Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:01 pm
Bubblegum Electric That's awesome that you are all trying to help....it gives me hope for humanity. >> << Hell, if it didn't mean my account getting banned again for fraud, I'd gank mom's debit card and buy her stuff.
That and We did this in t3h vending guild when someone got hacked and the hacker was dumping her o3's.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:05 pm
Simplistic-Tyranny On Yahoo, I was Tamaki, Mori, Hani, and Hikaru.
On gaia, I was Tamaki, Mori, and Kyouya's sister Fuyumi.
Because my friend Kate thought 'Ara Ara Ara, Kyouya-san...' was the cutest thing ever. Or a brief time (mostly to amuse ourselves when people were slowly forgetting about Arri-chan's Roleplay site) I rped Kyouya, Indu did Tamaki and Arri did Haruhi and sometimes Hani. xD; Arri-chan made me Kyouya because she said I acted almost exactly like him in the morning.... She even modded my account to say "Low Blood Pressure Morning Monster" once. -headdesk-
side note: my SN is actually related to Kyouya. I changed the name of this account right around the time we were doing mini-Ouran rp's.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:09 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Simplistic-Tyranny On Yahoo, I was Tamaki, Mori, Hani, and Hikaru.
On gaia, I was Tamaki, Mori, and Kyouya's sister Fuyumi.
Because my friend Kate thought 'Ara Ara Ara, Kyouya-san...' was the cutest thing ever. Or a brief time (mostly to amuse ourselves when people were slowly forgetting about Arri-chan's Roleplay site) I rped Kyouya, Indu did Tamaki and Arri did Haruhi and sometimes Hani. xD; Arri-chan made me Kyouya because she said I acted almost exactly like him in the morning.... She even modded my account to say "Low Blood Pressure Morning Monster" once. -headdesk-
side note: my SN is actually related to Kyouya. I changed the name of this account right around the time we were doing mini-Ouran rp's. xd Low blood pressure morning monster...that's Kyouya for ya...along with the rest of the Ootori family. xd
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:10 pm
Simplistic-Tyranny Bubblegum Electric That's awesome that you are all trying to help....it gives me hope for humanity. >> << Hell, if it didn't mean my account getting banned again for fraud, I'd gank mom's debit card and buy her stuff.
That and We did this in t3h vending guild when someone got hacked and the hacker was dumping her o3's. Mmmm, I see.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:18 pm
Simplistic-Tyranny xd Low blood pressure morning monster...that's Kyouya for ya...along with the rest of the Ootori family. xd xD; I don't have low blood pressure in the morning- but my brother has a habit of waking me up and that puts me in a foul mood....
-shrugs- She still calls me Morning Monster sometimes....
Ah- They're finally dubbing Ouran.... I just found a vid on youtube that has samples of the US seiyuu's. <.<............................. I'm not sure about Caitlin Glass..... Or Luci Christian.
D: Frankly, I don't like female voice actors for male characters, unless it's Rugrats.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:31 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Simplistic-Tyranny xd Low blood pressure morning monster...that's Kyouya for ya...along with the rest of the Ootori family. xd xD; I don't have low blood pressure in the morning- but my brother has a habit of waking me up and that puts me in a foul mood....
-shrugs- She still calls me Morning Monster sometimes....
Ah- They're finally dubbing Ouran.... I just found a vid on youtube that has samples of the US seiyuu's. <.<............................. I'm not sure about Caitlin Glass..... Or Luci Christian.
D: Frankly, I don't like female voice actors for male characters, unless it's Rugrats.LINK LINK LINK LINK NAO PLOX
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:17 pm
I GOTTA KNOOOOOOOOOOW. VICCY BOY IS TAMACHAN AND EVERYONE IS SCARED. D8 xD;;;;;; Sorry- I got distracted by an episode of Bleach.....
Er.... You still around for the link...?
&&& I think he'll do a pretty good job..... Although- I like Edo so that's probably the only reason.....
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:24 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Simplistic-Tyranny LINK LINK LINK LINK NAO PLOX
I GOTTA KNOOOOOOOOOOW. VICCY BOY IS TAMACHAN AND EVERYONE IS SCARED. D8 xD;;;;;; Sorry- I got distracted by an episode of Bleach.....
Er.... You still around for the link...?
&&& I think he'll do a pretty good job..... Although- I like Edo so that's probably the only reason.....
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:31 pm
xD; Rite-sorrysorrysorry-
The person did a kind of MV- and then pasted in voice samples for just the main characters.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:39 pm
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:44 pm
Simplistic-Tyranny -fangasms- OMFG. KYOUYA IS GONNA SOUND HAWT. >///////> -was extremely pleased with Mori and Kyouya's US seiyuus-
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:46 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Simplistic-Tyranny -fangasms- OMFG. KYOUYA IS GONNA SOUND HAWT. >///////> -was extremely pleased with Mori and Kyouya's US seiyuus-Hani is Nami. Ew.
Hikaru....he's gonna sound so weird, since ALL THE WATANUKI SNIPPETS WERE SCREAMING ONES.
but yus. J. Micheal Tatum, you're going to melt the panties off every Kyouya fan. 3nodding
And then if you go to a convention with Vic Mignogna, we will force you to have a KyouMaki moment. twisted
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:00 am
Simplistic-Tyranny Hani is Nami. Ew.
Hikaru....he's gonna sound so weird, since ALL THE WATANUKI SNIPPETS WERE SCREAMING ONES.
but yus. J. Micheal Tatum, you're going to melt the panties off every Kyouya fan. 3nodding
And then if you go to a convention with Vic Mignogna, we will force you to have a KyouMaki moment. twisted Yeah- Hikaru's snippet was a major gigglesnort moment.
-is totally replaying Kyouya's snippet over and over again- @//////////@
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:07 am
Teh K a a C h a n Simplistic-Tyranny Hani is Nami. Ew.
Hikaru....he's gonna sound so weird, since ALL THE WATANUKI SNIPPETS WERE SCREAMING ONES.
but yus. J. Micheal Tatum, you're going to melt the panties off every Kyouya fan. 3nodding
And then if you go to a convention with Vic Mignogna, we will force you to have a KyouMaki moment. twisted Yeah- Hikaru's snippet was a major gigglesnort moment.
-is totally replaying Kyouya's snippet over and over again- @//////////@
Found a screenie of my ouran moments in towns.
Tyra, Mori, Pantsless Tamaki, and Fuyumi are me, Zombie and the other tamaki was my friend ashu, and Laverna and hani-sempai was my friend nikki.
We had Hikaru in a bear suit and he was trying to rape Tamaki. xD
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:15 am
Found a screenie of my ouran moments in towns.
Tyra, Mori, Pantsless Tamaki, and Fuyumi are me, Zombie and the other tamaki was my friend ashu, and Laverna and hani-sempai was my friend nikki.
We had Hikaru in a bear suit and he was trying to rape Tamaki. xD -currently laughing her a** off-
Pantsless Tamaki.