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PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:54 pm
Alma looks around the room for his coat....nope. Well he isn't going to get stuck playing one of their games for it. He smiles widely. "Well Ladies it was fun, But i really must be going. I suppose i will see you on Monday?"

Shaking his head he makes his way back to Aluna. "Jobs done Boss. Guess I shall be heading home. Maybe I'll get the VIP tour on Monday?" He leaves the lab laughing to himself, Knowing that it was highly unlikely that he would.

He walks through the bar and notices a bottle of liquor someone had left, perhaps a third full, just sitting on the bar. Grasping it firmly Alma takes a slow but steady swig of the liquid. "Jeez" He whispers while looking at the label. "This is some pretty potent stuff" After one more swig he steps out the door, Leaving the bottle on the bar.


Nico Wept like a newborn for a matter of minutes before getting her act together. Her voice was weak and trembling. " I Uh." She swallows hard. "I could probably use something to eat." After slipping the pistol into her coat pocket she decides she does not want to be in the clothes store any longer.

As she pushes her way through the crowd A news reporter trys to get some questions out of her. Nico completely ignores him. Next a paramedic approaches her.

"Ma'am we need to get you to a hospital."
"No" Nico says without even looking at her.
"Ma'am it looks like you were shot. come with me"
"I said no" This woman was getting on her nerves.

Nico spotted the fox and kitten making their way to the exit. Before she could run to catch them. the paramedic grabs her arm.  
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:03 pm
McKaela nods lightly to the girl, letting her cry for as long as she likes before she finally decides she wants food. Hopefully she wouldn't get sick if she ate something. She'd make sure Nico went slow, she supposed. Her ears perk as the S.W.A.T Team and reporters flooded in. Great, the media. Just what she always wanted--NOT!

As Nico makes her way for the door, McKaela follows her closely. At one point, she even puts her paws on Nico's shoulders to keep other people from getting between them. She spots Kata and Gwen just as Nico does, and lets go of Nico for just a moment to try to wave them down, "Kata!" But when she glances back, a paramedic has Nico in her grasp, trying to drag her off to the ambulance that was parked just outside. McKaela snarls, running over and punching the woman in the face, making her stumble backward and fall onto her a**. "Can't you see she's not in the ******** mood?" She then turns to the rest of the crowd, baring her fangs at them, her fur spiking up. "No comments! Get out of our WAY!" At her command, the crowd disperses a bit, and part for McKaela to lead Nico to the food court.

Once out of the crowd, McKaela yells again, "Kata, Gwen!" Surely she'd have caught their attention by now. "Where ya'll been?" She stayed close to Nico, though... maybe she knew she didn't want to be far away from anybody she trusted at the moment.


Arosa and Asora nod at once, "Yeah, Monday!" They follow Alma quietly as he makes his way through the lab, trying to keep unnoticed. When he gets to Aluna, though, they get tired of this game and run off to find something else to do.

Aluna just grumbles at Alma, "I'm pretty sure you already got it from the girls." She doesn't look his way, idly working on some sort of machinery. However, she does motion toward a nearby table, where Alma's lab coat had been lain. "Try not to leave your personal items where they don't belong." How'd she get a hold of this? Maybe Asora lied about who the coat was given to... or maybe Arosa took it to Aluna afterwards. Whatever the case, at least he'd gotten it back.

"See you Monday," Aluna says, perhaps looking at him for the first time since his arrival. She stares maybe a few moments too long, then shakes her head. "Mice in a laboratory... hmph." And then... she smiles. "Already have a rat, so I guess it's only right that I should have a mouse too." With that she grabs a welding helmet from a nearby shelf, puts it on, and gets to work on welding this thing she had in front of her, not saying another word.

McKaela Kiama


PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:21 pm
A single glance was cast over his right shoulder, one that he regret as soon as he caught a glimpse of Mckaela waving to him.
It was too late to ignore them now, she saw him see her.
Gwen perked her ears and turned around to see McKaela punching a paramedic, an act which didn't surprise either of them.
Kata covers his face with his palm for a moment before altering their path to meet up with the other two.
After Mckaela's outburst, no one seemed tempted to follow them, and instead stuck to what was left of the crime scene.

What an interesting question, 'where ya'll been'.
"Here, of course." he replies, motioning away to the side.
His punked up little sister was now next to Nico, eyeing her sympathetically, unsure if she should ask if Nico was alright, or if she should say anything at all for that matter.

I see your friends found you.
No no, that wouldn't do. For once, the fox's brain was clicking faster than his mouth. Saying that would once again put him on the spot.
You knew about them? Why didn't you stop them? Yadda, yadda, yadda.
"I'm glad you're alright, did you have fun?" he asks instead with a half-smile.
McKaela he wasn't worried about, and Nico was fine as long as she was with McKaela, physically at least. Maybe he should have just followed Gwen's example.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:44 am
Alma steps out the door with his coat draped over his arm. It was a decently sunny day. And it was barely after noon. Not knowing where the barracks were to meet his contacts he just headed home. Figuring that he would sort all that out later.

