Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:28 pm
selena sigh with asigh of relife " are you sure cloud " selena kiss him back selena sighed and put her fangs out againa" i might as well go explaine myself now " selena took cloud hand and walked into the dinning hall and look them in the eyes " im sorry i handnt been foth coming with it " selena looked down and then back at them" what cloud said is true im a vampire and have been so for the last 500yrs and i did trun him i did it so because i didnt want him to go tell anyone because you know human well excuse me people treat us as a race and actuly everybod here is a vampire this a vampire mansion a safe haven i hope that you wont tell anyone please itd put all our live in danger "
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:44 pm
Mimi was dazed by the fact that selena was 500 years old and still looked so very beautiful." Of course we wont... that is if u dont say anyting about our families ninja heritage " Clouds father said to selena giving her a warm smile which surprised cloud in the process, His mother noded her head in agreement as did Mimi. Cloud sat down completely satisfied and brought selena down with him in another chair " I love you " cloud said to her in thought.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:04 pm
selena smiled happly "thank you sir " selena smiled " ninja whos a ninja i dont know anybody like that at all " selena winked " you mime as old as i am i can stil get scared and i can also read you mind to "selena wink and takes off her borch " here i want you to have this i got this for my self when i truned a 100 as as orta birthday gift " selena smiled and gigles smiles show off her fangs now selena went and sat back down " i love you to cloud " selena looked at cloud dad " one more thing sir i want o know that i have your blessing and also that you will come and vist us sometimes "
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:12 pm
" Thank you and i will " Kira said as she payed selena's fangs no mind. " Of course you have our blessing you are apart of the family now and yes we will come visit " Knight said before taking another bite of his breakfeast.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:23 pm
selena smiled "uhm might i impso on you once more sir can i ask you a favor " selena ask and looked kinda neverous held cloud hand tightly " im glad to now this too and maybe when we have kids theyll beable to go out into the sun so they can see how pretty it is"
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:32 pm
" Can vampires have kids? " Mimi asked chewing on a peice of sausage links. Cloud was kinda curious about that to and was some what interested in the answered
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:56 pm
selena cocked and eyebrow and looked at mimi " you watch to much tv dont you where not at all as they make us seem to be mimi" selena looks at cloud father " yes we can have kids vampires are just really like eveybody eles expect for the fact that sun hurts and as you see we dont sleep in coffins as they make us out to be in the moives becuase you slept in a bed as so do we " selena sighs " we are just different we can have kids we have feelings we can die and get hurt just as much or even more than anybody eles does "selena contuies " thats is why it called a curse and not a deasies and able to be cureed "selena said "but the favor i need from you is that my human father died long ago so i would be honored if you would walk me down the ille " selena looked at mimi and asnwer her question she had in her thougth" yes mimi we can feel pain as well as love and hate and every human emtion we still have them all and we can feel lost to" selena smiled and kiss cloudand looke dat him" yes cloud we can have kids "
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:09 pm
Watching Mimi's reaction Cloud found himself pleased, there was finaly some one that was pleased to answer her questions and not become irritated. " It would be my honor " Knight said finishing up the rest of his egg's, kira on the other hand was happy with what was being said an done. Cloud kissed selena back as he pulled her even closer to him the he had expected " Good " he said giving her a rather excited smile.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:47 am
Having woken up later then everyone Haru gets out of bed and gets dressed before making her way down to the dinning hall. Walking into the hall as she was doing up her hair Haru looks at them bfeore finishing with her hair "Morning Cloud.. Selenia" she say's with a sweet smile before going to the kitchen and getting some blood and walking back out to the dinning hall and leaning on a wall to just look at Clouds family. Sipping from her glass every once in a while she looks around not really paying attention to anything in peticuliar
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:14 am
selena smiled at them " i guess all of ddint know that vampires could have babies "?selena asked wondering . selena saw haru coming in selena look sat ahru " you dont have to hide them anymore they know and understand they wont tell anyone "selena saw the puzzled look on haru face "your fangs silly " selena gigles selena looks back at cloud father" sir i would like you to meet my best friend her name is haru she a vampire to and wasnt human not that long ago she had only been a vampire fora couple of months now "selena smiled and looked at mimi " you can ask me all the question you like i have miliions of answer to give "selena smiled and looks at cloud with his excitied smiled "yes cloud i take it you didnt know that ither "
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:42 am
Mimi's face brightened up by 10 fold when she heared selena's response, Everyone always hated it when she asked questions. " Do Vampires go to the Bathroom?" Mimi asked as she started to bomb selena with questions before cloud could even reply " no i didnt " Cloud said to her i thought.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:49 am
selena smiled gigled she had never seen anyone want to know so much about being vampire with out being one selena answer her question everytime she had asked one .selena took a breath "mimi and as for the last question you just asked yes we do and to add to that we take baths to !" selena gigles and smiled and looked at cloud and shacked her head and gigled "cloud you didnt know that we could well yes we can now you know" selena smiled
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:15 am
" wow " Mimi said as she look at selena in wonder. "Well i dont want to get you pregnant yet, i still havent taken the time to enjoy and appreciate all of your body" Cloud said to selena in thought.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:21 am
selena blushed a deep red and looked over at cloud dad and then bad at cloud " cloud dont say that kinda stuff right now you father right there " selena glouped and then then truend and looked at mimi"anymore question or are you all questioned out ?" selena looks at cloud and shack her head
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:46 am
Knight looked at selena strangly" He didnt say anything " Cloud studied her more closely and saw that she was some what stressed " I said it to u telepathicaly and relax love " cloud said with a gentle smile