other's furry head. "We'll figure this out, love..don't worry.."
Elryn watched them a moment before glancing around. He didn't notice anything a moment..and then his eyes widened. "Gods above! Dimitri! We're home! We're back on Ioron!" The portal had crossed the realms. "Not sure where we are..but it's Ioron, nonetheless!"
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:01 pm
Magelia smiled. "The whole family back together again...that'll be nice," she said.
Dimitri looked around and whined again. "Who would have brought us back here?" he said. "You don't think...? No...it couldn't have been..." He shook his head, hoping that his initial thoughts were wrong.
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:08 pm
Giamonde grinned. "Better than nice. It's going to be fantastic. I think we should karaoke. You and I always do the most wonderful duets, particularly after we've had a couple drinks.." Such nights often ended in a long, punch-drunk night of sexual activity for the two lovers, not that he expected that tonight..not by a long shot. Not while he was stuck looking like a damned ten-year old.
Elryn's eyes widened. "Ayla and Richar? You think..they might have had something to do with this? But the fire! They have to be dead..why now? But then..the Switcheroo..it was odd that they were sent out of nowhere..and I finally found you.." he paled slightly. "Gods..I hope it's just a coincidence.."
Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:15 pm
Maggie grinned. "I always needed the drinks to get the courage to stand up in front of those people," she said. "I've always had a bit of stage fright." Her face did blush slightly though, thinking along the same lines that Giamonde was.
"Me, too," Dimitri said. "Unless it is someone else. But who else would know about the switcheroo, and everything about us?"