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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:20 pm
[Fairy Tale girl]

Sync didn't stop to think about how that would have been too easy, he didn't stop to think about what to do next or how to handle the sudden change in the situation. He reacted immediately. One hand planted itself firmly on the ground and he pushed himself up; the other found solid purchase on the log as he used it to swing himself over it. One foot landed on the other side while the other went flying towards the girl, aiming to slam his leg into hers to sweep her legs out from under her - the legs she so kindly gave him a better view of by pulling her skirt away, and so gave him a better target to aim for.  
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:35 pm

The girl certainly wasn't going to stand there and wait to see what the ill-intentioned stranger was going to do next; as Sync moved, so too did she, withdrawing backwards and reaching into her never-ending hidden pockets. Nonetheless, he caught her ankle, causing her to stumble and nearly fall, but she managed to quickly steady herself and point her arm straight out towards her assailant, a little pink can decorated with Skitty stickers held tightly in her hand. And from that little can issued forth a sharp, steady stream of orange - pepper spray - aimed keenly at Sync's face.  

Vice Captain



Garbage Hoarder

13,875 Points
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PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 5:53 am
[Off Duty Officer]

Michiko tsked and ground her teeth. She messed up and as soon as she heard the command she knew it too. As much as she wants to continue fighting, she didn't want to get more in trouble by disobeying a direct order.

As a diversion, she sent out another pokemon. "Susanoo, Oktavia use surf!"

As soon as they used surf, she called back Susanoo and Oktavia, but had Oktavia's ball out on the ready.

She knew, that if she is still persued, she couln't lead the officer and the back up to the gathering. So she headed straight to the ocean running as fast as she can.
PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:47 am


The man didn't have to say anything else; the large dog knew from the situation what to do, as did the Growlithe pair. The smaller fire-types leapt to their trainer's side, all three standing behind the Arcanine as it raised a Protect to guard against the oncoming wave of water. As Michiko moved to retreat, the officer spoke into his radio once more, "Suspect is heading towards the ocean! Two known pokemon - Vaporeon and Sharpedo, both currently in pokeballs! Female, blue hair in a bun, pink eyes, Asian, clothing is--"

As the officer continued to describe Michiko, a voice would come through her 'dex once again, "Arceussake, Michiko, head for cover! The forest, not the ocean!"

[All Rockets]

Back at the Rockets' temporary base camp, Rook watched her screen with a deep frown, then pressed a button on it and spoke into the device, "Root, put a couple of your cameras towards Sagestone and the trainer center. If you pick up any police activity, keep them in your sights."

With her other hand, she quickly typed out a message to be sent to the 'dexes of all the Rockets participating in the training mission - Possible police activity approaching the area, be vigilant and avoid drawing attention.  

Vice Captain



Familiar Phantom

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:04 am

One target was as good as any, but she would find the one with wheels. Legretta's huff was just this side of audible as she toyed with one of the four pokeballs nested in the hollow of her hip, trying for quick, makeshift recon from the shelter of a stand of trees. That bike complicated things. From the sound of it, that lovely Dewott would be back in its ball once they got moving - but would she be able to catch up with a seasoned cyclist?

Her fingers paused on the pokeball, almost able to hear Sayanko's deep, dismissive bark from within. In spite of the situation, Legretta smiled. Okay, so the Arcanine was probably a fair match for the bike. But plowing through the forest in pursuit would not earn her praise from their elite trainer.

Alternatives, then. Legretta chose another ball, quietly releasing a black-winged Pidgeot. The serious bird was all eyes for his new trainer as she pointed to the sky, whirling that finger in a slow circle. She wanted Acaiph in the sky, keeping watch, until she gave the signal: two fingers in her mouth and puffed-out cheeks, a crude but recognizable pantomime of a whistle. The bird winged away.

Another ball flicked out, this one releasing an Eevee. She gave Rebar the same routine - encouraging the Eevee to keep an eye on the bicycle until she heard the signal. The Pokemon flounced away with a rustle.