He opens the door to his home about half an hour later. The soggy milk towel was still near the doorway. Alma retrieves it and places it in the laundry hamper before sitting on his sofa. after a few moments of desperate remote searching Alma spots a small trail of blood. Quirking an eyebrow he un-clips his Colt and follows it.

The trail leads to a split, one leading to his room. and the other to the upstairs bathroom. He follows the one to his room first. After checking the closet and under the bed for good measure, he determined that there was nothing substantial in his room. It looked pretty much the same.

Tracing the trail back, he tracks the other trail to the bathroom. A shattered mirror, Jagged blood soaked shards and a substantial pool of blood. Alma could Smell it, it made him woozy. He quickly slams the door and runs to the other bathroom before expelling the contents of his stomach into the toilet. Which only consisted a few sips of Liquor, and various stomach fluids.

He had two other bathrooms in the house. He could easily stay away from that one until he got someone to clean it up. As for the trails...he wasn't as sure about what to do. Searching through the kitchen cabinets he finds a generic carpet cleaning spray. He applies it as best he can to the carpets and plops down on the sofa as it soaks.

Flipping on the T.V. he made it just in time for the 3:00 news. He wasn't paying much attention to the random jibber jabber of the news. Something about a llama on the loose or some such. The press blowing a mediocre story outta proportion just because they can.

A shooting downtown? His attention focus's on the Screen. There was some video. A small crowd was gathering around some kind of clothing store. There were security and even a couple of S.W.A.T. guys. The feed goes on for a few seconds with nothing but the crowd, but sure enough A familiar face forces it's way out of it. Nico looking snazzy in Pops' suit.

"Ha" Alma mumbles "Better than i look in the damn thing"

As Nico forces her way out He notices the large blood stain on her shirt, She didn't seem to be hurt though. Perhaps someone else's blood? A news reporter attempts to peruse her but to no avail. Looks like shes not in the mood for talking. No surprise, Nico was never photogenic. Why would she want to be on T.V.?

A few moments later a paramedic approaches Nico. She trys to shrug her off but is ultimately grappled by the.....Bunny....Maybe a fennec? Alma only spotted the large ears. Before long another familiar face protrudes from the crowd. Of Course it's Miss McKaela. She delivers a devastating punch to the medic.

Alma can hardly contain himself. His laughter roars throughout his home. Echoing in the empty rooms. his efforts to brace himself are in vain as he tumbles to the floor. He rolls for several minutes before finding the remote under the sofa. Retrieving it he rewinds the footage, Thank god for TiVo. Alma watches the Punch land on the paramedics face time and time again. Laughing his a** off each and every time. after about nine minutes of this he saves the footage to the devices permanent memory.

Still giggleing Alma continues with the footage where he left off. Nico flings McKaela a Heart of stone glare and drops to one knee to check on the Paramedic.

"Hasn't changed a bit. Still a big softie when it comes down to it."

After tending to the Paramedic Nico produces a small bag and takes a coin from it. Pressing it firmly into the girls palm before getting up to catch up with McKaela. Where did she get that?

He has to fast forward through footage that follows some of the S.W.A.T. members into the scene before it switches back to the camera that was watching the mouse. They rendezvous with Kata and Gwen. Alma smiles at the new and improved Gwen outfit. They share a brief conversation. The fox seems to ask Nico a question. She looks at him. then blankly down at her blood soaked clothing before sighing. Looks like Kata didn't get an answer.

Alma flips his phone open and Dials McKaela's number. He almost expects to see her answer her phone on T.V. but soon realizes that he is several minutes behind.

"Hello there" He chortles. "So did you win?" He pauses before delivering the punchline. "Did you win your heavyweight boxing match? You know....The Mistress Vs. The Medic? It was all over the news. I wish i could have gotten tickets but they were sold out."

Narrowly avoiding another episode he gets a few words out. "Never mind....Hehehe......P-Put Sis On will ya?"  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:45 am
When Nico glares at her for punching the paramedic, McKaela stares back unapologetically. People should learn that no means no, not her fault that the lady hadn't figured that out! But she basically ignores it, getting back to the business of finding Kata and Gwen.

As they snake through the crowd, McKaela spots Kata again. She stops just in front of him, glancing back to Nico. "Fun?" She smirks, but shakes her head. She knew Nico didn't, and while McKaela actually appreciated the few moments of excitement, she figured it would be best to leave it alone. "I was gonna get Nico something to eat," she says looking around. Even though they were a good distance from the store and the crowd around it now, people were still passing by and giving them looks of disdain or fear. McKaela tilts her head and turns to Nico. "Maybe we should eat at the mansion instead." Surely Nico didn't need another horrifying car ride after that.

McKaela glances down as she hears her phone, her ringer oddly generic for someone of her personality and wealth. While she had seen Alma's name on the screen, she still answered, "Hello?" She motions with one paw toward Kata, Gwen, and Nico as she turns away to take the call for a few moments. "Win? Win what?" When Alma finishes his joke, McKaela rolls her eyes slightly before responding, "Nico didn't think much of the victor." On the news? "Well, we weren't on the news because of a paramedic getting socked." She clears her throat, glancing back before saying quietly, "Someone attacked Nico, 'couple of mafia-lookin' thugs." But at Alma's request, she hands her phone to Nico, "Alma wants to talk to you." She had no idea what it was about, so she shrugs as it's passed along.

