Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:12 am
"yeah how do we" he split his swor din tow makeing tow key baldes
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:22 am
asbloodrunscold kabal smiled " go ahead" he said she took a deep breath and bit into his neck and started to drink.
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 1:10 pm
kabal closed his eyes " see was that hard" he said
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 2:47 pm
hunter-the wanderer Hunter looks at her and whipes away her tears, "i am not that hunter, that was a dopple ganger, who stole my identity samantha, what ever he told you was a lie he only wanted to take your soul and every one elses" Hunter put the blade back at his side Samantha let go of Hunter and backed away. "What? But.....How?" Her tears fell faster, she turned to katie then to logan wanting to know if this was true. Samantha turned back to Hunter, her eyes full of fear, saddness and question. She turned, once again, to kaite know that she would most likely tell her what she need to hear and walked over to her. "Is....what he says true?"
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:37 pm
"I don't know," Katie said, keeping her eyes on the man, "You have to figure that out," she turned to her sister, "Is that the man you love or is the one you love dead?"
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:52 pm
Samantha looked at her sister and then turned around and looked at hunter. "Thats ...... not him." She looked at hunter one last time and turned back to kaite. "It's not him. The one i loved was killed by him." She choked that last scen tance out beofre totally breaking down again.
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:02 pm
asbloodrunscold kabal closed his eyes " see was that hard" he said she kept drinking slowly, she didnt want to hurt him, she wasnt used to drinking from people and well it kinda scared her if she accidently went off the deepend while doing it she might hurt him really bad
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:04 pm
kabal kept his calm there was a little pain but he didnt mind " u dont need to fear doing anything wrong im sure u wont" he said
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:06 pm
she tryed to relax but her body wouldent let her and she pulled away and looked at the trees "i give up, i cant make myself relax" she said softly with sadness in her voice "i cant do anything right"
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:08 pm
he smiled " try again and remember relax try to forget your fear" he said " before u do just breath peacefully that should help" he said
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:10 pm
she looked at him and took a deep breath and closed her eyes, she tryed again, she put her hands gently on his shoulders and began to drink.
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:11 pm
he smiled " there now relax forget everything but what your doing" he said
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:13 pm
she listened to him and relaxed, her grip on his shoulders loosened as her body slowly began to relax.
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:15 pm
he smiled " your doing great" he said
Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:17 pm
She kept drinking, she could feel the urge to tighten her grip and bite harder but she took a deep breath and tryed to make the urge go away.