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Byako, the city of everything. A city hundreds of miles in size where anything can and does happy on a daily basis Join the random sillyness 

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Malevolent Codger

6,975 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:31 am
Name:Korlon Androemda Vellor
Alias: Dante Austin Fisher , Devastaor, and Viva
Rank: Citizen
Badges: None
Race. Viva is half breed of the now extinct race of Anceint and the other half is human
Class: Demon-slayer , Asecended Battle Commander
Age: 21 but now that he has fully grown in is Anceint side his face has taken a ageless quality to it making it hard to place a age on him

Human: 160 lbs
Anceint: Around 270
Asendant: Unknown
Ascendant: about 15 feet
Human: Viva's hair and eyes change color though out the year. Durning the Spring and Summer his hair is a medium shade of blonde with deep solem blue geen eyes. During the Fall and winter is hair takes on a light browish look and so do his eyes. He has medium legnth hair and long bangs. A long thin scar runs down the right side of his face from his eyebrow down to his chin.

Anceint.His hair turns a a midnight black with a red highlights near the roots of his hair and hangs down to his shoulder. His eyes take on a Ice blue or greyish color to them

Asecndant His black and red streaked hair falls down to his shoulder blades His hair seeming is constantly waving as if in a never ending breezes. His eyes have lost all color and are nothing more but two pure white orbs that radiate a soft light. The skin on the outside corner of his eyes has small cracks in it that glow with a soft white light

Human: Viva is heavlily musclar due to a life as a soilder. He sports shoulders and arms capable of even making a black smith jealous. He could almost be called lanky becasue of his long legs but his sheer mass seems to hide that fact. His body is scared for countless battles though they seem to fit him and only increase the deadly air that surrounds him. his most noticable scars are a long thin scar running form his right eyebrow down to his chin, a jagged one on his shoulder , a thin scar winding up his left calf, three slanting scars on his back running form under his left shouder blade down to right above his right hip., and a faint 8point starburst scar taking up most of his left pec. This scar is called a clanmark. Basically is a symbol branded onto a newborn Anceint to identiy his or her clan.

But the most notiable one is the tattoe that takes up most of his back. A phoinex clutching a sword by the crossguards with the point down and the blood channel formed by the thick sabs of muscle along his spine. Apparently this is the House Sigil of House Kai. the Talonroian family that his human mother belonged too.

Anceint: He stands around 10 feet tall with muscles in proportion. The scar on his chest starts to glow softly witha white light and the veins in his fore armss pluse with a white light

Asecndant He now stands at 15 feet tall with the rest of his body in proportion. He massive size usally scares off most enemies seeing how a man only comes up to his knees. and with hands wide enough to pick one up by the middle. The pluseing light in his forearms. spread up to his shoulders and becomes a steady glow.

Clothes. Viva tends to wear dark color cothing or armor. his usal attire are black fingerless gloves a black t shirt that doesn't hide his muscles well, black jeans, and a long black jacket with the tail hanging near his ankles.

he is known to use a wide selection of weapons from many diffent time periods. From swords and bows to assualt rifles and gernades to the energy swords and pulse rifles of the Anceints. Most times he carries nothing more than his halberd and a long dagger strapped to his right bicep. ((will specify anything else))

hand to hand: uses a mix of a submission/street fighting style. Due to his inhuman power he can easly handle many enemies in just his human form.

Main weapon: a anceint halberd made form a unknown metal. Unbreakable and forever sharp. It can only be weilded by him. No one else seemd be able to lift the weapon.((Buddist Christmas Tree!! i actually made a halberd which i call the buddist christmas tree funny story..)) the blade is divivded into 5 diffent "prongs". the 2 of the 3 prongs on the top curve up and in like horns and are serrated on the outside edge . the 3rd top prong rises up between the outside "horns".it runs straight untill it passes the tip of the "horns" form their it widens then narrows into a diamond like shape. at the bottom of the two curved horns the balde cuts in on both sides sharply then curves back out and up forming a c-like shape. the bottom of this c runs straight outwards and down for a little before jutting back in at a corner and coming to a tip forming the last two prongs

Powers and abiltes:He is skilled in magic with several main spells;

