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Destitute Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:47 pm
As Nicodemus recounted their memories, Alistair couldn't help but think back. He was right, the blonde did do everything in his power to make the other's life miserable. However, if he hadn't, He may have never gotten to know Nico. When the other commented about the sniper, the blonde couldn't help but snicker at the thought. It was something Nico would constantly use as an excuse to tackle him to the ground. Alistair laughed before raising an eyebrow and deviously smiling at the other. "How'd that go again?" Alistair playfully pinned Nico, though he was still being wary of the other's wound.

Alistair smirked as his grey eyes peered into Nico's. It was just as Nico would do way back when, during a time when he was, dare he say, perhaps a little stronger than the blonde. Alistair had come a long way from then, and could even perhaps take care of himself; not that he would ever admit it, lest his parents send Nico away. As he stared at him, he couldn't help but be amazed at how the years have past, and how much the two had grown. Though he may not have even known it himself, or even refused to accept it because of their friendship, the blonde had grown quite fond of Nico; fancying him, even. Alistair absentmindedly leaned down, closing in on Nico's lips before pausing, putting his forehead to the other's and closing his eyes and sighing in slight irritation at himself. "Dammit." He said under his breath as got off and returned to his previous place on the bed, his eyebrows furrowed. "What was that?" Alistair couldn't help but wonder where the act came from, or why he would subconsciously wish to kiss the other, oblivious to his own desires. His gaze wandered to the other, wondering how he would take his actions. "With any luck, he will excuse it." The blonde thought.

((OOC: Sorry about the quote spam, I had to edit this a couple of times >-<))

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:37 pm
Nicodemus laughed before yelping as he was pinned. He was surprised that it didn't hurt his back too much, Alistair was being careful about his wound, which Nico really appreciated. However, now that he was pinned, he couldn't do much else but look back into Alistair's eyes, getting lost in their gaze. Then they Alistair was moving closer . . . Nicodemus's breathing hitched. What was Alistair doing? Was he going to . . .? Their lips were so close now! "Al?" he barely was able to breathe out the word, his face completely red. But then Alistair just touched his forehead to Nicodemus's and the other moved away. Nicodemus just stayed laying there for a bit before releasing the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. What had that been about? He could still hear his heart pounding in his ears. He closed his eyes, trying to pull himself under control. This was improper! It was good that Alistair had stopped! He . . . He had to remove himself.

Nicodemus quickly sat up, stumbling a bit as his vision was overwhelmed by black dots for a second before he was able to blink them away. "Excuse me, My Lord." he mumbled quickly, the wall of formalities going up as a defense to keep himself separate from the situation. He quickly fled the room, not quite running, but it was a quicker walk than his normal stride. He didn't slow down until he'd rounded quite a few corners and then he sat against a wall, his head in his hands as he tried to calm down. No! It was wrong for him to have these feelings wasn't it? ESPECIALLY since Alistair was much higher up on the social ladder than Nicodemus could ever be . . . And . . . if anyone knew . . .

He winced at the memory that was beginning to surface. He'd been 14. His first crush had been on a fellow slave by the name of Darien who was 15 at the time. They'd shared a couple of stolen moments while serving under the same master. Just a look, or sometimes a smile. But while Nicodemus earned their master's favor, Darien was ignored, which they had agreed was better than being on the master's bad side as they'd both seen the damage he'd done to others with his whip. And then they'd had their first kiss. Nicodemus had been caught off guard when he'd been returning to the slave housing from a day of helping file paperwork. He'd had to learn to read for that job, but some of the papers had a bunch of numbers on them as well as words, and he would a few paragraphs of each of these as he filed the paperwork that helped keep his master's business afloat, gaining more knowledge than most slaves were privy to. Darien caught him in an empty hallway.

Nicodemus smiled a chuckled a bit as he was pulled aside by Darien. "Hey there dog." He greeted the other.

"Sofa." was the reply before they both laughed a bit, trying to keep quiet at the same time. It was their joke as they both knew that slaves were seen as either pets or property . . . but at least they could treat each other as human beings.

"Couldn't wait to see me again then?" Nicodemus flirted, blushing a bit as he did so. It felt so easy, but at the same time his stomach was doing flip-flops.

"Well Master has you cooped up filing papers all day, I barely get to see you as it is." Darien replied, frowning.

"You missed me huh?" Nicodemus asked, leaning against the wall, smiling at the other. The pout was just cute. And he liked the idea of the other missing him. It made him feel . . . important.

