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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:46 pm
Booth 6, Dove

"I did," he replied with a wry grin, leaning his head towards hers briefly. "What can I say? I can't resist the siren call of music - or musical instruments," the blonde finished with an airy shrug.

"Hey yourself!" The Chatot mimicked Dove's voice and tone exactly as it fluttered its wings. "Hey yourself! Hey yourself!" Then it trilled in musical tones before climbing with its talons and beak up the side of the divider.

The older man just smiled. "Flutes can be rather difficult to learn, yes, but plenty of instruments are. Ocarinas can be easy, if you start with a four-holed one. The more holes it has, the more difficult it is - and flutes tend to have a set amount of holes regardless, so they can be difficult, yes," he explained in soft, warm tones.

Abel grinned at the Chatot's behavior and chuckled, though he listened to the man's words. While he preferred guitar for obvious reasons, these smaller wind instruments did seem pretty cool...

Isaac smiled at Dove before hopping down from his trainer's shoulders, and landed gracefully with a light thud on the floor. he greeted brightly with a matching smile.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:47 pm

"Ah…" Luke rubbed at the back of his neck, glancing idly over the page of completely foreign creatures. He gave a light, apologetic laugh, "I'll let you know when I figure it out? I can identify most of the ones outside Kalos," - Kalos, right? He glanced at the headline at the top of the brochure to make sure - "by name, but I can only guess on a lot of the types. I have a hard time remembering a lot of the type advantages and disadvantages, too, so don't worry if it seems really daunting. Just take it a little at a time." He shrugged slightly, a little disappointed that he couldn't give a better answer.  

Vice Captain


Tori Honoo

Amorous Friend

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:49 pm

"Yeah!!! Isn't he awesome!" he said excitedly, before turning to the Pokemon, "C'mon, Chester, don't be shy! Henrietta is cool!" He waved his hands forward to encourage te fire type forward, beyond excited to show his friend how awesome his other friend was.

Chester seemed to chuckle, not too shy, and stepped up next to his trainer to look around him, waving a bit to the girl and the Totodile with her.

"We haven't battled yet, but he's so cool! I got him for my birthday, and I registered!!" he exclaimed, looking very proud of both himself and his Pokemon.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:58 pm

"He totally is! Look, Gummy! Jace got a Charmander!" The girl answered, and pointed out the fire type. Gummy stared at a point beyond the trainer and fire type.

"Hey Chester!" She grinned and waved back at the Charmander.

"That's /so/ awesome! You're totally a proper trainer already! Oh man, wait until you get a first battle! I wish we could here but I don't think people would like that! It's gonna be so awesome though!" Henrietta enthused. She likely thought he totally had every right to look proud.  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:58 pm

The young girl nodded her head and smiled at her friend. "That's still a lot more than I can do at the moment," she admitted, though her tone held more admiration for Luke's abilities than an apology for her lack of knowledge. "Thank you so much for all of your help - I can't even begin to express how much I appreciate your help and guidance. And Rosie's, too," Nicolette added happily. She was so lucky to have met such wonderful people, and she was so very glad her parents sent her to Kodo to find Luke and other Grande Insulaires. Though, to be fair, she hadn't met too many others yet, though she was more than happy just knowing Luke, if no one else.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:01 pm
Booth 6, Abel

"I see..." she sighed, though her smile stayed as she looked up at him again. "Well, this is where you'll find it, I guess." She looked again to the back, then up at him again, blushing a little as he seemEd a little closer for a moment. "Can you play any of these?"

The Chatot's imitation made her eyes widen, and her cheeks flushed, though she laughed and applauded it gently as it fluttered and climbed up the display. "What talent!" she praised it, her smile wider. Isaac was given a smile in return.

She listened to the man with polite attentiveness, and nodded. "I love a learning challenge... And they're stunning" The instruments were beautiful... At least the ones on the wall. The others just looked fun. "There's no point in just looking alone though. I'm sure when played right, they sound just as beautiful..." She paused a moment, looking at two specifically. "How much are you asking for those two?" she asked, pointing out two instruments, both ornately carved, though one was clearly much more feminine. "They're not hand carved by any chance, are they? She could only imagine this man creating something like this... He certainly looked as though he knew his wares well.

Lovey giggled as Isaac limberly dropped to the floor, and nodded. you Isaac!> she said cheerfully, tilting her head as se smiled. Her trainers antics--as well as her own-- had definitely given her very little free time.  

Tori Honoo

Amorous Friend

6,650 Points
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League Trainer Rosie

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:09 pm

"Too long," Rosie added with a light sigh, There were a lot of people that she would love to see again, but because of time and travles, there was not telling when she would. Heck, she didn't even know for sure when she would see Inigo again after this weekend.