Infurnace: the Ancinet word for fire. Capbale of conrtolling fire. Mainly used to make enemies instantly catch on fire.
Inferni: A more advanced form of Infunace. This spell ingintes the atmosphere around a group of enemies englufing them in a raging inferno.
Aquas: The Anceint command word for water. It most common combat use is for turing the air inside the lungs into water, drowning enemies.
Aquatus: A advaced form of Aquas. This spell allows Viva to adjust the water pressure inside a enemys body. For example. He could increase the pressure of someone's cerbral-spinal fluid and crush someone's brain form the indside, or cause a limb to swell up and exploded.
Magmus: The Ancient word for Lava or Magma. This spell causes jets of lava to erupt form the ground under eneimes feet.
Magnami: A advaced version of Magmus. causes a curtain of lava to erupt around a group of emeimes incircleing them before collapeing inwards and buring them in a sea of lava.

In human form he is 5 times stonger and faster than a normal human and with increased sense . In his anceint form...his skill rise to a parnomic level. He has several psycic powers such as telepathy and telekinesis , but he is gernally weak in these areas. He can regenrate any severed limbs and heal his wounds instanly but as a huge cost of energy leaving him weak...and has limted immortality . Due to his anceint DNA also has a stange attack that transfers his DNA into a victim ...this attack rewrites the host's dna and ends in a rather unpleasnt and extreamly painful death ..there is no cure for this attack...extreamly effective against dark forces...the Infection is accutally one of the ways Anceints can reproduce...by "enlisting" other...rewrtie their dna and if the host is strong enough to survive they become a half anceint..but when used on evil it always ends in death....

As a Former Dragon Knight he also sports abitlites of motion. Capabale of making force feilds, and cotroing a object's speed. It is also rumored that he has the ability to set events into motion too.

Due to his Anceint blood he retains some of an Anceints natural abitlties such as regernation and a limtied state of immortaity. meaning he wil never die of old age, and is hard to kill, with a habit of not staying dead for long. He has a vast store of knowledge which he implaments into battle.

History: Viva was once the most powerful warrior in the strip on land Known as the Western Front. Supreme Commander of the Western Front Military Alliance, but he gave that up for in a attempt to discover more about him. He first came to the Coven of the Purple Cloak but soon left after the Vampire Lord Galvarton tried to subdue viva"s futrue wife. He was part of a rebellion at The CotPC. With Turr, Kage, Magik, and his bride to be Tiger. They finally settled down a base at the Twilight Star Village. A small port side village nestled near the old Ancient captial of Kel'lor. The Rebels eventallly drifted there own way and viva married Tiger. She gave birth to viva's only child, Robbie. but before life could settle down a demon named Mephisto attacked the village and Tiger was exilled during the chaos. Viva followed her back overseas to her Kingdom in the Western Front where he served as her General-At-Arms. life was pleasnt for him untillhe was captured on a boarder patroal and held for 5 days. When manged t o escape and find his way back to the casele he discoved that his wife had been seeing other men in his abesnce. Viva stormed off in a rage of heartbreak and anger and returend to the Village with his son Robbie. Shortly after a Clanlord appeared. A Clanlord is Creature that was once a Anceint but was bitten by a vampire and transformed. This Clanlord turned out to be no other than his ost best friend Azor who was thought to be dead when he fellto Sayuri's forces in the War of Mourngal. The two former friends waged war upon each other. and during this time viva fellin love and eventallly married Xi. Before the war could be ended though Viva succumbed to allthe soulshe absorbed in his countless campains agaisnt the Demons, and Asecended to a higher plane of existance. Though it was not known till later that he did this on porupose to gain the power of a Ascendant Warrior, the only beign powerful enough to take one a Clanlord. The War came to a point at the Final Battle where Viva, DRagon, Vierty, and Xi with the help of the Western Front Army, defeated Azor once and for all leaving nothing behind except for a Scarred Battlefeild. After the War viva settleddown with Xi. But something happened between them which is stillnot really clear as to what, but the outcome is. Viva left the Village yet again and crossed the Mountains to the East and spent three years wandering in the endless desert on the other side. Here he stands now in foreign lands.

