Rellik San
Why the heck do you call it EMO?!?!?!

For the record, it's called SCENE. EMO is the way you think!! GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS!!

And I think some SCENE boys are very yummy(:

Not really... Emo is a youth culture that is all about now hidding yourself because of others that don't want you to be that way, displaying your mood/personality within your clothes and not a way to think.

Stupid little child... Get your informations right before talking s**t, everybody will just laugh at your when you say crap like this, special if a person like me who is into it since before the term was common reads this. Geez.

Emo=/=Emotional because emotional=everything living
Emo=Youth culture

Actually you're both wrong, emo is a sub-genre of punk and is short for Emotive Hardcore, which is emotionally rather then politically charged punk music. Its brother genre Grunge taking a more lackadaisical approach to the same mind set.

Didnt part of the emo culture come from goths too? or am i mistaken?