"Its not problem, if you have time it would be fun I think." Rosie lifted a hand, waving it lightly in a polite dismissive manner.
"You guys to know a lot of people when you travel in groups. plus, I don't know if you've heard of it, but there is a place for League trainers to go and share information, I talk to them on there sometimes too."
Leading an active lifestyle sure did bring her across a lot of different people.

"So, this panel is starting soon, that I really wanted to go do, I should probably find my friends and head over there," She looked around to the others, Akira, Henrietta and Jace. "are you guys going to the Panel too?" Then back at Inigo "you can go with us if you like."  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:10 pm
((TIME! Thanks for playing! Only registered Raid characters are allowed to continue posting beyond this point.))

xxxTrue to the announcement, after exactly fifteen minutes two sets of double-doors swung open to reveal a large, rectangular room, with a vast number of chairs spread around in precise rows and separated into several sections to provide enough walking room between them. The whole room practically oozed quality and expensive tastes, from the plush carpeting beneath everyone's feet, to the rippling curtains covering the walls of the windowless room - which also served to deaden echos and absorb sounds. At one end of the room, towards which every single chair faced, stood a slightly raised platform, atop which sat a covered table with half a dozen chairs and a microphone in front of each. Four of the chairs were already filled, with each person watching the various trainers file in and fill in seats. Some of the guests whispered between themselves occasionally, others tapped away on a PDA or similar smart device, but they all waited patiently for everyone to settle in and find a seat. There was no question that the conference room was veritably packed full of trainers - or would be once they all seated themselves - but the four people at the front didn't seem at all perturbed by the number.

xxxEach of the guests had a small sign in front of them that hung from the top of the table, settled in front of the cloth, so as not to obscure anyone's view by setting it on top. The very first sign on the left read 'Kanto / Johto' on it, the one immediately to the right read 'Hoenn', followed next by 'Sinnoh' and finally 'Unova.' A muscular man sat in the chair behind the first label, arms folded across his chest and watching the crowd with barely concealed amusement. His black, naturally spiked hair and medium length ponytail matched his athletic build and deep tan that came from consistently spending time outdoors. A heavy black band wrapped around each wrist, and if there was any visible discomfort, it was barely noticeable and all directed at the tight fitting shirt someone must have ordered him to wear for the occasion. Next to him, in the place designated for the region of Hoenn, sat a middle-aged woman with pale brown eyes, and a blonde bob cut. She observed the trainers with amiable approval as they entered. Her hands were hidden from view behind the table, though the positioning of her straightened shoulders would suggest that they were folded neatly in the lap of her purple dress. A young woman with long blonde hair and an even longer black, fur-trimmed coat sat behind the 'Sinnoh' sign, watching all the trainers file in with gray eyes and a quiet smile as she gently stroked her Glaceon, the head of which just barely poked out over the table - its ears were more readily visible, as they stuck out over her arm. And at the rightmost side, from Unova, sat a slightly bulky man with purple eyes and fiery hair. A string of pokeballs hung down from his neck, laying against his cream-colored, red-trimmed poncho. His expression was warm and pleased as he watched the trainers enter the room.

xxxAs all the trainers filed in and began finding seats, a young man pulled a microphone from its stand and moved to stand in front of the panel, facing the trainers with a bright smile. "Alright, if everyone could do me a favor and fill in those extra spaces - I don't wanna see any empty seats scattered around!" He said, pointing accusingly in various directions - though his playful tone and matching grin hinted that he wasn't actually upset at anyone. "Really though, we want everyone to easily find somewhere to sit, and having a bunch of empty seats in the middle of rows makes that kind of difficult. Thanks guys!" He added preemptively, then waited for everyone to finish seating themselves.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:34 pm
"Totally!" Henrietta replied to Rosie's query before, realising the panel doors were opening, saying good bye to Jace.
"Oh man! It's opening! I gotta get in there! We better see you two soon! You don't lose until then, right?!" She grinned "I know you won't!"
The girl then joined the rest of those who were going into the panel.

"Oh man!" She couldn't contain her exclamation as she, and Gummy, entered the room to see the panel members. "Oh man, so awesome!"  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:37 pm
Nicolette, Rosie, et.al.

He shook his head in light dismissal, "It's no problem. I'm glad you're enjoying it." Because really, knowing how to train pokemon well was the best way to defend oneself in Kodo, where the enemies were unabashed in their use of pokemon as weapons.

It seemed that the panel was starting soon, however, and so with a gesture to Nicolette, Luke moved to join Rosie and the group that seemed to be gathered in her vicinity, where those intending to attend the informational session eventually split from those who didn't and made their way to the large, auditorium-like room and found seats among the other gathering trainers. The League officials - presumably - seated at the front were unfamiliar, but they certainly had the atmosphere of important individuals about them. Remembering that Rosie had much more experience with the League than he did, he chanced the curiosity, "Do you recognize them?"  