personaility:Once kind and considerate to people and aways willing to lend a hand, he has changed. He no longer expresses much emotion and regards everyone usally with a cold stare. It is rumored to have been casued either by the abrut end of his second marrige to Xi or something else that might have happened during his absence. Due to his life of constant war he is cunning and brave and constantlly on his guard. His once shore built home has turned into the HQ of the sprawiling military base on the shore and after leaving Xi he has forsaken any home. He no longer care about much of anything. After he killed his closest friend Azor in the Last Battle, viva has become more aggressive and isolated. He harbors a self-hatred for himself for takeing Azors life. He no longer views himself as a person but only a means to guide his halberd into his opponets fleash and nothing more

Strenghts: In the sense of hand to hand combat he has no known weakness. But he is far form invincable. In the sense of magic he is one of the greatest in the area of Fire, Water, Lava, and the light side of Divine magic.

Weakness:But he is weak in all other elements. Even though he boasts several mental powers, there are .....feeble at best. One of his major weakness is a dark sinsiter creature in him. Ancients being often thought of as beings of Light and good have a dark side to them. Darkness and light must co-resided in every creature inculding Anceints. But these dark personaility were often kept suppressed and only vented out in battle. The problem came though with half-breeds. Apparently not being a full ancient weakens the control over this sinster power causing it to emerge under certain circumstances. This "personility" is only known as a Asha'Kahn. The circumstances in viva's case is a moonless light. He also is weak to dark magic or magic that absorbs light. He is weaker to gunshot wound rather than stabbing wound finding the gunshot wound harder to heal. In his Anceint form he highly damaged by spirtual attacks.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:18 pm
Name:Vayle Honor, Valentine

Age: looks to be 24...but does not care about his real age


Species:a forsaken/undead

Home:Kia-liye a town in no more then Pure ruins that serve as memories

Ability Shadow meld: He transform into the blink of an eye as no more then a shadow This form Has the most weakness but is best used For any type of evasion he sinks into anything that can over cast a shadow and what he does form there can very.But the weaknesses in this form.Include Light of any type that can dispell the shadows around the person

Angels glare: This one is a bit more lethal then some of his abilities that he already knows he slowly holds his hand out and does no more then glare at the person and snap his fingures and has he does so.Pure Razor sharp jolts of light Sway in and out of any bright lighted area can hurt himself as he does so But as long has his consintration is not broke more can spawn and can get faster but has soon as his consintration is broke so is this ability

bite of the forsaken: This is more of a risky one for any one even himself to use cause of how open it leaves him He does not go into a blind rage but merely bites the person On the neck or any where ont he body where there is a main artery and injects Pure acid and poison into the blood stream Slowly killing.his oppent with time
::more abilities that arent named::

Style: forsakens grace/vampirisum

Weapon: two sets of custom designed raptors plated with a dark steel casing and a white laser poointer at the each of them each of them can fire off the entire clip of 12 bullets all hollowed points fill with mercury they have an extra feature for when out of ammo a slightly long hocked blades comes out of the ends used for CQC he ones sorrow and the other regret

his last weapon his the rather Long sword On his back that his slightly thick about an extrsa inch thicker then a katana but the long dia-katana has dark ruinic symbals all over it and is stained with human blood but the ruins still show through the blood with its erie purple shine He keeps it hidden By havign it wraped in a silk sheeth on his back the sword can serve many fuction and will be found out later and the hilt has a females named engraved on it

Weakness:any form of bright lights that could be brighter then daylight.an unfilled grave left empty.when ever his heart..beats/his arm that he hides with the mark of forsaken/


Storyline: a tale of Love,betrayal,death....and a curse and promise ment for revenge

Quote:"...watch the shadows and listen to your memories To embrace the blade at your heart"  