"Of course I missed you dummy! I . . . I really like you, you know." Darien admitted, blushing a bit. Nicodemus couldn't help but smile.

"Prove it." he challenged, still smiling.

Darien smiled back and then closed the distance between them.

They had thought they were alone in that hall . . . that they were safe. But the next time Nicodemus saw Darien was in his master's study, the other being whipped for 'seducing Nicodemus'. Nicodemus had been forced to watch, the lesson being hammered into his young head. Liking another male was bad and led to pain. Darien had been sold off the next day before his wounds could properly heal. And Nicodemus . . . well . . . he had been scared to look for Darien on his own . . . and by the time he had gotten enough courage to tell Alistair about his own brother . . . he'd developed feeling for the young lord and Darien had only been a whisper of a thought, the only thing reminding him that these feelings were a bad thing and that he needed to keep them hidden.

Nicodemus suddenly took a sharp breath in. His brother. Kress knew. Was it just that he didn't care about who Nicodemus liked, or was it that he thought he'd been 'seduced'? Suddenly he had a whole new set of worries and he groaned, gripping his hair as he hung his head. Why couldn't things be easy?! Why did the bandits ever have to come to his village! He and Kress would have never been slaves, Kress wouldn't be a mercenary and Nicodemus . . . well maybe Nicodemus wouldn't be so conflicted over his own emotions. Maybe then he could just be normal.

Yet for all his wishes, he didn't want to lose Alistair. Alistair was a lord and yet he treated Nicodemus, a slave, as though he was a person. Nico should try and leave the household, either by escaping or being sold somewhere else, but he wanted to stay. He wanted to stay by Alistair and protect him, make sure he was safe and happy. But Nicodemus was almost positive that if Alistair knew why Nicodemus didn't want to go . . . Alistair would be all too happy to help his father sell him away.

((It's okay. ^-^ And now we get to see a bit into Nicodemus's past. I wrote a lot. XP))((Edit: Also, what would you think about Darien showing up again? Maybe as another one of the mercenaries?))



Hopeless Romantic

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Destitute Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:22 pm
As Nico briskly left the room, Alistair jumped up to follow him, though he stopped dead in his tracks. My lord? Since when had Nico become so formal with him? He hadn't called him that in ages. Not since the beginning of Nico's years in the mansion. Alistair's breath hitched as he stared at the door, contemplating what he should do. "What did I do?" He said as he paced a little. Was that a rejection? Well, could he even call it that? It wasn't intentional, but Alistair couldn't help but feel like he...wanted something to happen. "GRAH!" The blonde said in frustration. As he came back to the door. As he stared at the doorknob, he opened it before following the labyrinth of halls, frantically looking for the other. There was no way he was leaving things as they were. He wouldn't be able to handle it. It was a matter of time before he found the other, against a wall as if he were in deep contemplation. "I suppose at this point, it's now or never."Alistair wasted no time walking up to him, before kneeling in front of him, kissing him without warning or reason.

(( OOC: Oh how you read my mind. :3 ))

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:53 pm
Nicodemus was brought out of his thoughts as someone knelt in front of him, and he quickly looked up to see who it was. Then, without a word, Alistair was kissing him! Nicodemus blinked a bit before his eyes closed and he was starting to kiss back before the image of Darien being whipped flashed in his mind and he pushed the other away rather forcefully, not daring to look at the other. "My Lord this . . . this is improper." he was able to choke out as he tried to stand up. Not only was it improper . . . Nicodemus believed it was wrong and after seeing that Alistair's father was not above using the whip on his own son, he was worried about what would happen if they were caught . . . If someone saw that . . . Well he wasn't so much worried about himself, it was Alistair he was worried about. He didn't want Alistair to suffer the same treatment as Darien . . . He wasn't quite able to choke back a bitter laugh. The people he loved . . . Darien, Alistair, his brother . . . they all wound up getting hurt . . . because of him.

