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She's so cool and brilliant.
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:D She so awesome.
 30%  [ 3 ]
I like her style.
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She's okay.
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Yuck. No thanks.
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Total Votes : 10


PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:44 pm

(( BWA HA HA HA HA!! Aiyoku... ))

Aiyoku was silently waiting behind a woman with a wagonlode of goods. He scoffed slightly as he looked at her. his deep blue eyes traced her. She was calm and demenored, not the sort you might think of when you thought thief, but who's to say. Aiyoku himself was nothing more than a regular guy, until you pissed him off.

Some thief, couldn't detect me at all. It's a wonder no one's ever found this place.

Aiyoku could feel auras all around him. Everywhere there was the faint feel of power, not kjust the same kind. Diverse types and levels of power. They were still nothing like his power. Across his back secured tighly were his twin lances. Aiyoku waited in the fronds and bushed watching. He wasn't sure what would happen. He wasn't counting on the fact that no one knew he was there. This woman might very well know he was following her and she might call her allies. it was true that the powers of these other people were less than his own, but he was no fool... if they all came after him at the same time, he wouldn't make it. He figured he'd wait it out.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:39 pm

(( Well, for my own necessity, is Shinobu still toting her things around, or have they been taken to a room yet? ))


Noir Empress

Beloved Prophet

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:46 pm

The forest was awakening again from the force of their combined heat, it was force that could destroy them both if they weren't careful. How strange that such passion could come from a woman usually so quiet and reserved. It was the thrill of battle and victory that allowed Saku the room to step out of her shell and expose some of the more interesting facets of her nature. And it was moments like these that allowed her some semblance of purpose. Immortality was quite boring without it. At least now, she would kill two birds with one stone. She could guage how much stronger she had become while also receiving a means of amusement.

Saku watched her opponent with eyes as flat and pitiless as a doll's. She knew eventually they would meet again on the battlefield, she just hadn't been to particular about the circumstances. Luckily there was no animosity between them, just a mutual understanding that one person had to win and the other had to be defeated. The only difference now was that she would no longer accept defeat.

"Determination and hard work will do that to a person." She rose on the balls of her bare feet, beginning what would become a circle around him. Saku had developed the habit of pacing and she usually did so around an opponent unless the battle began. It was one of the more predatory facets of her nature that had come from strengthening herself both physically and mentally.

"Tell me Juromaru," Her voice dropped into that husky burr it could get to when she did not bother to mask it. She leveled her eyes with his, her eyes a sultry gold. "Have you come in the hopes of defeating me again, or is this a social call?"

Her fans were already in hand and pulsed in her hand with the desire to be used. But she hushed them, promising that their wait would soon be rewarded.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:02 pm

Juromaru's eyes narrowed. She was behind him. Everything about his battle experience told him to turn and lung at her. But he restrained the drive. His left hand tightened on Kiba. A smiled pursed his lips. He could hear Kiba roaring for blood. He wanted blood. Juromaru opened his eyes and instead of their regular green was a deep blood red. His pupils were slits, and his neck bristled. Everyfiber inside him itched. He could feel the passion from Saku. She was stronger, and she ment not to lose.

Juromaru stood waiting. He didn't know if she was going to start the fight, but if she didn't he would. It was only a matter of time until he found his moment.

"Hardly worth calling it social. I see no others around. And I can't really look on you as anything more than an inferior subordinant... I thought I'd see how you were doing..."

He was baiting her. He was listening for her, everything was ready. His body was at a temperature that would have killed any normal man, but he was excited. Finally, a challange... She was something new...



PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:07 pm

As Aiyoku waited he could feel massive amounts of energy seeping from behind the theatre. Deftly he moved quietly and swiftly. If he could observe then perhaps he could guage the power of these thieves and decide whether or not to join them as a companion. In seconds he felt a massive amount of heat and he cringed. His eyes glinted with silver and the winds rushed around his body cooling the air and making a barrier so that he could observe. Two people stood facing each other, one male, and the other female. Obviously they were fire users. The woman was circling the other. The air was so thick with tension that there was no doubt that a clash was immenent. For the first time in a while, Aiyoku smiled. He would get to watch two immortal beings clash in a desperate attempt to prove superiority.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:19 pm

((I'm glad I dropped by to check for a post))

Saku chuckled low and deep in her throat and continued her path around him. She was in no hurry, afterall, they had eternity did they not. She bared her teeth in what only a fool would call a smile, his words sliding off her like water on glass. She was not so young and foolish to be snared so easily. Invade her space and physically do her harm and she'd rise to the occasion. Petty words were nothing, battles were not won with words. And while they could be lost with them, she was skilled enough where a verbal battle was merely a passtime.