Greedy Prophet

3,100 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:02 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:10 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:51 am
Name: Megami
Age: looks 17
Gender: Female
Species: Dark Witch
Home: no one really knows where she is from.
Ability Style: dark mage
Weapon: staff and her magic! ^_^
Ability: anything to do with dark magic....lol
Weakness: being betrayed. she has been betrayed by alot of people
Description: http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d16/Arrissa/Role Play Characters/1136069959_animeWitch.jpg
Storyline: Megami was not always a dark mage, but when her own village sold her out she plotted revenge, if she somehow lived through the night. well it seems that she's alive, and the village and anyone messing with her is dead...ironic....lol
Quote: "Don't mess with me or some serious s**t is going to go down."
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:04 am
Name: Sol Riknoe
Age: unknown (looks 17-18 )
Gender: Male
Species: black fire vessel
Home: unknown
Ability Style: champion fighter
Weapon: what he calls a cannon blayde on his back and another blade called silfarion on his side
Ability: he can create and control flames. He can also control his scarf like make it hard, sharp, longer or shorter and move it.
Weakness: he doesn't have anybody to fall back on in his dark times and is alone
Description: He is 5'11" and 170 lb's, he has a lightly muscled build and is very quiet. No matter what clothes he wears he always wears a long scarf that is dark red. He wears red goggles over his eyes, his eyes are oddly colored, one is black, the other ice blue. His long half black, half white hair reches to just below his chin.
Storyline: He searches through towns and cities for someone though he doesn't know who, he believes he is searching for his soul mate. He remembers almost nothing from his past and hopes he can find out, although something feels...dark about it.  

Jeck The Time Watcher

Akuma Ketsueki

8,650 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 11:27 am
Simple... not my thing. But here it goes.

Name: Ryuujin Ketsueki
Age: [see quote]
Gender: Male
Species: Hybrid {vampyre, dragon, demon, shape-shifter}
Home: Doesn't matter, he destroyed it.
Ability Style: Thief, black mage.
Weapon: Six black bladed swords of different age and variety (two on belt on each side, two on back) a scythe, and a large black sword
(see Sagara Sanosuke's zanbato)
Ability: Enhanced senses, particularly smell and hearing, control over four of the seven elements (fire, water, earth, dark), flight, increased strength and speed, can withstand extreme temperatures on both ends of the scale.
Weakness: The light element, bright lights, anything that covers his hands (there's a reason...), stakes, anything that restricts his moving too much (i.e shackles), and himself (again, there's a reason)
Description: (I'm getting the picture right now, so just wait a little. It might take me a little to draw.)
Storyline: (Will be up with picture... just give me a little time, my creativity is spent)
Quote: "If I told you I'd have to kill you... and I'm actually starting to like you, so don't push it."  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:55 am
3rd charcter!

Name:Kor Tarento
Age: 27
Gender: guy
Species: Dog/Human
Home: Long Forgotten
Ability Style: Berserker
Weapon: Claws
Ability: Dog Senses
Weakness: water?
Description: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Storyline: Shunned as a child for having his murdered mothers genes, he left his home. He wanders the world, looking for someone to understand him.
Quote: Dammit! A cat!  



PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:34 am
Name: Niamh McAstor

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Home: Somewhere in Oregon

Ability Style: Lightwielder

Weapon: Unarmed - unable to use any weapons or make any form of physical attacks.

Ability: Niamh possesses the ability to alter, control, and use light and vision at her will. The possibilities are endless, although she tends to use some particular tricks more than others. She cannot tell the difference between pitch black night and a bright, sunny day; to her, it all looks the same. Also, she cannot be blinded by excessive light.

Weakness: Niamh is weak noth physically and psychologically. She cannot take hardly any kind of physical abuse, and reels easily from verbal abuse. Even being turned down can have lasting effects on her tender psyche.

Description: A slender teenage girl, Niamh stands about five feet tall, possibly five-and-a-half feet tall. Her light brown hair extends down to her waist, usually kept clean and nice. Her eyes are a bright, innocent, cheery aqua, set level with her slight, sharp face.

She is generally cheerful, although her mood breaks easily when she runs across opposition. She tends to take things personally, this going for positive as well as negative things. Also, she is usually meek, allowing others to make decisions before her, generally considering them the wiser. Rarely if ever will she attempt to enlighten someone with her own ideas, instead often accepting the ideas of others.

Storyline: Niamh was born into an apparently normal family. Her parents were happy together, and nothing could come between them. Her father was a retired army captain, her mother a magic-user in hiding. She also had an elder brother, who began following his father's footsteps very early on, and is now the head of an elite team of commandos. Life went peaceably for them, until her father was killed by an angry mage, who believed he was forcing his wife to refrain from the use of her ability.

