horrer movies are... usually pretty stupid.
not that I've watched many so techniqually I don't have a knowledgable opinion. But u know what I still say they are stupid. Now fighting with weapons... there ya go. Forget the sneaking around dodging zombies stuff... unless you're playing Resident Evil, but that's a game. (I heard a movie was made of it, but meh. What movies actually do a game justice? Like none.)
The movie Clue does the game justice. And I'll stand by it to the bitter end.
Also, yes, most horror movies are stupid. It was a wonderful day when I realized they weren't scary, but hilarious!
We get tons of b-horror movies a month here, and it's always a trip to see how awful they are.
Because making fun of movies is an enjoyable past time.
But still, some horror movies do things right. I prefer the suspense movies though, as they don't depend on over the top blood and gore, or a monster that just jumps out and says boo. It plays on your nerves. Those are good ones.