Darien walked down the halls of the mercenary headquarters, rubbing his right shoulder with a grimace on his face. Since that brutal whipping when he was 15, his right arm lost some of it's fuction. He could still write letters, but they tended to be very short ones or his fingertips would begin to go numb and he'd get cramps up his whole arm. His master had been left-handed so most of the blows fell on Darien's right side. A healer had told him that some of the nerves had been damaged, particularly where the whip had hit between his shoulder and his neck. Right now, for instance, he'd been practicing with the sword, trying to keep his right arm as functional as it could be but halfway through his practice, his arm had gone numb. So he switched to his left hand. It had been difficult, learning to do things with his left hand, but he'd learned. Besides, he also had strong legs and a quick mind that had been wasted on being a slave. It was how he had managed to plan out an escape from that life. He was actually one of the few people who had been able to find the mercenaries' base without being recruited first. He had snuck in and found his way to the healer. The healer had helped him, but had also alerted the higher ups to the intruder. They'd been impressed. Darien could look at a building and find the best way to get in without being seen, or failing that, the best way to get in with the least amount of resistance. It required a couple of days of staking out a place, and having a couple of people get inside to get a basic layout for him, but he had gained the title of "Shadow", for his ability to slip in and out of a place like a shadow. He was asked either to steal valuable items, or, on occasion, slit someone's throat. Usually Crow was sent if the backer didn't mind a scene, but for subtlety . . . it was Shadow who was sent.

Darien smirked. Speaking of Crow . . . The brute had messed up a kidnapping mission. Got the wrong target. And then Kaitlyn, the Eagle-eye herself, had turned a profit from the mistake. Darien did not like Crow, but the higher ups wanted that high-profile target. The backer hadn't been happy with the report of a failure. So both Shadow and Crow would be going in, they decided. Shadow, to figure out their entrance and escape, Crow to be the muscle. Shadow also knew something that the higher-ups didn't. He had some people who reported to him, and only him. And a little bird had told him that Kaitlyn had sold Crow's mistake right back to the original target. That would likely prove a problem because the interfering busy-body was likely to try and interrupt the kidnapping process again. He knocked on Crow's door, needing to tell the other about the orders.



Hopeless Romantic

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Destitute Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:38 pm
As Alistair was pushed back, he sighed, listening to Nicodemus's words. His silver gaze looked at the other's features, noting his worry. With a deep breath, the blonde stood, finding a spot beside him on the wall. Perhaps he was right. It was improper. He knew that his father would flip. Alistair was never a stickler for the rules, and he knew that but, what he had just done was selfish. "I suppose you have a point but I figured that it was the only way to break this strange awkwardness between us, so please," Alistair looked over at Nico, his typical happy-go-lucky smile lining his features. "Quit saying 'My Lord'. I can take that from everyone but you. You're my friend, not my servant." It was quite childish, something so small stirred something in the blonde, but he couldn't have Nico treating him like every other servant in the household did. Him treating Alistair like a human being instead of a status symbol was one of his only solaces.


Upon hearing the loud tap on his room door, Kress opened his eyes, glaring at it irritatingly, a slight headache surfacing. The raven haired man furrowed his eyebrows as he got up, pulling a random white shirt on to cover up the slice on his back. He could walk and run without pain now, the work done on him having helped exponentially, but just because he couldn't feel it didn't mean that it wasn't there. If he re-injured it, he would be screwed. Kress walked over to the door, sighing as he turned the doorknob, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of who was there, a part of him half tempted to shut the door again.

To say that Shadow and Crow didn't get along was an understatement, and it wasn't simply because their methods of doing their job differed so vastly, though that was part of it. The two just didn't like each other, plain and simple, though Crow didn't doubt the other's skill. Kress stared dully at the other, a glare almost lining his features. He was never excited to see him, but Kress knew that if the other was there, it was something damn important. The crow silently sighed, dreading to work with the other, but wasn't so unprofessional as to complain about it. Kress shot the other a look, before turning around and leaving the door open, signaling that the other could enter. Meanwhile, Kress pulled out clothes and a few supplies, getting ready for whenever he would have to leave. He knew that the blonde woman that patched him up would have his head, but even she knew that orders were orders.

(( OOC: Oh, this is going to be fun... I wonder how this scenario is going to turn out >.> ))

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:43 pm
"And look where that got us!" Nicodemus snapped, glaring at the ground. "Your own father whipped you because you've been my friend." he said in a bit of a softer tone. "I can't . . . I don't want . . ." he stumbled over his words, something he had only really done when he had told Alistair about his brother. He took a deep breath. "I'm supposed to protect you." he finally said, those words were easier to get out than others. "But . . . I . . ." he was fumbling for words again. "Everyone I care about has been hurt because of me . . ." he mumbled.

