Biohazard EXTREME
A: Then Leon would have green blood, and his crazy backflips would probably be justified since he's not human. However, when they injected Las Plagas into him, he would instantly grow into a grotesque creature, 5 times his original size. The second part of the game would involve you playing as Luis and the last boss will be the horrible creature that Leon transformed into.

Q: What if Capcom tried to pass Umbrella Chronicles as 100% canon, and completely denied the existence of Barry, Nicholai, and all those other characters and events that weren't in Umbrella Chronicles?
They'd recycle the characters and events to be reused in their later games, bastardizing them by making them into lame one line spilling characters that enjoy jumping out of windows and having knife ballets, or in Barry's case, spaghetti western showdowns with enemies. All while making you witness them in glorious OVER THE SHOULDER camera perspective and Metal Gear Solid codec communication moments! MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! HARDCORE FANS ABANDON HOPE!!! They will take and mangle this series! Watch as they make one shot racing car, soccer and long lasting multiple alternate universe variations!!! *Cough uhck Huff* Woo... shoot.

What if Capcom has secret operatives in all forums of RE and their other games for that matter all over the internet, stealing ideas that people come up with, even the bad ideas and simply saying "We'll bullshit them about why this person turns into this in this game, and when we allude to this past game, we'll retcon the personality of that character"?