Her brother, James, discovered this, and his training intensified. For five years, Niamh and her mother lived in fear they would never see James again, and to a degree, they were right. One day, James sent a letter stating that he was returning, and Niamh and her mother rejoiced, hoping to see their brother and son again.

However, all was not well with James. When he returned, a happy reunion with his father's family was not on his mind. Instead, he and four other commandos were on a rampage. Their mission: Kill any magic-users they came across. On his way, James had collected many a kill from an unsuspecting or heavily outmatched mage, and his next target was his mother. He entered the house through invitation, and it was his own hand that pulled the trigger, sending eight polymer bullets through his mother's chest. Niamh screamed in fright, and James turned on her.

The next few months were filled with a panicked fleeing, running here and there. At one point, one of James' commandos captured her, but kept her alive in hopes he could use her as a plaything before discarding her. However, she escaped, and when James learned of it, he gunned the man down.

Niamh still lives with a fear that some day, her brother will catch up with her, although she tries to keep this hidden. Also inside her, burning strongly is her love for her brother, hoping against hope that somehow, she will be able to convince him that what he has done is wrong, and that he will change his ways.

Quote: "I'm sorry..."  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:57 pm
Name: Sybil Talbot



Species: Human Cyborg

Byako City

Ability Style: Retired Mercenary


Sybil has a mild proficiency in hacking, enough to get her around most security systems. She is an expericenced fighter and is skilled in the use of firearms and hand-to-hand combat.

Weakness: Having lost almost all of her limbs and an eye has had a tremendous effect on her. She is extremly paranoid and jumpy. Beacause she has false limbs Sybil is considerably weak in a fight.

Description: Sybil is petite in height and build standing at 5' 3". Her skin is pale. Sybil normally wears darker clothing, the preferred colors being navy blue or black. Her hair is thick, dark brown slightly greying and wavy. Her hair is long, stopping just above the middle of her back. Sybil's hair is usually tied back to keep it out of her eyes. Her eyes are large and almond shaped. They are dark brown and sparkle with distrust and suspicion. Her right eye is a cybernetic implant. Her real eye was lost while attempting to complete a mission. Sybil's face is thin with high cheek bones and a few wrinkles. She has a small birth mark near the middle of her right cheek. All of her limbs are prosthetic with the exception of her right arm. All of her synthetic limbs functions as normal limbs would but are significantly clumsier.

Storyline: Sybil grew up in Byako City in a run down orphange. Her parentage is a mystery. During her childhood she was a bit day dreamer but excelled in all of her classes, but beacause she grew up in the slums she never had the opportunities other children raised outside the slums had. At an early age she started to work as a hired thug for local gangs usually as a hacker, but soon moved on to greater things begining her career as a mercenary. By age 25 she was one of the most sought after mercenaries skilled in assasination and warfare. Sometime near the end of her career she was hired anonymously to assinate the head of a large corperation. She completed the mission but was severly injured, losing the majority of her limbs and an eye. Soon after she was fitted with new cybernetic limbs, but she was unable to work again. She dissapeared for years until finally resurfacing as the new headmistress of The Gunlock Training Academy.

Quote: "Alrighty..."  

Adelle Lawliet

Jeck The Time Watcher

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:01 pm
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:22 pm
Name: Laciryl Eciov

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Singer

Home: Lismephosi, a land far from Byako

Ability Style:Musical Mage

Weapon:Laciryl carries two curved silver daggers that once belonged to his great-great-grandfather who was a infamous lyric-weaving thief.

Ability: He uses music to cast magic and he dances to help focus his lyrics further

Weakness: His magic only works when he can sing and think up lyrics... He also avoids anything resembling a guillotine.