Turning to Kata and Gwen, and taking a deep breath, a sigh is had before she shakes off the last few minutes. She finally notices Gwen's outfit change. "Hey, lookin' good! Clawed Clothing, right? I love that place." Apparently she went often, if she could recognize the clothes that were hanging on the rack right now with no brand names plastered on them or anything. "I think the lady, Janet or something, that works there is on crack, though," she frowns. As if she had any right to judge what kinds of drugs people took.

She glances down to the bag she was holding. She had put Nico's clothing inside of it, as her bag was larger and Nico picked out fewer items than McKaela had. She didn't even seem to realize, or maybe care, that she walked out with Nico's unpurchased clothing. But she was the High Commander... rules didn't apply to her. "We got a few things," she mumbles, glancing to Nico as she talks on the phone. Strangely enough, McKaela was actually deep in thought about how to get them all home without killing them.

Luckily, Adrien and Kat wander up behind McKaela. Adrien waves to Kata before anything else. "Hey, man." Then he taps McKaela on the shoulder. "What the hell went on down there? You weren't involved, were ya?" He already knew the answer to that.

"Oh, that," McKaela mumbles, glancing to Nico. She shakes her head. "I'll tell ya later. Or the news will, not sure which."

Adrien quirks a brow, looking at Nico as McKaela does, but he simply nods. But all the while he quietly starts making assumptions of who this girl he'd never seen is... maybe McKaela's new toy. Of course, she didn't really seem to be McKaela's type, but how should he know that? "We, uh... came to pick up some things," he says to break the silence. What else would they be doing at the mall, right?

Kat was busily hiding a bag from Spencer's behind her back, blushing and staying quiet. McKaela tries to get a peek, but Kat doesn't give. McKaela decides not to push it for once. "Hey, d'you guys mind givin' Nico a ride? An' whoever else wants to go?" That would probably be at least Nico and Gwen... she wasn't quite sure if Kata cared much about her driving or not. "We're just goin' back to the mansion for some lunch or somethin'." Better than a crowded mall full of suspicious glances. She needed to get Nico out of there.

"Yeah, I'm sure we can," Kat says, nodding. "'Course we can't fit all of you," she frowns, staring at McKaela. Adrien drove a Porche Panamera Turbo today, after all... good thing he hadn't taken the 911 GT3 RS, which was a two-seater. Oh god, someone would have to be subjected to McKaela's driving one way or another. "Unless Gwen would like to sit in the middle of the back seat?" They'd briefly met once, but Kat was good at remembering names and faces.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:17 pm
The decrepit building, housing so many other unfortunates was proving to be quite a bit more welcoming than the kitsune had first thought. It was a much needed shelter and the fox boy was ready to settle for anything after so long on the run.

Fai let out a long sigh as he curled up in a corner, far away from any of the others. The small instrument clutched against his chest was all the warmth he needed, or at least as much as he would afford himself. He could hear the idle chatter and talk of some of the other homeless beggars. Some talking to loved ones or friends, others threatening people at knife point.

In his rather short life Fai had become well accustomed to such things. He pulled his ragged coat tighter against himself and tried to sleep. Emphasis being on the word tried, as one of the more violent tenants approached him. The kitsune didnt really listen to what the rat said. He was to busy planning a way out of the mess.

As the rat pressed the pointed end of his knife against Fai's back, the fox boy lashed out. The surprisingly quick movement caught the rat by surprise and he lost his grip on the knife. Fai was quickly up and on all fours; grasping for the fallen knife and holding it up to the rats neck. Though he said no words the glare he gave was enough to send the message. The rat gave a short growl then retired to his ragged bed.Fai let out another long sigh as he poceted the knife.  



PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:18 am
The mansion would have been his suggestion if Mckaela didn't say anything. Not only did it have better food - even without Cookie at the helm - but Nico looked like she wanted to get out of the mall as fast as she could run, or McKaela could drive. Crowds made him nervous anyways, especially ones that kept giving him cautious looks (although they were solemn directed at him). It was his first week at the fortress all over again.
When Mckaela stops to answer her phone, the fox turns slightly to look Nico out of the corner of his eye.
Maybe it was the scarlet-stained bullet hole on her shirt, or the brief moment of psychosis as she filled her old mafia buddy full of copper while the darkest of grins covered her scarred face; maybe it just wasn't her day. But Nico looked like a mess.

Obviously not in a talkative mood - not that she ever had been, Gwen allows Nico her privacy, returning to her usual place without a sound; focusing instead on McKaela's conversation.
After a few flicks of her ear, Gwen could pick out Alma's voice, but could only guess what he was saying from McKaela's nonchalant responses.
The phone is handed off to Nico, and Gwen smiles as Mckaela catches her off guard with compliments on her choice of attire. Jenette was a nice person in Gwen's eyes, she did give the kitten a lollipop after all. A lollipop which Gwen was now digging around in her pockets for.

