Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:05 pm
Tappeh- >P G'Night
>w< No Thannnkkkksssss -can't eat ice cream without getting a stomach ache-
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:07 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Tappeh- >P G'Night
>w< No Thannnkkkksssss -can't eat ice cream without getting a stomach ache- Awwwww. -takes back ice cream- What would Kaa like?
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:13 pm
Oh Snap its Kaitlin Awwwww. -takes back ice cream- What would Kaa like? Noffink, fanks. `Kaa has a driving lesson and is too nervous to eat.
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:16 pm
-is tyra-
Tyranny's laying low because of the bullshit between 420chan and Gaia.
I guess Anon didn't like that I said this e-drama was pointless and looked up information on me. To which they've discovered only my stepfather's address. ;3
I'm currently taking it with a grain of salt, but the minute I get any threatening phonecalls, emails, or messages in my mail, I'm contacting the police.
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:29 pm
Bangarang` -is tyra-
Tyranny's laying low because of the bullshit between 420chan and Gaia.
I guess Anon didn't like that I said this e-drama was pointless and looked up information on me. To which they've discovered only my stepfather's address. ;3
I'm currently taking it with a grain of salt, but the minute I get any threatening phonecalls, emails, or messages in my mail, I'm contacting the police.
._O -didn't hear about thees-
`Kaa always wondered what 4chan was..... Some type of Internet cult?
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:21 pm
I feel like I've been neglecting the guild so much lately.
I haven't been trying to. Honest.
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:53 pm
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:00 pm
Teh K a a C h a n
`Kaa always wondered what 4chan was..... Some type of Internet cult? 4chan = online imageboard similar to Gaia's GD only with more lulz and less drama. It's divided into several smaller imageboards that cater to a lot of interests, and most of the boards are actually worksafe. They're named /a/, /b/, /c/, so on and so on, each letter being used for a different section.
/b/, the random board, is the one who gets easily offended and raid-happy when a site decides to use 4chan stuff, although about half of em are actually smart and know that it's pointless to raid a site as huge as Gaia, and that everyone on the internet uses said jokes/stuff as it is. The other half just needs something new to do, as /b/ completely and utterly sucks.
4chan overall = pretty nice place. /b/ specifically, = shithole of the internet.
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:29 pm
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:39 pm
Wut? It's bad if I stay away and it's bad if I show up too?
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:39 pm
((iPod Touch))
o.o hoe emm gee.
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:46 pm
[Noi] Teh K a a C h a n
`Kaa always wondered what 4chan was..... Some type of Internet cult? 4chan = online imageboard similar to Gaia's GD only with more lulz and less drama. It's divided into several smaller imageboards that cater to a lot of interests, and most of the boards are actually worksafe. They're named /a/, /b/, /c/, so on and so on, each letter being used for a different section.
/b/, the random board, is the one who gets easily offended and raid-happy when a site decides to use 4chan stuff, although about half of em are actually smart and know that it's pointless to raid a site as huge as Gaia, and that everyone on the internet uses said jokes/stuff as it is. The other half just needs something new to do, as /b/ completely and utterly sucks.
4chan overall = pretty nice place. /b/ specifically, = shithole of the internet. I'd rather have been on 4chan's /b/ than 420chan's /i/ to tell you the truth.
It's just going too far. -shrug- They've practically targeted anyone in the GCD who spoke out against them. I'm one of them. Mother found out, and all she said was to stay out of the fight and wait till it blows over.
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:51 pm
Wut? It's bad if I stay away and it's bad if I show up too? *Cling*
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:53 pm
Wut? It's bad if I stay away and it's bad if I show up too? We haven't seen you since Brawl came out. xD
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:10 pm
Bangarang` [Noi] Teh K a a C h a n
`Kaa always wondered what 4chan was..... Some type of Internet cult? 4chan = online imageboard similar to Gaia's GD only with more lulz and less drama. It's divided into several smaller imageboards that cater to a lot of interests, and most of the boards are actually worksafe. They're named /a/, /b/, /c/, so on and so on, each letter being used for a different section.
/b/, the random board, is the one who gets easily offended and raid-happy when a site decides to use 4chan stuff, although about half of em are actually smart and know that it's pointless to raid a site as huge as Gaia, and that everyone on the internet uses said jokes/stuff as it is. The other half just needs something new to do, as /b/ completely and utterly sucks.
4chan overall = pretty nice place. /b/ specifically, = shithole of the internet. I'd rather have been on 4chan's /b/ than 420chan's /i/ to tell you the truth.
It's just going too far. -shrug- They've practically targeted anyone in the GCD who spoke out against them. I'm one of them. Mother found out, and all she said was to stay out of the fight and wait till it blows over. Well, like I said, half of 4chan already knows it's pointless to raid about it.
420chan's /i/ is, specifically, the INVASION board, so they'll raid over the stupidest things.