Description: Laciryl stands at about 5'7" and has pale skin. His hazel eyes gaze with a hint of sorrow that he never speaks of and his ears have a slight pointyness at their tips that is very rarely seen. This is because his hair the shade of darkest night hangs down to about his neck, covering them. He has a small earing in the shape of a quarter note in his left earlobe. He wears flowing black pants that widen at the legs. His shirt is a perfect shade of grey and has skin tight sleeves from the shoulder to elbow under which his sprinter's muscles can be seen. At the elbow the sleeves tie and begin to widen they flow with his movements when he dances. The shirt has a V neck which is crossed by dark grey strings holding it almost closed. He also wears knee high black boots and has a striking smile. He is very charming and genuinely caring. He is also quite fond of girls, though usually as good friends. He is also very fond of his music and likes to dance. His name is pronounced /Lak/er/eel/ /Ess/ee/awv/.

Storyline: Laciryl's aptitude with lyrics was discovered by his parents when he was very young. His father taught him how to sing and his mother taught him how to read music and notes. His parents were discoved when he turned twelve and they were executed. The trauma made him mute for two years. When he regained his voice he planned to oppose Morrithan, the king who had them killed. Since he was a singer and Morrithan persecuted singers, Laciryl set off for Byako to bide his time.

Quote: "Umm... hello? What? No shiny guillotines!!! Get baaack!"  

Faulty Ambition

Beloved Smoker

Adelle Lawliet

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:09 am
Name: Marylyn Abrams

Age: 53

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Home: Byako City

Ability Style: Receptionist

Weapon: None

Ability: Greets visitors, handles incoming calls and performs general administrative duties.

Weakness: She is not trained in combat and is completly defenseless in any fight.

Description: Short and stocky of build. Her hair is almost completely white and is tied back in a tight bun. Marylyn's eyes are light blue.

Storyline: She has worked as a receptionist for several years at the Gunlock Academy. She is possibly the oldest employee. Working there she has seen many things, many students pass through it's halls. Some of them successes a lot of them failures. Through the years she has remained diligent in her job.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:28 pm
Name: Myst
Age: probably about 200
Gender: Male
Species: Elf
Home: Unknown
Ability Style: Master Swordsman (can skillfully use almost any kind of sword)
Weapon: he has a large amount of swords in his cloak
Ability: incredibly fast and strong, and lots of magic (mostly spells from FF6)
Description: fairly tall, with black hair. Wears grey and black materials and almost always has a long black cloak on.
Storyline: washed up on the beach about 50 years ago with no memories
Quote: ........  



PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 6:58 pm
Name: Malem Canthar
Age: 40, but appears to be in her late teens, her life is extended partly because of the nature of her soul, and also because of her implants
Gender: Female
Species: Human cyborg
Home: Niebel, an industrial slum in a land distant
Ability Style: Neoshaman
Weapon: "The hands are deadly weapons when used properly" (Proficient with some hand to hand weapons, favors meteor hammers, not proficient at all with firearms)
Ability: Soul dive, can dive into the body of nonsentient living things, and Techno dive, can dive into nonsentient AIs and computer systems. Can do a partial dive on sentient beings in order to detect thoughts and motives. Is surprisingly proficient in martial arts. Can also absorb the soul of nonsentient beings and gain limited basic powers, has a drawback though. Through extreme martial arts training she can channel energy into her hands and even turn the energy into simple weapons.
Weakness: While in a dive, the regular body is completely inactive and vulnerable. Although technically implanted, they do not augment her physical abilities at all, they only allow her to do a Tech dive. If you disable or damage the implants while she is in a tech dive, she's stuck in the AI of the system until her implants are repaired. As a result, she is rather wary of tech dives. She is not proficient in any modern weaponry and only can unweildily use melee weapons. If absorbing the soul of another dead organism, she becomes less in control of herself.
Description: A slender woman about 5' 9" with pale light skin interrupted by blue lines like tattoos which glimmer like a metal. She is covered with these "tattoos". Her eyes are the same color, and her fingertips are completely metallic blue. Her long auburn hair flows behind her almost reaching her legs. She often covers her body as much as possible, even wearing a long sweater and a scarf in warm weather.
Storyline: After the Helmian Emperor of Bursia ascended to the throne after a long sleep in stasis, human rebels sought to assassinate him. The attempt failed, but the resultant distrust of humans resulted in the beginning of a program of human expulsion from the country. One of the refugees of this program was Malem. She now pretty much wanders from place to place as a mercernary, but really wants to put down roots someplace and live a quiet life.
Quote: "Can't i get some rest here?"  
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