Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:04 pm
Indulge [In Words] *tackles `Kaa* D: WAAA. You should have come down here for the long weekend. T^T" Its..... warm, yes, but nothing a trip to Disneyland couldn't fix.... I really want to go to Disneyland, but I don't have enough money, even with the SoCal discounts. xD" I wonder if my aunt is busy, if not, she can sneak me in under my cousin's pass... >>" Space Mountain~! <3 ;^; I want to go to Disneyland again. D;
But that probably won't happen until I get a job. xD;;;
=x It's stupidwarm. I almost wore a short sleeve shirt to class but then I realized it's stupidcold in the morning and I'd be frozed solid if I did that. xD
<.<;;; It's really weird. almost 80 degrees by day, but a nice crisp (crisp as in so crispy you'll break in half if you move wrong) 20 to 10 degrees at night. xD;
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:57 pm
Pailzor Secret Duckie Palizor: Lovelove <3
*gives luff-shaepd c00keh* whee whee heart -omnomnom- Yeeey <3
peanut butter fruit loops
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:29 pm
@Teh: ughhh D: I know, i'm hating the warm weather right now, its supposed to be winter damn it D< Idunno, he was the first one that came to mine D:
@Indugle: yea, 100+ is the worst, but it was 73 at like 7 something at night ;_; I just wish it can get nice and cold for winter for a bit, before spring and summer decide to crisp me like bacon
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:29 pm
i havent been on this guild for a very long time.......anything new happened.....i havent been on for about a year lol.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:05 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] *tackles `Kaa* D: WAAA. You should have come down here for the long weekend. T^T" Its..... warm, yes, but nothing a trip to Disneyland couldn't fix.... I really want to go to Disneyland, but I don't have enough money, even with the SoCal discounts. xD" I wonder if my aunt is busy, if not, she can sneak me in under my cousin's pass... >>" Space Mountain~! <3 ;^; I want to go to Disneyland again. D;
But that probably won't happen until I get a job. xD;;;
=x It's stupidwarm. I almost wore a short sleeve shirt to class but then I realized it's stupidcold in the morning and I'd be frozed solid if I did that. xD
<.<;;; It's really weird. almost 80 degrees by day, but a nice crisp (crisp as in so crispy you'll break in half if you move wrong) 20 to 10 degrees at night. xD; Disneyland's somewhat near me! Visitvisitvisitvisitvisit!! 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh heart heart
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:34 am
peanut butter fruit loops
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:37 am
PeAnUt BuTtEr FrUiT LoOpS o.O J00 been gettin' bizzeh wiff teh jelleh? ninja ninja
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:55 pm
ninja ninja
So my brother got married yesterday. It was exciting.
peanut butter fruit loops
Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:50 pm
Pailzor PeAnUt BuTtEr FrUiT LoOpS o.O J00 been gettin' bizzeh wiff teh jelleh? ninja ninja x'DDD<3 Maybe whats it to you? D:<
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:04 am
PeAnUt BuTtEr FrUiT LoOpS Pailzor PeAnUt BuTtEr FrUiT LoOpS o.O J00 been gettin' bizzeh wiff teh jelleh? ninja ninja x'DDD<3 Maybe whats it to you? D:< Cuz teh marshmellow spread wanted meh ta h00k him up wiff j00. Cuz I's teh Luv Bunny an' all...
peanut butter fruit loops
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:14 am
Pailzor PeAnUt BuTtEr FrUiT LoOpS Pailzor PeAnUt BuTtEr FrUiT LoOpS o.O J00 been gettin' bizzeh wiff teh jelleh? ninja ninja x'DDD<3 Maybe whats it to you? D:< Cuz teh marshmellow spread wanted meh ta h00k him up wiff j00. Cuz I's teh Luv Bunny an' all...Hm, marshmellow you say? ;0
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:45 am
Pailzor Disneyland's somewhat near me! Visitvisitvisitvisitvisit!! 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh heart heart D: One problem.... No munniez. >w<;;;
xD; Besides- I wouldn't wanna disappoint you. What if j00r expecting some ok-looking person and I show up? Then you gotta funnehlookin' person instead. >.>;
-Chaos xD; Did you have to wear a tux?
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:07 pm
*scolds `Kaa* Nu. `Kaa is definitely okay-looking. More than that actually. And since `Tou-san said it, it must be true. :B <3
Disneyland is epic but expensive. Dx I can never get tired of going there... I'm a sucker for the classics. I don't like California Adventure as much, though I admit to spending like two hours at the character drawing place, going in and out every 15 minutes to learn how to draw a different one each time. T.T" <333
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:46 pm
Indulge [In Words] *scolds `Kaa* Nu. `Kaa is definitely okay-looking. More than that actually. And since `Tou-san said it, it must be true. :B <3
Disneyland is epic but expensive. Dx I can never get tired of going there... I'm a sucker for the classics. I don't like California Adventure as much, though I admit to spending like two hours at the character drawing place, going in and out every 15 minutes to learn how to draw a different one each time. T.T" <333 xD; I admit to liking it more just 'cause of that one big water ride.... eeehhh.... Bear-somethingerather...? D: I can't remember.
>w<; It is expensive..... Although- Safeway is having this special three day hopper pass thingy. >w< Mi madre said she might think about it. <33333
Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:17 pm