Vice Captain


Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:52 pm
Luke, Rosie, whoever else

Her eyes lit up. "Oh, I am! I'm enjoying it so much," she replied happily as she followed him back to Rosie, and then followed them in and sat down on Luke's other side. She would have been bouncing in her seat if she wasn't intent on sitting properly with good posture. For some reason, this seemed like a very important event that they had just walked into, and she wanted to give it her full attention. She didn't even think, though, that Rosie might recognize these people.


Rosie, whoever else

Inigo nodded with another lop-sided smile, though at her words he nodded his understanding. He wasn't exactly sure where he'd sit, but regardless he followed them in and sat near Rosie, but a row behind her. Sort of with her, but sort of not. Nerius followed, and sat on the floor between Inigo's feet.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:53 pm
Luke, Nicolette, (anyone with group)

They were filed into the room, Rosie made sure to stick with her group as more and more people searched for seats.
As they sat though, Rosie's attention was on the panel at the front of the room.
Sitting at the edge of her seat with a straight posture, a look of excitement and surprise on the four Elites.

"They're part of the Elite Four!" Rosie said. "From their respective regions, oh my gosh I didn't know we were getting Elites on this panel!"
This was exciting, these people were masters of pokemon, Rosie couldn't imagine how hard these people had worked to get where they were, and they were truly a symbol of some great accomplishments.
"Its Bruno, from the Kando Johnto region,-" the same region that had been home to Lance, the dragon champion... who from what she had heard is still missing. "Glacia, she's such a beautiful women, she's from Hoenn, same place as the champion Steven, who we met. Cynthia, who's actually a step over, she's a champion too, from Sinnoh, and that man there is Alder, Champion for Unova."
Two elites, and Two champions even, "I can't wait to hear what they have to say."  

League Trainer Rosie


PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:55 pm
xxxThe young man raised his mic once again. "Alright, is everyone settled now? Awesome! Alright, well, good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to Kodo's first ever Pokemon convention! I know everyone's been super excited about the League for a while now - I know I have - so I hope you're just as excited as I am to hear what they have to say to us today," he said, offering a sweeping gesture to the panel behind him that also served as a silent cue. "That said, please give your undivided attention to our guests - I'll let them introduce themselves." With a grin and a wave, he switched off his mic and moved off to the side to stand against a wall.

The first speaker shrugged and leaned forward to his personal microphone. "Guess I'll start. Hello, everyone!" He gave a wave to the crowd. His gruff voice was friendly and unconcerned by the size of the audience. "I am Bruno, and I will be representing the regions of Kanto and Johto for the panel today."

As Bruno leaned back in his chair, the next representative pulled her own microphone closer with one hand. "Hello, I'm Glacia, and I will be representing Hoenn today," she spoke in calm, soft tones. Her piece said, she turned her head to look to the next representative in the line.

The blonde woman leaned forward a little, and the Glaceon ears disappeared under the table. "Hello everyone, my name is Cynthia. I'll be representing Sinnoh in our panel today." With a smile out at the audience, her gray eyes flitted to her left.

"Hello," the next man started with a broad smile, his arms folded atop the table as he leaned forward to reach the mic. "My name is Alder, and I'm from Unova," he said, then paused before continuing on. "I don't know how many of you visited the informational booths before joining us today, but one of them had information about having a safe journey in Kodo. All of that is wonderful advice, and relevant to the topics we'll talk about today."

At a small gesture from the woman beside him, Alder paused and leaned back, while Cynthia leaned forward and laced her fingers together atop the table. "As most of you know, Team Rocket is deeply entrenched in Kodo and has been for a number of years. We'd like to discuss that with you all today." She straightened up again, and Alder leaned forward once more.

"Exactly. So, if that's alright with everyone, we'd like to dive right into things here," he finished with an expectant smile at the audience, in case anyone had any questions before they began.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:00 pm
Some random young woman from one of the back rows stood and held her hands to her mouth so that her voice could at least be partially heard over the chattering crowd, "Bruno will you marry me?!"  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Rocket Agent Faleen

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:03 pm
A brown haired trainer with blue eyes and a round face took a seat at the back of the room, legs crossed, her eyes on the big display screens of the panel.
This was troublesome... Faleen didn't know them very well, but she knew enough to know that they were powerful trainers from the League. Like Lance, and Lance himself was barely beaten by a while team of Rockets and their pokemon.

She sat in silence with a Furret at one of the seats next to her, and a seat for her partner.

Somewhere from the crowd around her someone stood up and called out toward the panel.
Faleen had to hold back a sigh. unproductive, waiting time.  

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