"Is that why you challenged me so often dear Juromaru, because you could find no one your own size to pick on?" Her voice was still light, almost playfull but the hint of venom was beginning to creep into them.

"I'm not surprised, you always were one too cowardly to fight if you did not believe beyond shadow of a doubt you could win."

That instinct will fail you this day, I will have victory this day.

"I'll not indulge you in that instinct any longer."

Noir Empress

Beloved Prophet


PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:29 pm

"Weaker? Tsk tsk tsk..." His hand gripped and loosened. His was ready, but she'd gott=en better, underestimating her could prove disasterious.

"I harldy think that way. But you were the one wihtout power or control. I saw it more as a way to help you to grow."

His tongue sat idle, he was waiting... just a nother moment, that's all he needed...
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:43 pm

"Then let me demonstrate the fruits of your labour."

Her aura flared, that blazing flower of heat that made her both beautiful and deadly at once. It glowed around her, adding another notch of heat to the air and making her appear like a living flame. She clasped a fan in either hand and a red edge appeared at the very end of each. She had learned how to manipulate the flames into palpable edges to create blades as sturdy as a broadsword. She had no reason to fear his little fang. With the fans she could also harness a flames most powerful ally.

She made an large sweeping motion with one fan that created four distinct wind blades that shot towards Juromaru. Mirroring the gesture with the other, she ignited the wind blades to make them double in size and power. Saku didn't usually like making the first move, however, she knew that if allowed the chance Juromaru would get the advantage he wanted to dearly. It was her job to make sure that never occured.

Noir Empress

Beloved Prophet


PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:57 pm

Juromaru was suprized, this was new. He smiled and used flames as a barrier. The fire collided with his hers and, for an instant or two there was a clash until He absorbed the fire into the barrier around him. he dropped it and smiled.

In his left hand was Kiba, long trusted and it bathed in blood. He smiled and ran at her. As he charged he brought down his stance. He was ready to move if something came his way. He smiled and his ember eyes flasehd with malice. His speed was nothing to be played with.

He charged, feinted left and spun. Kiba lashed out with flame as it soared to her left ribs.

"Remember the bite of my blade?"
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:15 pm

Saku ignored his words, focusing her attention on watching his movements. Her reflexes were good, she had trained herself to be. Speed was key but so was reaction time, all the speed in the world couldn't help you if your opponent could read your movements. As he drew closer, her mind rushed over options in a fraction of a second that would taken the regular person valuable time. When the best option struck her she reacted with the same incredible speed.

Saku parried the strike so that the blade would glide past her. Prior to this she brought down her left fan to block out any possible heat the blade exuded. She felt the momentary brush of opposing forces, both their weapons hissing with distaste for the other. But that was to be dealt with later. As she blocked with her left, her right fan came up for an offensive blow. As close as he was, he put himself in danger. The blade on her right fan sought to slash across his throat. If the blow landed, it would not only slit his throat but allow her fire a path to enter his body and do the real damage.

Noir Empress

Beloved Prophet


PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:45 am

((sorry about yesterday... >< I had to get off fast... lost half my post...
-sigh- I'll just do it again... ))

Juromaru was waiting for something, but she moved faster than he thought. His left eye twitched lightly as he realized that he'd have to put more effort into this fight. He listened to the hiss, their weapons were just short of living beings, he smiled as he tilted his weight back. He wasn't the fastest guy on the block, but he was good enough. Besides, it wasn't speed, but power that won battles.

His head rolled back and his body followed. He watched the fan burn through the air above him. Saku was definantly not going to give up, he'd have to crush her. As he leaned back he let the momentum in his left hand carry his body. He twisted in front of Saku and released superheated air as his body rotated. He used the air as a diversion, he didn't expect it to work, but he wanted to see how she reacted. His left leg kicked out towards her right hip. If she didn't move or block it she'd have a major disabiltiy in the remainder of the battle. But on the same token... if she did avoid the blow, then his time would be well spent.