Darien smirked as he walked in, closing the door behind him. "Now, don't be too anxious to go. I haven't quite worked out the plan of attack yet." he said, chuckling a bit. "Listen, the bosses are giving you a chance to make up for your mistake. I'm supposed to find a way to get you in without the, ah, theatrics you used. It's the same target, same mission. Kidnap him. Even as we speak I got a couple of eyes and ears gathering information. You focus on getting the target out of there. I'll handle any . . . foolish interferences that come our way." he reported, his left hand resting on the handle of his blade. His right hand's fingers had been twitching slightly as he spoke, but he'd ignored it. He supposed it was the muscles spasming from the damaged nerves. It wasn't uncommon for him . . . just annoying. "Any questions?" he finished, wanting to leave, get the plan underway. He'd been able to obtain a blueprint of the building which helped, but he needed to know what sort of defenses were in play as well. He might have told Crow not to be so eager to pack, but if his informants worked in a timely manner, they would be leaving by tomorrow night at the latest.



Hopeless Romantic

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Destitute Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:59 pm
Alistair's silver eyes widened as he watched the other, his voice raising. It was unusual for him, though the blonde couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the situation that Nico simply wasn't telling him. Alistair matched his tone for a moment as he heard Nico blaming himself for his father's actions. "That was not your fault Nicodemus!" The male's gaze softened slightly, simply reviewing all of the trouble he had caused. He ran a hand through his hair as he slid down the wall. He looked to Nico, his voice growing soft. "None of that was your fault. It happened because I went against him. It was bound to happen eventually, if not this time then another." Alistair sighed as he looked solemnly to Nico. "You did protect me. And for that, I owe you my life. I don't know what happened to you in the past, but for as long as I've known you, I have never once been hurt by you or because of you. I never blamed you for anything, and if anyone has, they obviously didn't know you well. Even your brutish older brother seemed to know this." Alistair breathed deep before speaking again, shifting his gaze from Nico to the wall. "Nico, I don't have any fond memories that you aren't a part of. Stop blaming yourself for all of the bad things that happen. It's painful to see someone so radiant take the grunt of everyone's bad fortune."


As Shadow went on explaining why the higher ups ultimately decided to pair the two together, Kress paused mid-pack. His eyes closed in defeat as he took a deep inhale. "Dammit Darius." Crow couldn't help but think as he irritatingly shoved two daggers into his boots, though he was still careful not to slice himself. He knew that with a kidnapping that high profile, the clientele wouldn't be happy not getting what they paid for, but Kress only hoped that HE wouldn't have to be the one to clean up shop. Nicodemus would be absolutely furious if he took Alistair away, and he couldn't handle that hatred from his brother. But there was also no doubt that if he didn't do what the higher ups asked, they would certainly kick his a** to the curb.

Crow put a hand to his face in thought. He couldn't turn the offer down. It wasn't in his nature, so the higher ups would get suspicious. He didn't want to know what would happen if they found out about him. Kress's gaze peered over at Shadow. This was no doubt a test. There were many other eager mercenaries for the job that were in far better condition than he was. Kress continued to pack before hearing him say that he would get rid of any "foolish interferences." Crow immediately whipped around as his mind went to Nicodemus. His glare at the other was hard and full of spite. Despite everything, if Shadow touched his brother, Kress would have no conflicting feelings about killing the man on the spot. "I don't need your help taking out the small fry. Stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours." The raven haired male tried to cover his intentions, though he may snapped a little too harshly. He now knew that he now had to go. Nico was in danger, and Kress's priority was to protect him, even if that meant he may come to despise the crow.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:18 pm
Nicodemus looked at Alistair with wide eyes as he was snapped at by the other. He listened to the other's words before he looked away again, rubbing the back of his neck, feeling a bit awkward. "So . . . you . . . you don't hate me?" he asked softly. "Even after everything? Even though I'm . . . not normal?" he asked, still struggling with his own insecurities.

Darien's eyebrows rose as Crow suddenly whirled around and snapped at him. Well that was interesting. He knew the crow wasn't the nicest of persons, hell none of the mercenaries really were but . . . that had been a bit too quick of a reaction, a bit too harsh of a snap. He smirked. "I'm just saying. The small fry made your job a failure last time. I'm certainly not going to have a failure on my record just because one idiot decides to protect his master." he said, spitting out the word as though it was an insult. The one thing that he and the Crow seemed to agree on was that masters were scum. His hand twitched again, and this time he wasn't so sure it was because of the damaged nerves. His left hand tightened on the hilt. "Still, if he stands down, there's no reason why he can't walk away with his life. Unlike you, I like to give slaves a chance to keep living. You know as well as I, sometimes their lives are all they have. I hate taking it from them." he said, frowning, knowing of Crow's past as a slave, if only from the scars he had seen on the other on occasion. "Or are you just so pissed at this one for making you a screw up that you want to deal with him personally?" he asked, the smirk back on his face as he taunted the other.



