The Baka-Slash-Chibi13 Nostalgia line continues! |
Are you sure this isn't just because you've run out of new ideas? (Nope. :3 Just mixing in the golden oldies with the new and true.) |
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[ 22 ] |
Total Votes : 22 |
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:35 am
Jean Grey
Jean pinched the bridge of her nose and rubbed it as if to get rid of the beginnings of the headache she could feel starting. "You mean to tell me that you allowed my student, who I actually was foolish enough to trust you with, to be captured by who knows who?" she asked, the anger that was simmering beneath the surface starting to show through in her tone.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:37 am
Deadpool A.K.A Wade Wilson --------------------Wade looked at the bunnies with hurt eyes. "It was a really good taco! But you wouldn't know about that, since you don't even have TASTE BUDS!" Deadpool said. Who knows who? We know who! "Oh yeah, I know who took him! It was... uuuhhh... wait... not HIVE.... not SHIELD.... Not HYDRA..... who am I forgetting..." There was a moment where it seemed like he'd never figure it out, then suddenly, it came. "Weapon X! They took him." Deadpool said proudly. -------------------- Me / Myself / I
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:43 am
Jean Grey
Jean's head snapped up, and she looked at Deadpool in complete shocked disbelief. Almost like with Masika's winds, her hair started floating around her head like a red halo. "WHAT?! You knew who captured him, and instead of going after them and getting him back, you came and told me? God dammit, Wade! Do you really want to see how well you can piece yourself back together from being torn to shreds and scattered across the continent?" She had threatened it before, but this time she wasn't so sure she didn't mean it.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:46 am
◦▹❊*◦▹❊*◦▹Sam Summerfall▹◦*❊▹◦*❊▹◦ aka Redemption ▹◦*❊▹◦*❊▹◦ Sing to me of lovely things. Of butterflies and angel wings. . . Sam watched the exchange, her face blank. She did not verbally respond to Grey, other than to nod her head slowly. It was a good thing that mistress Jean was being vocal about it, getting at least some answers from the confusing man, because she couldn't seem to think of the right thing to say.
"Who are weapon x?" she asked, a bit breathlessly. Damn it, she wasn't going to feint. She wasn't. But she felt the knot in her stomach clench painfully, and she gasped lightly to ease it. Part of it was the ever present anxiety, because she knew that she was going to do her best to save her friend. It was why this guy had come after all.
"He's going to give me an ulcer one day," she murmured, and she hadn't meant Deadpool. For being a hero, he sure needed saving a lot, she couldn't help notice.
. . . Then grab my hand and hold me close. Save me from this earthly dose.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:47 am
Deadpool A.K.A Wade Wilson --------------------"Well... I could have... you know... not told you..." He said with an awkward shrug. What's worse is that the Latveria job was four months ago. Who knows what condition he's in now? "Quiet you two. Look, I may regenerate, but I'm no fool. If I went in alone, I wouldn't be here to tell you, now would I? I figured you must have at least one mutant here that wants Overkill back. Er... David back."-------------------- Me / Myself / I
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:56 am
Jean Grey
"Weapon X is the organization that essentially created Wolverine and Sabertooth. As well as many others. They took mutants who were only just finding out about their abilities, brainwashed them, burying any memories of their past, and enhanced their natural abilities," Jean said in response to Sam's quiet question. Her eyes narrowed, and a wave of telekinetic energy rammed into Deadpool's jaw in the same way as a physical punch. "It took you four goddamn months to come and tell me that my student had been captured by Weapon X. You're lucky I have enough control to not tear you to shreds this instant," she growled, sounding almost like a female version of Logan for a moment. "How many people do you need?"
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:59 am
Deadpool A.K.A Wade Wilson --------------------Deadpools jaw completely disconnected from the rest of his head, and for the first time in a long time, Deadpool couldn't speak. Weird feeling. But Deadpools healing quickly remedied that. "Why you gotta hit so hard?" Deadpool thought for a moment. "Two or three people would be enough if the powers are right. We'll need someone like me, someone who can heal and is good at fighting. But outside of that, anyone really. I'm a by the fly of my pants kind of guy." No s**t. -------------------- Me / Myself / I
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:07 am
◦▹❊*◦▹❊*◦▹Sam Summerfall▹◦*❊▹◦*❊▹◦ aka Redemption ▹◦*❊▹◦*❊▹◦ Sing to me of lovely things. Of butterflies and angel wings. . . "I'm going," Sam said right away, stepping forward. She didn't even care if he agreed or not. There was no way she was being left behind. Not after hearing what kind of people had David in their clutches. Not to mention she had a chip on her shoulder about people messing with her friends' heads. Who were they to take away someone's memories and use them for experimentation? They are people, not test subjects and weapons.