He smiled as he remembered, every time he fought her he made a propostition to himself. If she could dodge hit attack, block it, or if she did somthing that showed promise and growth, he would continue fighting. That was the only way to push her.

He quietly hissed the pet name he used for her, "Little Saku-chan... you never disappoint me..."
PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:53 am

Aiyoku watched the two clash. The woman was faster, that much was clear, the man was more powerful. The match would end, if he had to choose, with the woman. But he'd been wrong before, he hated admitting it though. He shook his head. It was a compliment to be called fast, but in comparision with his own speed, this woman was nothing. He dropped from the tree and walked back to the theatre. He walked around until he found a side door. He slipped inside. It was dark compaired to the outside. Aiyoku's eyes adjusted and he moved around quietly stealing from shadow to shadow. A thief infultrating a theive's guild. He laughed inwardly.

Pathetic really...

He lept up into the catwalks over the stage and over the seating. He liked it. He'd watch from here and see what was going to happen. He'd eventually make his place up here. He wasn't fond of bedding on the ground... made it to easy to be attacked... He shrugged and leaned against the wall in the darkness. He'd wait, no one need know he was here yet... He'd show himself when the time was right...

((is everyone completely engrossed in the battle.. cuz it's really quiet around here... ><))

[I'm confused, is Aiyoku a thief himself? Or is he outside the thieves, in which case I ought to put him in 'other characters'.]



PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:57 pm

[Wowie zowie, a full page of Ebony and Kevkas, nice you guys. And, for the last time, Miku, I'm waiting for mary!

Do you want me to just roleplay her character for her? Because I will. This is ridiculous.]

Yul breathed a deep sigh as he carried his night's labour back with him, the hour was drawing to a close now, and with such a fine bounty, he was pleased.

Along with the yukata, fine silk stocking hung from his bundle, as well as raised shoes, which Yul confidently took above others. As well as ths, he snagged a few more acessories, ties for here and there, inclduing undergarments, and enough for Yul's satisfaction, a job well done meant an elborately convincing outfit.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:50 pm

(( No worries, I was amusing myself by becoming a "Goddess" for Valentine's))

Saku smirked, a devilish gesture that was almost out of place for the usually quiet young woman. Still, as the battle progressed, she would become more and more passionately involved with it. The more Juromaru pushed her, the more she'd be able to test out. The more she was able to test things out, the stronger she would become. And to be quite honest, Saku wouldn't have it any other way.

She didn't mind him dodging the initial sweep of her fan, it would after all be a pity if the battle ended that quickly. However, it was time to show Juromaru a glimmer of just what exactly he was dealing with. She pulled her aura back into her body, the initial surge of heat would have made her dizzy on regular circumstances. Now it empowered her, and she knew directly where to channel that power.

Saku believed that her power depended on her person. If she were strong enough, both mentally and physically, then her abilities would reflect that and grow stronger. It was this idea that made her work so hard to condition herself in both aspects. As a result, she was now capable of doing things with her magic that would baffle a regular person. Her powers only limit was her creativity, and she showed it then. Saku held her ground as the blow landed but it was not she who would feel its affects. There was a reason as to why she'd recoiled her aura.

The moment Juromaru's leg made contact with her flesh, her aura would lash out but in a more precise manner. Like a bomb going off, it would shoot from her to Juromaru. However, seeing as it was her aura and power it would not accept the rule of another and would thus attack Juromaru internally. The jolt of power would race through his body delivering a short but potent wave of pain. One that would hopefully incapacitate him long enough for Saku to land a final blow.

Noir Empress

Beloved Prophet


PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:43 am

((uh... he's a thief. He could be an outsider I suppose, but then I'd have to think of something for him to be...))

[Alright, sorry, I was just a little confused.]

Juromaru knew something was up. Saku wasn't moving.
His foot contacted her flesh, and the every moment it did, he could feel her backlash. Pain raced through his body and the force of her aura threw him back. Kiba was released and gored the gorund off to the side. Juromaru himself rolled to rid his body of excess momentum. He came to a stop and lay face down in the grass. Behind his closed eyes glee wound its way throughout his blood. He lifted himself up onto his knees and his hands. He looked dazed and for the moment disoriented.
Immortal Thief Roleplay

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