Hopeless Romantic

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Destitute Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:29 am
Alistair smiled as he returned to his light hearted attitude, glad that the tense atmosphere was finally letting up. "Especially because you're not normal. After all, normal is boring, as are all of the other stiffs that come in and out of this house" Alistair chuckled slightly before looking over at Nico. "If anything, I should be asking if you hate me. I can get a little...selfish and unorthodox at times, so frankly, I'm quite amazed that you still choose to put up with me." The blonde smiled as he looked over at the other, thinking back to all of the trouble he had caused him.


Crow listened as Shadow spoke, hearing his malice for the word master. If the two agreed on anything, it was their great disdain for the wealthy bastards that decided to treat human beings as property. Crow's eyebrows furrowed as he remembered everything that they had put him an his younger brother through; killing his mother, separating their family, and selling them like items on auction to the highest bidder. There was no doubt that Crow hated them. However, as Shadow went on, Kress's look of disdain was slightly marred by worry as he remembered his brother's fondness for this one particular young lord, one that even he almost killed him over. Someone who put themselves in that much of a risk for someone else once would no doubt hold true to that fast stead loyalty.

Kress's gaze shifted to the other as he spouted off his mouth, causing Kress to simply click his tongue before swiftly throwing a knife in his direction, though it missed and hit the wall. Crow smiled a friendly smile, though it was easy to see the intense cruelty and contempt he hardly bothered hiding underneath. "My past is none of your concern, so I would appreciate it if you didn't speak of it so casually. As are my intentions. Do as you please, but I make no promises that I won't slice you down if you're in my way." Kress said before looking over at the various supplies on the table, studying the objects to make sure that everything was right.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:49 am
Nicodemus looked a bit gobsmacked at Alistair's words. ". . . Put up with you?" he repeated, seeming a bit stunned. He then chuckled a bit, smiling as he looked away from Alistair, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well . . . I . . ." he sighed, unable to find a way to really say it correctly. So instead he closed the distance between them and pressed a soft kiss to Alistair's lips before pulling away quickly, a blush on his face. "I'm sorry . . ." he mumbled, seeming to instantly second-guess his own actions. "I . . . I shouldn't . . . I . . ." he was stammering now. He then looked up, worried and surveyed the area around them. "Come on." he said, grabbing Alistair's hand and leading him back to the room. "Your dad probably shouldn't know about this." he murmured, worried that someone had seen him kiss the other. He didn't really know what he was thinking, but really?! How could Alistair even question why Nicodemus still 'put up with him'. Even though he had done his best to deny it, the truth was Nicodemus had very strong feelings for Alistair . . . and part of him wanted to act on it. A part of him had hope that maybe . . . because it was Alistair . . . this time it would turn out okay . . .

Shadow just shrugged, not really seeming fazed by the knife. "Fine, but remember that this is now my mission too. So I won't let some 'loyal slave' get in the way." he said, before heading to the door. "I should have our plan of attack ready by tomorrow evening. Be ready." he added before leaving.



Hopeless Romantic

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Destitute Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:34 am
When Nico closed the distance between them, Alistair was surprised. "N-Nico." He said, taken by surprise. He thought that surely Nico had rejected his advances. So why? When he saw the blush on the other's face and his stammering for words, Alistair couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was. It was only moments later that he had found himself being led down the halls by his hand. For a moment, Alistair looked curiously at the other, wondering where it was Nico was taking him. When he noted his room door down the hall, Alistair smiled at the other. When the two reached the door, Alistair opened it, pulling Nico into the room before closing the door quietly. Though all in all, it wasn't really necessary. His room was pretty isolated, as were all of the grand bedrooms in the manor. Alistair looked at the other with a playful smirk "Privacy huh?" He teased before smiling a genuine smile, wrapping his arms loosely around Nico. Alistair leaned into Nico, slowly and gently pressing his lips to the other's, giving Nico leeway to pull away if he wished.