The fox was staring again. He shakes his head and looks away, happening on two familiar figures in the distance.
One was Adrian, he could tell, but it took a bit of squinting to figure out who the second was. His path didn't cross with the 'other Kat' very often, and by the time he figures out who she is, Adrian was already acknowledging him. Kata responds with a small wave and a simple "Yo." before bowing slightly to Kat and stepping out of their way.
As everyone continues with their conversations, he absently brushes his hand against the handle of his new knife, then pushes it further down his pocket and completely out of sight. Better leave well enough alone.
Ears are perked as McKaela mentions something about Gwen riding with Adrian and Kat.
Smiling, he looks down at Gwen with a wink, "I would take them up on that." he shrugs. "Unless, of course, you wanna go for another round on the roller McKoaster."

Gods no, not the roller McKoaster. Gwen frowns, weighing the pros and cons of either staying with Kata or avoiding Mckaela's driving.
She sighs, looking up at Adrian. "Uhm... Yeah, I can. If that's no problem?" The question was just a courtesy, obviously it wasn't.
The bright, neon blue Tootsie Roll pop is removed from her side pocket, unwrapped, and shoved into her mouth. She twirls it from one cheek to the other while waiting for a response.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:40 am
Nico quirked a brow at Mckaela's ringer, and gave her a glance before she backed away from the others. she just now noticed that the deep red stain on her shirt, which matched flawlessly with her hair, was probably pretty serious. Though she wasn't feeling any pain or discomfort. her hand bolts into her shirt to the spot where the hole was in the fabric. There was a suitable amount of blood stuck to her fur but that was about it.

She stood perplexed at the observation. The husky had shot her she was sure of it. The paramedic was right to have stopped her, but here she was. no hole no cut not even a scar. Perhaps she had a guardian angel? The thought tickled her in a sad way. That can't be it...She had been needing help for two years and it didn't come then. Pushing the thought from her mind she decided to ask Mckaela about the events that unfolded. Nico wasn't exactly sure what had happened. But just as she was about to ask, a phone was shoved into her hand.

"Alm-?" She said before the phone was even to her ear. "Alma?" She repeated when it finally got there. Pressing the phone against her ear with both hands she took a few steps back from the rest, but stayed in their general area.

"No no. Im fine"
"Well....I think I'm fine"
"Uhh, Im not sure" She looks down to the bloodstain again.
"Im Just not, okay? But i know how it bothers you, so I'll change before you see me. Oh that reminds me, Don't go into the upstairs ba-"
"oh, you did?"
She clenches her teeth and breathes through them sharply. "I'm sorry, I'll clean it up i promise."

Nico is so absorbed in the conversation she doesn't even come close to noticing the two strangers until they make themselves vocal. She flinches, and rather harshly, when they greet Kata. Shying away she observes the two, phone still clutched in both hands pressed to her ear.

Mistress McKaela seemed to know them. Nico didn't notice she was the topic of discussion until Mckaela, then the other, Look at her. She returned the gaze for about a second before pulling a bit of her hair in front of the left half of her face to try and mask the massive scarring. This made it quite difficult to see but she didn't need to at the moment.

"Oh, yeah. I'm still here."
"I--, Donno yet."

She tryed to keep up both with Alma, and what the others were talking about. The mention of a ride pops up, the suggestion was more than welcome. Getting in a car with Mckaela behind the wheel is something that Nico never planned on doing again. After deciding this in her head she cautiously scampers next to Adrian and Kat.

"I guess were heading back to McKaela's house?" She looks around at everyone to confirm this. "Yeah."
"Oh you were?"

Nico slides the phone receiver down from her mouth and holds her hand over it. "Umm...Alma says he will see us there." she returns to the phone.
"Uh huh."

Nico's eyes widen in surprise, then she shakes herself out of it. "Je.... Je Vous aime aussi mon frère. au revoir." She makes a discreet kissing sound before hanging up the phone, Not sure if anyone actually heard her make it. Carefully she hands the phone back to Mckaela. "Merci"  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:51 pm
Kat notices Nico shying away from them as they walk up. While at first she considers approaching her and telling her it's ok, she decides it might be best not to invade her personal space. She looked as though she'd been through a lot today, if not her whole life by the scars. Still, neither Kat nor Adrien looked upon her with any harshness for her disfigurement.

Adrien glances down to Gwen and nods to her. "No problem at all." When McKaela's not looking, he kneels down next to her, whispering, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad driver like my sister." He shudders involuntarily. He'd had one too many problems with McKaela's driving in the past.

McKaela seems to hear him though. "Hey, c'mon, it's not that bad." She knew otherwise, but she felt the need to defend herself regardless.

"Not that bad?!" Adrien stands up, crossing his arms. "What about the limousine, hm? And the bi-plane!" He lowers his head. He wanted to forget these things, why did they have to keep coming back?!

"And the Mustang, McKaela. Poor Veritas," Kat sighs.

McKaela grunts. "C'mon, I was drunk." All three times apparently. Not that it was a good excuse. They argue about this for a little bit while Nico talks to Alma.