The last ball was tossed into the air before Legretta's face. Before the appearing spiral had fully coalesced around the Chimecho's form, he would see his trainer's face - and the finger she was holding firmly to her lips. The garrulous Pokemon silently, but no less joyfully, danced in midair. Legretta pointed at the man and his Dewott. "See those two, Rinpalim?" she murmured. "They'd really like to see you. Stay in the trees for now, but try to spread a little Attraction." The Chimecho fluttered in a quick circle - making friends, yay! - before gliding through the treetops. As he approached, the man and his Pokemon might hear the rustling of leaves, followed by the happily inviting song of the Chimecho's Attract.

One pokemon left on her belt. Saya might be a bit large for this particular endeavor...besides, it was good to have a backup plan. Still watching Rinpalim at work, the woman pulled out her Rocketdex. Looked like a message from Elite Rook was going to make everything harder. She temporarily silenced the machine, taking a quick moment to see if there was any information it could offer her on this trainer or his Dewott.

( EDIT: for Suudonym's police notification post )
PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:40 am

The man hung his towel over the frame of his bike, placing it carefully so that it wouldn't fall off once he started riding, and slipped a sports drink out of a water bottle holder. Before he could take a sip, though, his attention was called towards the tree line by a melodious chiming. "Isn't that nice, Dewott?" the trainer remarked. "Perhaps there's a Chingling around."

The Dewott shrugged indifferently, and though its eyes searched the treetops for the source of the sound, the enchantment had no apparent effect, indicating that the water-type was also male.

Being modeled after a pokedex, the Rocketdex could at least offer as much information about the Dewott as any other pokemon database, but it failed to return anything specific about the pokemon or its trainer.  

Vice Captain



Familiar Phantom

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:48 am

Rinpalim bounced among the branches, its giggle emerging in a lilting arpeggio. The notes it sang changed subtly from the charm of Attract to something softer, dreamier. "Chime!" He poked his head from the leaves, wiggling at the sound of his former evolution; sometimes, he missed life as a Chingling. Couldn't fly back then, though. "Chiiiime~" The Chimecho laughed again, gently drifting out from cover as it showed off its opalescent body and bright, rainbow ribbon. The latter swayed to and fro in time to its Hypnotizing song.

Legretta reviewed what could about Dewott, flipping her Dex closed just in time to catch Rin's switch. Nothing was a failure if you learned from it, right? At least she now knew Dewott's gender. Pocketing the device, she also took a second to pull her shirt over the Pokeballs at her waist.
PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 10:16 am

"Ah, so it was a Chimecho," the man remarked, waving with a smile, when the pokemon showed itself. "Isn't that such a nice sound? Maybe we should hang a wind chime on the apartment balcony..." The trainer gave a long yawn and moved to seat himself on the ground, leaning his back against his propped up bicycle.

Seeing the effect on its trainer, the Dewott had a fairly good idea of what the Chimecho was doing and looked sharply away. It smacked one of the pokeballs on its trainer's belt, and a Shuppet appeared from within. The ghost looked around a bit, somewhat confused by the situation, and turned to the Chimecho.

"Shuu shup?" With its Insomnia ability rendering it wholly immune to the influence of the Hypnosis attack, the Shuppet asked the unfamiliar Chimecho what it was doing, putting their trainer to sleep like that?  

Vice Captain



Familiar Phantom

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:34 am

"Chime!" Rinpalim's reply lent itself well to the continued dozy tune. "Chiiiime, chim-chime~" They were going to be friends, he sang. Napping, singing and playing all together was a wonderful way to make new buddies! Rinpalim focused on the Dewott, curious notes entering the song. "Chime?" Why would it call its ghost friend out if not to play? Didn't they want to be buddies?