Kress sneered at the door as it closed before sighing, a look of worry on his face. What would he do? He couldn't make it know that Nico had any relation to him, but Shadow was no doubt as ruthless as they came when he needed to be. If Nico stepped in to save Alistair Reiville, Shadow would kill him without a second thought. Crow sat and pondered on his thoughts. If Nico got in front of Alistair, it was all a matter of who would get to him first, and for his sake, Kress just hoped it was him. The raven haired male heaved a heavy sigh as he finished packing, leaning back on the bed. What would he do? He needed his own plan, though it was pretty hard to devise one when he didn't even know what his temporary partner was planning. Kress looked at the door, he supposed that he could ask Kaitlyn for advice, but he ultimately decided against it. He had put her through enough already. No, he had to figure this out in his own. "Tomorrow." he sighed before grabbing his blade, still bloody from the events that had happened. Kress stood up, getting what he needed to clean it.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:20 pm
Nico pulled back slightly, a dark blush on his face. "Not like that!" he was quick to respond, clearly a bit flustered. But he sighed and rested his head against Alistair, seeming a bit uncomfortable in his movements. "I . . . I'm confused Al . . ." he mumbled, drawing comfort from the other even if he was unsure of himself. "I . . . I liked someone before . . . and my master . . . he punished us." he admitted to the other, clearly struggling to put it to words. "I had to watch as he was whipped and . . . I was beaten." he said, flinching a bit at the memory. It hadn't been that bad, according to what other slaves had told him, but he had been bruised quite a bit. "He said . . . liking another guy was wrong. That it was disgusting . . ." he said, his arms now wrapped around Alistair, trying to keep himself under control. Alistair was a very good anchor. "I don't . . . I thought you would hate me . . . I'm just . . . I'm not used to this being okay." he said softly, looking up at the other. Nicodemus really felt quite lost.



Hopeless Romantic

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Destitute Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:30 am
As Nico pulled away, Alistair couldn't help but notice how flustered the other was , smiling slightly at his antics. He was adorable, and the blonde knew that. As Nico began to explain things to him, the blonde male's silver eyes narrowed in spite at the thought of someone hurting the other, his grip on Nico tightening in the very slightest. He despised the fact that someone would injure him so much that it scarred him to that day. Alistair looked down at the other, remembering all of his past experiences. In his parent's eyes, they never cared much about who he was really with, as long as they were wealthy and he kept it covered, usually by courting princesses and mistresses and the daughters of nobles. However, over the course of his life, Alistair had never known what it was to truly like someone, let alone love someone.

The blonde smiled as he gave a chaste peck on Nico's forehead, as if it were assurance that he was okay with him. "I don't hate you. As a matter of fact, I am quite fond of you." The male smiled, thinking that the notion of him hating Nico was preposterous, though he could understand his discomfort in the situation. It wasn't uncommon. Two males courting was typically frowned upon by a good deal of nobles. If it were two slaves, some nobles would simply beat one and make the other watch. It was a tactic that they would use to message the others. Alistair took a sharp breath as he thought about it. As he listened to Nico, he matched his gaze. "Okay by whose standards? The crude man that hurt you? The stuck up nobility's? Do their opinions fare that much to you?" Alistair softened his gaze. "If your feelings were true, what you felt, what you are feeling, is not wrong. For once in your life Nico, have you ever just stopped to ask what you wanted to do, rather than what other people wanted you to do?"

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:02 am
Nicodemus frowned. "No . . ." he murmured softly. "I haven't. Not until I . . . well . . . until I met you." At this point, he couldn't help but smile a bit. "I've been doing it a lot more recently though. Especially these past couple of days." he said, the smile growing on his face. He then kissed the other, still a bit hesitant, but he felt quite a bit more comfortable with his own feelings and actions now. "So . . ." he murmured as he pulled back. "You can probably tell why I don't want to leave now." he tried for a tease, blushing a bit.



Hopeless Romantic

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Destitute Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:06 pm
As Nico kissed him, Alistair was taken slightly by surprise for a second, though it wasn't long before he kissed back moments before the other pulled away. As the blonde looked at the other he smiled, simply happy that Nico was comfortable enough to do so himself. "One could only guess." Alistair chuckled in the slightest before his silver gaze matched Nico's, a playful smile playing across the blonde's features. "After all, if you were gone, who would be here to keep me out of trouble?" The male said, teasing him back.

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