When Nico asks the group if they're heading to McKaela's house, Kat responds, "Oh, yeah. We can let you ride with us too if you like." Nico doesn't reply, but she can tell that she would much rather accept a ride from strangers than risk death by McKaela's paws because of her driving.

Nobody seems to notice the bit at the end of the phone conversation except for Kat. She recognized the language and what the words meant, but decided not to pry. Though she did giggle a tiny bit when Nico made the kissing sound, but not loud enough for Nico to catch.

When Nico approaches with the phone, McKaela tilts her head. Done already? She didn't realize just how long they'd been talking. "Uh, yeah, merci." She shakes her head, no that wasn't the proper response, she was just caught off guard. "Je vous en prie." How many languages did McKaela know? She takes the phone and turns to Adrien and Kat. "Well, let's get outta here. If I'm not interruptin' your shoppin' anyway...?"

"No, we were just leaving," Adrien says, maybe a little too quick, grabbing Kat by her shoulder and pulling her into a slight, involuntary hug. She only blushes.

"Kay, good." McKaela nods. "Whoever wants to ride with Adrien and Kat, go ahead. I'll meet you at the mansion in a few." She starts toward her car, not expecting anybody to follow, so she's a bit surprised to see Kata behind her when she arrives at her car. "Oh, not afraid?"

Adrien and Kat weren't parked too far away. Adrien leads them to a silver Porche Panamera Turbo, and opens the passenger door for Kat, who seats herself and fastens her seat belt. She looked calm enough, not afraid like she probably would be getting into McKaela's car. Hopefully it would all be alright. Next he opens each of the back doors for the girls, Nico first, then Gwen. "Seat belts please, I have a rule." Then, into the driver's seat he goes. He waits for all seat belts to be fastened, and for McKaela to drive off first, for good reason, saying, "Now that we don't have to worry about being run over... let's take a completely different route to avoid the traffic delays due to the wreckage, shall we?" He shakes his head... he found it sad that he was being completely serious.

The trip back to the mansion was like a breath of fresh air. Even the most paranoid person on earth couldn't have found a flaw with Adrien's driving. He was courteous, stopped when needed and without slamming on the brakes, did the exact speed limit (this was probably to keep from scaring his passengers more than his normal routine however... after all, this was a Porche), paid close attention to the road and other drivers, and came nowhere near killing a single pedestrian.

It took a few minutes, but they arrive at the fortress completely unharmed, maybe even comforted, by Adrien's driving. He gets out only for a moment, to let them out of the vehicle. "Kat and I... have to go. But we'll see you later." They were parked at the back door, so it wouldn't be hard to find McKaela and Kata there, and maybe even Alma if he'd arrived. When they're both safely inside, Adrien drives off.


Yet another homeless person softly crept into the room full of huddled bodies and foul smells. Filth, and nothing but it. The wolf sneers, shaking her head. Strange, she dressed a bit better than most in the abandoned building. And she was probably the oldest as well. On her hip is a revolver, in plain sight, and hidden from view in the sleeve of her coat is a knife.

She spotted the rat as he went for the fox boy in the corner. She let matters solve themselves without a word, settling down into a corner across from the boy, another area mostly devoid of life. She doesn't seem surprised to see the speed and grace that the boy had taken the rat down with. She just closes her eyes and crosses her arms, leaning against the wall and listening quietly as she tried to rest a bit.

All seemed well for about thirty minutes. Silence set in as most of the people in the old abandoned building fell asleep, or at least as close to asleep as they could while keeping alert. The rat, however, had not forgotten the trouble he'd had with the boy earlier. He wanders up to the boy with a pack of about five thugs behind him. "Hey, ya owe me a knife, pipsqueak," said the rat with a Brooklyn accent, "But I'll let it slide if I can have a piece of that a**." He smirked, and the men behind him chuckled.

"I didn't realize faggotry was popular amongst retards these days," grumbled the wolf with a raspy voice and gruff tone, no accent in particular, eyes still shut, but ears alert.

"What did you say, old hag?" the rat snarls. "Yer just jealous that only yer daddy wanted to ******** ya."

Right back with a perfect beat, she responds, "At least my daddy knew how to please a woman, but ya have to be more than two inches long t'do that, yanno."

Large incisors are bared to the woman. "Why you little--" He makes a move toward her, claws at the ready as he reaches down toward her, hissing. He realizes too late that he's got a gun in his mouth. The wolf only now opens her red eyes. "I think we need to call a street sweeper." The trigger is pulled, and the rat's brains decorate the ceiling. For the most part, nobody even cares what just happened, trying to get back to sleep. "Because there's some trash lyin' about." His limp body is kicked away before she dusts herself off and stands, glaring at the others. "Next?" They scatter. She shakes her head. "Pussies."

The gun is again holstered, and she stares down at the boy for a few moments, reaching up to push blood red hair from her face. Her fur was dark grey with black markings, and a few snippets of white. She wasn't very tall, nor very short. She wasn't thin, nor fat... built with big bones and a bit of hip and bust, and a slight belly and a**. And her clothes resembled an old uniform of some sort, but modified to fit her and look stylish, black with red decorations. She sighs and mumbles, "The streets aren't exactly friendly to kids. What the hell do you think you're doin' here? Run away from home or somethin'?"
PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:46 pm
Despite knowing all the danger of such an activity, Fai fell asleep. The simple silence that fell after his dealings with the rat seemed to peaceful to pass up. He was simply to tired to keep watch tonight and had silently resigned himself to whatever fate befell him.

