Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:25 pm
"Yeah I did" Ivan said looking at Ray "I always fought, many with vampires. You know the killing of the vampires on campus? I kilt the one that his Nika in the head"
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 3:41 pm
Rose smirked to herself "Just looking at Ivans eyes you can tell his no inexperience werewolf" she stated "And why did that vampire hit Nika anyways?"
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:36 pm
Haki appeared in the corner that Jenn just turned. "Why do you say that?" He said, putting his hand under her chin. "History is so great! I love it... I like to know when stuff happened... I just love it... Not as much as I love you, though." He concluded, and gave her a smile, teeth sparkling in the sunlight coming from outside.
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:16 pm
As the author of this story, I have the right to delete your character if I see fit. Right now some people have not been on in a while, therefore without any notice at all from them, I shall be deleting their character.
If you have been an active roleplayer in my story, please send me a PM of your gaia name and your character name so your character will not be deleted. If I do not receive a message from you within 3 days, your character will be deleted. Thank you!
Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 10:38 pm
((Hope that doesn't include me, Prep. =3))
Jenn smiled as she looked into Haki's eyes. "Well History class would be a lot better if you were in it with me." She said with a smirk as she pecked his cheek. "But history just doesn't really appeal to me. I think it's easier to learn about what's happening now instead of what happened centuries ago." She said with her hands clasped down in front of her waist.
"Yeah... What did Nika ever do?" Ray asked, feeling interested in learning more about Ivan. The flutters came back ever since she could see him again, but she kept it to herself.
Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 10:23 am
"I watched or tried to get him to stop" Nika said "I hated to see him fight, except when I was the one they fought about. Like the time he beat this boy for picking on me last year. He pulled a prank, I jumped, and he laughed about it then Ivan beat him to a pulp which I protested about"
"He scared you though" Ivan said in his defense
"Yeah but you didn't need to hospitalize him" Nika responded
Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 3:02 pm
Haki put his arms around Jenn. "Well, I'll go down to the office and see if I can change my schedule around. Then we could be in history together." He gave a big sigh, and then asked her a question. "What class do you have next? I was thinking of skipping, and wondered if you wanted to join me..."
Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 9:59 pm
"Creative writing... I suppose I could skip that to be with you." Jenn said with a half smile. "But let's try not to get caught, K?"
Ray stared at Ivan with semi wide eyes. "Well now I know never to piss you off." She said kind of jokingly, but feeling serious. She looked at Nika and smiled. "Your lucky to have someone so protective. I had to stick up for myself a lot when I was younger." She looking at the ground.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 1:35 am
Rose went to sit next to Nika. She giggled "Who wouldnt be a little overprotective when having such a cute and huggable little sister " she said as she ruffled Nikas hair. She then looked at Ray "Youre kinda lucky too, you know. Due to my condition my parents were alot..and i mean alot more overptotective than Ivan." She then stopped and smiled to herself "But..thats another story...sorry if im being rude for asking but what happened to you when you were younger?"
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:11 am
As of now, characters have been/are being deleted. If you have not sent me a PM saying you are still active and your character has been deleted, read over the rules again and make a new one.
If you will be away from the rp for some time, you need to send me a pm. Otherwise, this is what happens. As for everyone else, there is no limit to posting, just try to interact with everyone the best you can. Thank you for keeping up with the RP.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:48 pm
Ray sighed and stared at the cracks between the tiles on the floor. "When I was seven I was beat up on a play ground because I had a tail and ears, and the boys thought it was weird... Then when I turned thirteen, the girls in my neighborhood insisted that I go to their slumber party and my mother made me go. When I went to sleep, they all shaved my hair off, including the hair on my ears and tail. Then they painted 'Freak' on my back..." Ray said, taking a breath. "It's fine though. It helped me learn to keep to myself." She said with a smile.
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:55 am
Ivan's hand clentched into a fist "Its that kinda of cruelty in society that leads to the discrimination of our races. Thats why there is so much violence among the humans. They can't except the weird or strange to them, they can't see past our flaws and except our true selves" Ivan said angry.
Nika stared at her brother in shock, she never seen her brother talk like that before. He was usually about strength, hatred of vampires, or lecturing her about safety.
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:20 pm
"In time they will though. I know it. I already know one human who accepts me and most others." Ray said noticing his fury. "Just relax, please." She said nervously.
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:30 pm
"Great" Haki siad, and he guided Jenn to a nearbye window. "I know the perfect place..." He opened the window, about 3 or 4 stories above the ground. "Ready?" He asked, and got on the ledge, ready to jump.
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:48 pm
Jenn looked out the window and then to Haki. She put a foot on the ledge nervously, and heaved a sigh. "Ready..." She said unsure as she held onto him nervously.