Legretta removed herself from her tree, moving to sneak cautiously - efficiently - around behind the resting trainer. She passed Rebar along the way, and motioned her over to the small pokemon party - the more distractions between her and Sleepy's belt, the better.
PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:35 am
[Fairy Tale girl]

Sync paused for just a split second to see whether she fell or not - she didn't - before he continued on the offensive, not willing to let her get any breathing room. She had firing room though; he dove into a forward roll just as she aimed the pepper spray at him and fired, and he only had the option of twisting his head away as he moved. His roll ended at her feet and he swung out of it immediately, attempting another leg sweep to bring her down. Only then, while crouched on the ground, did he feel a horrible burning sensation over part of his face that led to that eye refusing to open again, and he gritted his teeth at the pain. Somewhere deep down a thought bubbled up that he was actually quite glad this hadn't been as easy as it had originally looked - now it was interesting.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:50 am

"Dewww-ot." They didn't have time for napping or playing, the Dewott replied. They were heading home, and then they were going to have lunch and do some battling practice. "Dew-dewott." He let his companion out of its pokeball because ghost-type attacks were particularly strong against pokemon like Chimecho and also it was immune to Hypnosis.

Having ascertained that the Chimecho apparently didn't intend to harm them, the Dewott turned to its trainer and spat a shot of water into his face, startling the man awake. The cyclist gasped and spat and wiped the water from his face, "Goodness gracious, Dewott! What in the world was that for?!"


Since he was aiming at her feet anyway, the woman reared back and hauled off with a heavy kick directly at her assailant, tracking him with her pepper spraying hand and spritzing all the while like the stuff was some sort of cheap perfume as she shouted at him furiously, "Lowlife! Pervert! Scumbag!"  
PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:06 pm
[Fairy Tale girl]

A laugh bubbled up at her insults but morphed into a few strained coughs at the last minute as the pepper spray affected his throat. While the kick knocked him backwards, he managed to remain crouched rather awkwardly and continue the leg sweep he'd started. Since she'd so kindly presented it to him, he made a grab for her ankle to prevent her from backing away out of range again, all while keeping his face turned away from the pepper spray. One side was already affected, and while more of it boiled and burned painfully, he'd much rather continue to subject the already afflicted side to more pepper spray and keep what eyesight he had left.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Garbage Hoarder

13,875 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Gaian 50
PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:09 pm
[Off Duty Officer]


She took out the last pokeball and, while holding all pokeballs within her grasp, jumped into the ocean.

"Dive Oktavia!" she whispered fiercely and as they dove, she put Oktavia's ball away and held both the others, Susanoo's and her last mystery pokemon, in one hand, holding on to Oktavia with her other gloved hand. There, calming her nerves and holding her breathe....she waited.
PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:23 pm

Rinpalim's song faltered. "Chime?" No time for napping? Who didn't have time for that? It fell entirely as the Dewott woke it's owner with a single loud note. "Chime!" the pokemon cried, formerly languid motions and manner obviously changed. "Chim-chime, chiiiii-ime!" Letting out several tinkling sounds of alarm, Rin bustled over to the wet trainer. The silken ribbon danced here and there, the Chimecho examining the wakened man's face quite studiously. It may even appear that the pokemon was concerned about the man - even though he was really only wondering if there was any way he could get him back to sleep quickly. He had looked so happy asleep!

"Damnation," Legretta whispered from somewhere close behind the bike. She'd been so close! Had to admit that she was impressed with that Dewott, though. The Discipline pokemon, indeed. Reaching back to tug her hairband tight, Legretta quickly stepped out from her hiding place. Hands went from the band to her lips. "My Chimecho! Arceus, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" As she approached, her arms would reach out to Rin. "You're all wet, did he do that?"


Familiar Phantom


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:34 pm

Given he was walking right next to some random woman he couldn't exactly check his dex but KO felt it buzz the official buzz of an important message from a superior officer. Well s**t, should he break off and go read it? Discretion was the better part of staying alive and not reprimanded but if it was nothing huge he didn't want to lose his target....

"No? Humm, well I suppose he probably is. Mind if I walk with you?" KO flashed the hiker a smile. "I always find it's more fun to walk in company, but I'll have to catch you up in a little ways; I just got a message from my boss - I gave her her own special vibrate tone so I know when she's harassing me - so I'd better call her back and see if she wants me to work this evening or something. Is that alright with you?" Head off into the trees, read the message, then he could either ditch the hiker or rejoin her as the situation demanded. He briefly pondered giving Duke the signal to snatch the woman's pokeballs but on balance decided that he needed to know what that message said before he took further action.  

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