Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:59 pm
Walking alone under my umbrella... Kanime tickled Addel while kissing her neck over and over. "Yes, yes!" He grinned.
Haru poked her stomach. "Well... Getting fat." She looked at him with loving eyes and said, "How about... Bacon and eggs? With toast?" Haru hobbled over to the table and sat carefully as the baby kicked again.
...Wishing you would join me.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:50 pm
Adell continued to giggle and she shook her head. "No no..!" She said still giggling.
Rath smirked. "Hungry aren't you?" He stated grinning then started to make the bacon first.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:05 pm
Walking alone under my umbrella... "Sorry, is it too much?" Haru blushed deeply.
"YES!!" Kanime kissed her neck and stopped tickling her, picking her up and kissing her on the lips.
...Wishing you would join me.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:21 pm
Rath smirked. "No not at all." He told her as he started to make the eggs and toast.
Adell blushed slightly then wrapped her arms around Kanime's neck, kissing him back deeply.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:00 pm
Walking alone under my umbrella... Haru looked at Rath and smiled. "Thanks for making me food... I don't like being helpless..." She mumbled, rubbing her stomach.
Kanime smiled at Adell and said, "What do you want, love?"
...Wishing you would join me.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:55 pm
Adell blinked then looked up at Kanime. "What do you mean?" She asked him.
Rath shook his head. "It's no problem." He said then put some eggs, a couple strips of bacon, and some buttered toast on a plate and gave it to Haru. "Here you are." He said, grinning slightly.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:26 pm
Walking alone under my umbrella... Haru reached up and rubbed Rath's chin, smiling and saying, "You need a shave, silly." She started to eat the food and sighed at the delicious food. "Mmm delicious!"
Kanime smiled down at Adell and whispered, "If you could have anything you wanted, what would it be."
...Wishing you would join me.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:41 pm
Rath narrowed his eyes playfully at Haru. "Maybe I want a beard." He said grinning.
Adell thought for a moment. "Hm.. I already have you.. So.. Hm.. I can't think of anything." She said then looked up at him grinning. "What about you?"
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:29 pm
((I FOUND A PICTURE OF RATH! =3)) ((And a better picture of Adell.))
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:13 pm
Walking alone under my umbrella... "You really wanna look that old?" Haru asked, finishing her food and raising an eyebrow at Rath.
Kanime kissed Adell softly. "I can't think of much either... But life seems to perfect right now... So weird... But wonderful."
...Wishing you would join me.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:20 pm
Rath smirked. "I was just kidding, I'll shave later." He said grinning and kissed her lightly on the forehead.
Adell giggled. "Yes.. Wonderful.." She said dreamily, grinning.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:37 pm
Walking alone under my umbrella... "I love you Rath." Haru smiled up at him as she stood and swayed slightly from the weight.
Kanime kissed Adell softer this time, holding her to him and winking at her. "Are you sleepy? Because we just slept but you have that dreamy look in your eyes.." Kanime smiled.
...Wishing you would join me.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:47 pm
Rath grinned then put his hands on Haru's waist. "I love you too Haru.." He said softly.
Adell snapped back to reality and shook her head with a start. "Huh? Oh, no. I'm not sleepy."
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:13 pm
Haru looked at Rath and said, "Hey Rath, do you think we can get a scan to see if it is a boy or a girl?"
Kanime kissed Adell and whispered, "Adell. Are you sure-" He was cut off by the doorbell and he walked over to the door. When Kanime opened the door, there was a sudden loud BANG and a thump.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:47 pm
Rath shrugged. "I'm not sure.. But I want it to be a surprise.."
Adell's eyes widened and she ran over to the door. "Kanime?!" She called.