It wasnt until the dull sound of the thugs and rats feet had completely surrounded him that he awoke. His eyes werent filled with fear, more so a look of almost dissatisfaction. He let out a long slow breath as the rat spoke his plans, and began to tighten his grip on the knife. He knew he stood no chance against all of them, but he would make them earn everything they took.

The raspy voice of the female wolf broke him from his thoughts. She seemed rather confident, and a quick glance toward her told him why. Fai's eyes caught sight of the faint glint of a revolver on her hip. The fox slowly sat up to listen and watch the fight. The rat was obliviouse to his mistake in challenging the wolf and as he charged Fai closed his eyes.

The loud bang and splat that follwed made him cringe just the slightest. Without their leader and the obviouse advantage of the wolf, the thugs disspersed. Fai slowly opened his eyes and stared up at his savior. His jacket was ripped enough to reveal no shirt beneath, only his white and grey fur. The foxes jeans were a collection of different colors patched together and came half way down his calf.

The expression on Fai's face was that of a man in a dream. He gave a faint smile "I owe you my thanks. You saved me from a rather...terrible night. I really dont think its running away...more running to. To run from home i'd need a home to run from. And as to why i'm here well...I dont really have anywhere else to go. What about you? "  



PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:16 am
Gwen covers a giggle as Adrian whispers in her ear. It was a foreign idea that anyone on earth could be as bad of a driver as Mckaela.
She turns to find her brother staring at her. Being with him as much as she did, it didn't take long to notice how he liked to stare at things - usually at the ground, but sometimes he would just leer at people with a far-away, contemplative look in his eyes. It was a funny look, in a sad sort of way, maybe he didn't notice it.

The others were already leaving. She pounces onto the fox with a hug as if it was the last time she'd ever see him. "Okay bro... I'll see you at the fortress, I guess." releasing him, she turns away, then turns back. "Oh... and, be safe." The tone in her voice made him smile.
Gwen gives McKaela a short, frightened look, bows, then dashes after the others.

Stalking quietly in the wake of the other three, Gwen only speaks to thank Adrian for the ride before scooting in next to Nico.
Even she didn't expect the short trip back to be so calm. This time, there were no screeching brakes, or screaming pedestrians running for dear life from the blur of McKaela's car. There was only peace and quiet, enough to encourage the kitten into a quick nap. Gwen mutters something unintelligible before lowering her head into sleep. A minute or two later, she rolls gently into Nico and purrs softly.

She doesn't wake up until they come to a complete stop at their destination, as if she somehow had an internal nap alarm clock. Looking up, she seems startled to see Nico's face, and reels back. "Oh! I... oh! I'm sorry Nico. I didn't mean to... you know..." Gwen blushes, clearing her throat. Nico seemed to her like the type of person that would have pushed her off, or at least woke her if there was a problem. In that case, there probably wasn't.
The last of the lollipop is bit off, and the remaining stick tossed to the ground while Adrian and Kat make their exit. Giving them another thanks for the safe trip back, and bidding them a pleasant day, the kitten is left standing at Nico's side. She couldn't see Kata or McKaela anywhere, though they were supposed to be here first.
It was quiet.
Unlike Kata, she didn't appreciate the silence so much, it reminded her of those cold nights, alone and under a box in an alley.
"Nico... What happened back there anyway? Did McKaela heal you? Are you all right?"
Now that she was the only one with Nico, maybe the mouse wouldn't mind the barrage of questions. As usual, Gwen follows her assault with an apology and a blush.


Just what was he to Gwen? Did she really think of him like a brother? It was a comfort to know that, considering he ended her life once. In a way, he felt responsible for her, but also thought of her the same way she thought of him: she was his sister, the only family he had here; a warm breeze against the chill of standing in the legion's shadow. He loved her. He doubted she would love him back if she knew what happened that night, and god willing, she never would.
Gwen takes off after her ride, and the fox turns back towards Mckaela to see her already on her way. He follows behind her, hands in pockets and head in the clouds.

At her car, she spins around with a surprised look. Guess she didn't notice him after all.
"Afraid?" He ponders for a moment, then smirks. "Of you, Milady? Pah." Truth be told, he was only afraid of her once.

The paparazzi, followed by the professional news crews were now pouring out of the mall and towards the car.
Before hopping into the roller McKoaster, he grabs his gun from the backseat, confidently strapping it to his waist.
He hurries, as McKaela was likely going to get annoyed at the thirsty cameras heading their way, and he certainly didn't want to be left behind.

She took off like he expected, burning rubber out of the parking lot before he could even close the door behind him.
Lights were ran, buildings looked like smears as corners were turned so harshly he thought they might flip over.
One building in particular caught his interest as they sped by.