. . . Then grab my hand and hold me close. Save me from this earthly dose. Zeda "Dragon" Smith All that matters in life is survival. . . "Sounds like you guys are getting ready for some kind of party. Mind if I join?" Zeda said from the open doorway, her gloved arms crossed and a fierce grin on her face. She had made it just in time to hear some of the more important details of the conversation. The moment she heard that David was not around, in fact taken and maybe altered by a splinter group, her heartbeat rose slightly. Like any patient predator, she could wait to kill her target til the right moment. Getting to the bear was a far more interesting prospect.
. . . But crushing the weak is nice too.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:10 am
Jean Grey
"You're a goddamn a**, that's why," Jean replied. "So what you're saying is you need Wolverine. Oh, he's going to love that," she added sarcastically. She frowned, feeling Zeda's presence on the Institute grounds far before the girl opened her mouth. She lifted an arm and sent the dragon-girl flying right back out of the doorway, pinning her to the grass. "I don't have time to deal with you right now, little girl, so why don't you just sit tight while I deal with this?" she said telepathically in a voice that was hers and at the same time not.((Wow, I don't think I've made a character swear this much in a long time.))
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:14 am
Deadpool A.K.A Wade Wilson --------------------Deadpool shook his head. "Actually, Wolverine would be a poor fit for this one. Weapon X made him who he is, and they don't exactly have a smooth past. They have plenty of things that are designed specifically for him and Sabertooth. I've kept my head down around them, so they wont be as prepared." Deadpool looked at Sam, the Zeda. "Alright, I got two. What exactly do you two... do?" Deadpool said, sounding bizarrely coherent. I didn't even know we knew the word coherent... When Zeda went flying, Deadpool stifled a laugh. It was kind of comical to him. But then, most everything was. -------------------- Me / Myself / I
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:23 am
Jean Grey
Jean sounded strangely calm when she said, "That one is not here to help. She was sent to make trouble."
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:28 am
◦▹❊*◦▹❊*◦▹Sam Summerfall▹◦*❊▹◦*❊▹◦ aka Redemption ▹◦*❊▹◦*❊▹◦ Sing to me of lovely things. Of butterflies and angel wings. . . "I can do lot's of things," Sam said, her face tinging with a light pink as he gave her his full attention. Shy girl to the end.
"I can heal, enhance others powers or mimic them, and raise the dead," she tallied off. Thinking on the smaller details, she finally nodded. Yes, that would do for now.
. . . Then grab my hand and hold me close. Save me from this earthly dose. Zeda "Dragon" Smith All that matters in life is survival. . . "Fine way to say hello," Zeda yelled from her spot on the grass. She was reminded how much she had disliked telepaths. Made her glad she hadn't run across Sumina yet.
"And here I thought you might need some muscle!" she added as she tried to raise herself up.
. . . But crushing the weak is nice too.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:37 am
Jean Grey
"Stop struggling. It will do you no good," Jean said in that same her-yet-not-her telepathic voice. She frowned. "That girl pinned to the grass outside is even less trustworthy than you, Wade. I wouldn't take her along even to provide simple brute strength." She didn't mention that she could sense Zeda's intention to kill him even without looking into the girl's mind. For all she cared, the girl could do what she wished to Deadpool, but she wasn't going to risk David's rescue by allowing Zeda to go along in this mission.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:43 am
Deadpool A.K.A Wade Wilson --------------------And for the first time since his insanity, Deadpool said something intelligent. "Well lucky you this isn't your choice. If she does bungle this, you can kill both me and her with a thought." Deadpool said, standing up. "Whatever. Look, I'll be back in an hour to take whoever wants to help with me. Whoever goes with me, goes." Deadpool said before taking his leave. He was definitely an odd one, that Deadpool. -------------------- Me / Myself / I
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:53 am
◦▹❊*◦▹❊*◦▹Sam Summerfall▹◦*❊▹◦*❊▹◦ aka Redemption ▹◦*❊▹◦*❊▹◦ Sing to me of lovely things. Of butterflies and angel wings. . . Sam was glad that Deadpool didn't outright tell her no. It was refreshing that someone at least thought she could handle herself. She had been working so hard to get better with her powers so that she wouldn't be useless in an event like this. Now was her chance to show that the hard work was worth the effort.
"Um, Mistress Jean?" she asked hesitantly. "Who is that girl on the lawn?"
. . . Then grab my hand and hold me close. Save me from this earthly dose. Zeda "Dragon" Smith All that matters in life is survival. . . "What can I say? I've never been one to sit back and take it," she said, biting her tongue as she fought to relax on the soft green. The sun wasn't hot, no it was too early for that, but it was bright as it rose steadily higher.
Her eyes narrowed to slits as she watched the strange man leave. He had no qualms about letting her go. In her mind that meant the matter was settled. Or at least she thought it aught to.
"Come on, let me up. I don't want to fall asleep in grass. It'll stain my clothes and these are my best ones," she called, devoid of emotion. She wasn't kidding either. If she lay still for too long, then heat or not, this sunshine was going to make her take a nap.
. . . But crushing the weak is nice too.