Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:37 am
•ɪт's•ɗɪsɢυsтɪɴɢ• •ʜσω•ɪɪ•ʟσʋε•ӌσυ• Yeah so I'm getting kicked out of my boyfriend's house Hooray stare Not by my boyfriend, by his mum who thinks I'm being a b***h to her precious youngest son But whatevs
•ɢσɗ•ɪɪ•ʜɑтε•ɱε• •ɪɪ•cσυʟɗ•κɪʟʟ•ӌσυ•
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:11 am
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:23 am
OMGi've been a part of this guild for.... ~counts~ 2-3 and a half years and only NOW do i find myself posting something. lol. GREETINGS ALL, THE GREAT KINA HAS RETURNED FROM THE LAND OF MMO'S!!! Missed y'all those i knew so well then, and ex-guildmaster ~glomps~ farewell [how ever old the farewell is...] and welcome to the new guildmaster. ~winks~
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:09 am
Yay, I have 65k new messages!
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:49 am
^ lol? That would piss me off if that happend.
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:06 pm
AUSCHii •ɪт's•ɗɪsɢυsтɪɴɢ• •ʜσω•ɪɪ•ʟσʋε•ӌσυ• Yeah so I'm getting kicked out of my boyfriend's house Hooray stare Not by my boyfriend, by his mum who thinks I'm being a b***h to her precious youngest son But whatevs
•ɢσɗ•ɪɪ•ʜɑтε•ɱε• •ɪɪ•cσυʟɗ•κɪʟʟ•ӌσυ• eek Where ya gonna live now? o.o
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:27 pm
Hey guys, Sorry I haven't been around, but the power was completely knocked out on Monday around four AM. lol, it actually snowed! We had about eight inches, which is mind blowing for where I live.
`Everybody: <3333 Thanks Ya'll. My birthday was a blast, despite loosing power. I got to throw potatoes into trees, and play in the snow.
`Sonic: D: Where have you been, Mister?
I probably won't hold a mini-contest, December is pretty busy for me. If you guys want me to though, I'll try.
`Tyra; lol, ilubaka.
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:29 pm
Well, Dave! That was awfully kind of you!
Hey, Tyrannnnny! And Chaoss!
Sorry I can't stay on for long.
At least it's good to know you guys are still alive! =]
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:48 pm
Norayr Well, Dave! That was awfully kind of you! Hey, Tyrannnnny! And Chaoss! Sorry I can't stay on for long. At least it's good to know you guys are still alive! =] Anytime. cool ninja ninja
@Kaa: Snow? Wut r dat b? o.O? *ish confy00zed* :confusedbunny:
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:54 pm
Norayr Well, Dave! That was awfully kind of you! Hey, Tyrannnnny! And Chaoss! Sorry I can't stay on for long. At least it's good to know you guys are still alive! =] Having fun becoming a doctuh? xd
OF COURSE I'm Still alive, dangit! I can't be rid of that easily. rofl
Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:47 pm
NOOOOOOOR. D< [/throws pillow at]
>.> [/random anger] Good Luck with teh doktah studies!
`Zor: ._.; You.......
... [/postmarks cooler filled with snow to you] D< Damn rabbit, I'm hauling your tail up here one year. Or something. You're the fourth person I've talked to today, who lives in california and doesn't know snow. Or hasn't seen. Or been near. Bleh.
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:05 am
Nor, you best start pick'n up mah phone calls. D:<
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:47 pm
Pailzor ArchAeon *Noms cookeh* Hey Pailzor. How have things been? Peachy? Or... Maybe... Giant peachy? Or... No..... It really hasn't been so adventurous.....At least it's not lemons, eh? [late] Happy Birthday, Kaa. [/late] It snowed here the other day. Three inches! Three friggin INCHES! 8D Was crazzzaayyy....
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:27 pm
ArchAeon It snowed here the other day. Three inches! Three friggin INCHES! 8D Was crazzzaayyy.... KEEP IT.
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:43 pm
Teh K a a C h a n `Zor: ._.; You.......
... [/postmarks cooler filled with snow to you] D< Damn rabbit, I'm hauling your tail up here one year. Or something. You're the fourth person I've talked to today, who lives in california and doesn't know snow. Or hasn't seen. Or been near. Bleh. xd xd I's seen it in teh mowntinz. And in New York.... Both were back in elementary school though.