The sign had two revolvers crossed at the bottom, hovering over a set of doors that had been painted to look like the entrance to an old western saloon. The building was relatively small, but his observations ended as it shrank back into the distance.
He turns his head fully to look at McKaela, once more balancing his tongue on the line between saying something, or not saying something.
"So..." he begins, facing forward. The fortress gates crawl into view.
"What d'ya think of Nico?"

He could have asked anything. He could have questioned when he'd begin his training, and then, his job. Or inquired about the upcoming birthday Adrian told him about. Hell, he could've asked How's the weather up there, druggie? Ha ha ha.
But for some reason, Nico was the only subject that managed to escape his mind and materialize on his lips.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:11 am
As Nico approaches the car she looks at it in awe. It was a beautiful machine, how she wished she had a proper set of tools so she could fully appreciate the Splendor of this mechanical beast. Carefully she steps in after Gwen and leans forward off the backrest. She didn't want to ruin this nice car with her blood.

After a few minutes she can't stand it anymore and starts flinging question after question about the car at the two. "Have you done any custom work on her? What kind of mileage does she get? whats the acceleration on this thing?" The questions come out with barely enough time to answer before the next. And she continues, seemingly packed with Queries. Before long Nico realizes that she never introduced herself. "Oh... Where are my manners? I am Nico Abdoe, Alma's sister." She seemed much more comfortable around them after the talk about cars. "I don't know if you've met him. I don't think he has been here long. Mistress McKaela seemed to know him though."

Maybe the car talk had bored Gwen, or maybe she was just tired. but sure enough the kitten falls sideways, her head pushing into Nico's side, sound asleep. she was even purring. This made Nico smile, And it felt really good. A smile hadn't shown on that face in more than a year. Nico thanked the two with Gwen before they took off.

"Well cupcake" she said as a response to Gwen. "A bit of advice. You never have to apologize to me for simple words. Now if you back over the dog or break my windshield with a tire iron. then you can apologize, capiché?" This was a quote from her father. Given to her while she was behind the wheel of the family car, learning to drive.

Just as she finishes this sentence Alma rounds the corner behind Nico. wearing an incredibly tacky gray sweater and some crisp blue jeans. he was carrying a small bag. Gwen had a good view of him but Nico likely didn't even know he was there. "I'm not exactly sure what happened, I think i was shot but....maybe she..." Nico looks as if she's in a daze.

Alma Presses his finger against his lips when Gwen catches a sight of him, and creeps up behind Nico. He makes a couple snowballs from a suitable pile of snow nearby and gets close. Gently he throws one at her back. it flakes a little but most of it just bursts against the cement.

Nico gasps, her mind had been stuck on the fact that she had been shot. The snowball scared the hell out of her. She Whirls around on her feet ready to run or fight if she had to. Instead she finds Alma grinning like an idiot, as usual. "Ma soeur" Alma remarks before dropping the second snowball on her head.

Her immediate response is to tackle him and pile snow on his face. Alma chuckles "Little Madame, I need reinforcements" He says to Gwen. while dramatically waving his arms back and forth.  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:25 pm
[Sorry for the delay, ya'll. My inspiration failed me for a bit there.]

McKaela blinks at Gwen as she bows to her and runs off. She simply waved back, but Gwen wouldn't have noticed, her back turned on McKaela before she could even get her hand up. She sighs and glances back to Kata as they arrive at the car. She made a small 'hm' sound as he shrugged off the thought of fearing her. She perhaps had trouble believing that she wasn't a frightenning beast to everyone around her. "Yeah, yeah, sure," she mumbles, maybe to console herself. She was the High Commander. She was there to be feared and respected. That's all there was to the matter.

Scowling at the paparazzi and news crews and whoever else had followed them out, she glares at Kata as he screws around with getting his gun. But soon enough he's in the vehicle and McKaela slams it into drive, almost running over a cameraman or two. This was no surprise, of course. Neither was the fact that nobody tried to chase her down in their own vehicles; not only could none of them likely go the speed that McKaela was able to go in the Aston Martin, but nobody wanted to die today.

Her ears perk to the question about Nico. What did she think about Nico? It takes her a little bit to figure out an answer to the question, unnecessarily cautious, as if she expected it to be a trick of some sort. "I think she's... got a temper. And that she must have been through some real hell." She rubs the back of her head... who knew McKaela's driving could get scarier, without both paws on the wheel fear may have even been struck into Kata's heart for an instant. "I wanna find out more, but I don't wanna upset her somehow. Nobody really likes to be reminded of past trauma, after all." She knew she didn't anyway.


Adrien quirks a brow to the mouse's interest in his vehicle. He didn't quite expect such mechanical questions from a woman, perhaps especially because of how she was dressed. But he took each question in stride, and answered them as he got a chance, usually when Nico took a moment to catch her breath. He chuckles as Nico introduces herself. "My name is Adrien, I'm McKaela's brother. And this is Kataisei." He blushes slightly. He hadn't introduced her as his girlfriend or fiance or wife... not even as his friend... but obviously she was more than just some random acquaintance to him. "I haven't met Alma yet. But it's nice to meet you, Nico."

As they depart, Adrien and Kat wave to Nico and Gwen before heading off. To do what, who knew, but it probably had something to do with whatever was in the bag Kat was doing her best to hide.


