Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:19 pm
Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble o_o; you guys really look British
... That's because we're English...
Well i KNOW that's why I made the comment XD
.......... -.- I'm on to you!
are not!
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:22 pm
Ravidizh Nutrino Ravidizh WHAT?! is it some kind of joke? eek you're clones!!! ... and I happen to be friends with another one gonk you look just like Luis! >_O Lmao! No joke... The top one is my one minute younger brother Fearless and that's me with the odd pattern on my face... Wait... Who's Luis? awesome! you guys are both really photogenic x] and btw, what does that pattern mean? ._. haahaha! sorry, Luis is a friend of mine, but we live in México. I don't think it means anything... I just had a random girl do it for me. She may have said something about it but I was way too drunk to have remembered.
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:23 pm
JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble
Well i KNOW that's why I made the comment XD
.......... -.- I'm on to you!
are not! I R!!!!
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:29 pm
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:31 pm
That may be so, but it doesn't make me a pineapple!!!!!
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:34 pm
Countess Orina the bloody Woo!! tis me with fairy wings and a fluffy blue crown. It was for wacky week at school, and I went as an emo/dark fairy thing... even though my hair wasn't all that emo... lol some people thought I was an angel.... o.O haha awe! plus you have a sweeney todd looking over your shoulder! xD lol
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:34 pm
Nutrino That may be so, but it doesn't make me a pineapple!!!!!
o_o; nope makes you a peanut ^_^
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:36 pm
JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino That may be so, but it doesn't make me a pineapple!!!!!
o_o; nope makes you a peanut ^_^ f(-.-)f RAWR!!!! *Tackles* You're a peanut...
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:37 pm
Ravidizh O_o DAI o_O Ravidizh O_o DAI o_O yeah! a random picture of...
my thumb and.. Rock Encyclopedia ........ ignore the guy =0ES TODO! los hispanohablantes son lo máximo! xD mrgreen dramallama I don't understand Spanish.. D: ...But it says "Enciclopedia del Rock" !!! gonk It's in Italian D:
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:39 pm
Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino That may be so, but it doesn't make me a pineapple!!!!!
o_o; nope makes you a peanut ^_^ f(-.-)f RAWR!!!! *Tackles* You're a peanut...
o_o;;; RAPE! XD I R not a Peanut! You is a peanut! I'm a watermelon
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:44 pm
JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino That may be so, but it doesn't make me a pineapple!!!!!
o_o; nope makes you a peanut ^_^ f(-.-)f RAWR!!!! *Tackles* You're a peanut...
o_o;;; RAPE! XD I R not a Peanut! You is a peanut! I'm a watermelon ... Rape? Where?.... *Looks at self* Oh... This isn't rape... And you is a dry roasted peanut! So there! *Gets up and runs away before Jess can reply*
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:45 pm
Nutrino Ravidizh Nutrino Ravidizh WHAT?! is it some kind of joke? eek you're clones!!! ... and I happen to be friends with another one gonk you look just like Luis! >_O Lmao! No joke... The top one is my one minute younger brother Fearless and that's me with the odd pattern on my face... Wait... Who's Luis? awesome! you guys are both really photogenic x] and btw, what does that pattern mean? ._. haahaha! sorry, Luis is a friend of mine, but we live in México. I don't think it means anything... I just had a random girl do it for me. She may have said something about it but I was way too drunk to have remembered. lol! way to go
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:46 pm
Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino That may be so, but it doesn't make me a pineapple!!!!!
o_o; nope makes you a peanut ^_^ f(-.-)f RAWR!!!! *Tackles* You're a peanut...
o_o;;; RAPE! XD I R not a Peanut! You is a peanut! I'm a watermelon ... Rape? Where?.... *Looks at self* Oh... This isn't rape... And you is a dry roasted peanut! So there! *Gets up and runs away before Jess can reply*
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:57 pm
JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble Nutrino JusticeJess QueenTrouble
o_o; nope makes you a peanut ^_^ f(-.-)f RAWR!!!! *Tackles* You're a peanut...
o_o;;; RAPE! XD I R not a Peanut! You is a peanut! I'm a watermelon ... Rape? Where?.... *Looks at self* Oh... This isn't rape... And you is a dry roasted peanut! So there! *Gets up and runs away before Jess can reply*
CHEATER! Yeah! Besides, boiled peanuts are way better.
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:58 pm
O_o DAI o_O Ravidizh O_o DAI o_O Ravidizh O_o DAI o_O yeah! a random picture of...
my thumb and.. Rock Encyclopedia ........ ignore the guy =0ES TODO! los hispanohablantes son lo máximo! xD mrgreen dramallama I don't understand Spanish.. D: ...But it says "Enciclopedia del Rock" !!! gonk It's in Italian D: HAHAHA! sorry, its spelled the same in both languages! oh well, I speak italian too xD *hugs* mrgreen