Upon arrival in the fortress, McKaela parks her car in the garage and gets out of it. They beat Adrien there, that was no surprise. But McKaela holds off on going into the mansion, looking up to Kata with a serious expression, perhaps for the first time since he'd met her. "Do you think she's likely to have more problems with those sorts of people? We should... we should protect her or something." She lowers her eyes, then her ears, crossing her arms. "What the hell were they after anyway?" She didn't expect an answer, she just threw it out there into the cold air before shaking her head.

However long they stay in there and have this conversation, they didn't exit the garage until a little while after Adrien had dropped the girls off. McKaela and Kata find Alma flailing around on the ground with snow being thrown on him by Nico and Gwen. McKaela smiles just slightly, sighing. At least Nico didn't seem to have to dwell on the past at all times. She swore she saw a slight smile or heard a giggle as she played in the snow... but maybe not. She might never know, really. She and Kata wander up to them, and McKaela leans down to pack a snowball herself, chucking it at Gwen and hitting her on the cheek lightly. She smirks. "Having fun there?"


The wolf sighs, leaning against the wall and listening as the boy explains. "Homes're overrated anyhow. So if you're not runnin' away, where d'ya come from?" She reaches up to scratch the back of her neck, shrugging. "Me? I'm just a vagabond, I guess. Like you, nowhere to go, no place I'm supposed to be. I'm only in town for a job." She lightly taps the gun on her hip before wandering over to the boy and offering her paw. "Name's Stormie Vance. 'Bout you, kid?"

After being told the boy's name, she looks around at the sleeping vagrants, shaking her head. They could probably sleep through a tornado... and not lose anything if they did. She thought about just going elsewhere, maybe some place a little less dangerous, but she had no reason to, except maybe to escape the smell, and how cramped the place was. Back on subject, the wolf turns to the boy. "Yer fast. Got any other hidden talents about you?" This curiosity was simply to make conversation, having nothing better to do in a place like this.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:04 pm
Fai smile grew as he leaned back on his hands to give the wolf his full attention. He tenses only slightly as she asked her question and began to rub the back of his head. "I...dont really remember. Been on the run for as far back as i could walk..." He seems to be hiding something but quickly snaps out of it and smiles, takeing the offered paw. "Fai...Fai Hikaru."

The fox watches as Stormie's gaze scanned the other occupants. It seemed that even the thugs had fallen asleep. Fai smiles, happy that at least some peace had fallen over the empty apartment. The boy jerked out of his thoughts as Stormie turned back to him. He smiles shyly before answering. "Well, I'm a rather quick thinker as well...and i'm not to bad with these knives" Fai showed his hand holding three knives inbetween his fingers.  



PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:14 am
Kata looks out the window as McKaela states her views of Nico, the ebony gates spread open as they pull into the fortress.
"Yeah, I guess." he says indifferently. Sure, no one wanted to be reminded of a bad past, but that's what the past is for, isn't it? The rain comes, you get drenched, then you get over it and move on. Or at least that's what you should do.

He smiles at his own hypocrisy.

Not another word was spoken until they leave the car, when McKaela speaks with a tone matching the seriousness in her face.
At first, he didn't respond. McKaela showing such concern for anyone besides herself caused him to raise an eyebrow.
Such a serious question deserved a serious answer, and with a shrug, he gave her the best one he could muster. "Most likely."
To the second part, however, he had no response. Did Nico need protecting? Did she want to be? Maybe, but it wasn't his concern.
The image of Nico firing the small pistol into the dressing room crossed his mind. She still had that gun, he recalled. Whether she snuck it in with her, or took it off one of the mobsters he didn't know.
"I think... she only needs the means to protect herself." He pauses, picking his words carefully, almost hesitantly. "And... some friends to back her up."
That made sense, right? He looks at Mckaela, asking this question with his eyes.

Already with his hands back in his pockets, Kata starts towards the exit, only stopping when she speaks again.
Without turning, he answers "Well, they wanted their torture toy back, I suppose."
It wasn't hard to piece together enough of Nico's puzzle to find out that she escaped from the Russian mafia, and it only took a gun blast to realize that they weren't going to let her get away that easily.


Gwen heard Alma say the same thing.
Speaking of which, she hides a smile under her sleeve as the very person stalks up behind Nico.
The snowball thumps Nico in the back, and Gwen starts giggling as she spins around. She didn't understand what Alma said, but as Nico tackles him to slap handfuls of snow in his face, her giggles turn into full blown laughter.

Alma flails at her, and the calico pauses her laughter long enough to grin "Nuh-uh! You deserved that one, Alma!"
To enforce her point, the kitten is quick to wrap up her own snowball, which lands gently atop the pile Nico already stacked on her brother.
She didn't notice Kata or Mckaela until a snowball glances off her cheek. Mckaela smirks, and before Gwen could respond, a third snowball splatters across the High Commander's muzzle.
Kata wore a goofy smile as he innocently hides a second one behind his back. "Actually... yeah! I am!"
The question wasn't aimed at him, though pelting McKaela with a snowball was undeniably the most fun he'd had all day.  
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