Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:30 pm
Chi sighed boredly looking for john, she just walked around town lazily.
(sorry my comp is being slow so there wont be many replies for me today, that and im going to watch iron man 2)
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:36 pm
((I saw that movie on Friday it was great..))
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:36 pm
(i absolutely love whiplash, id so marry him heart )
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:00 pm
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:10 am
( what hes super sexy im sorry.... has this rp turned into my obsesssion of ivan because no one has posted anything relevant to the rp in awhile lol)
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:51 am
((Probably........Plus katie hasn't posted -_- and i don't know what to do..Maybe i should have played john so it could keep going.. if she doesn't post in an hour ill wing it..))
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:13 pm
(lol sorry my show was on and i had to take a shower)
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:23 pm
(hey i added you to my guild right? do you wana do a iron man rp in it? i never use my guild because no one actully never rps in it lol)
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:29 pm
(9Yeah i am in it and i wanna iron man rp is it public just in case or 1x1)
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:40 pm
(lol its 1x1 until someone actully notices im rping in my own guild and asks to join the rp lol.... Already set up the rp post your profile when your ready ill be doing the setting and first post)
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:47 pm
(9Okay but the thing is its confusing who is playing who the skeleton is vague..no offense do i play iron man or war machine?))
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:52 pm
(you can play anyone ivan, stark, warmachine (i forgot his name lol), and ontop of a main character you can make your own)
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:56 pm
(imma go eat make your profile and ill reply when i get home)
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 4:46 pm
(hey im bored go rp with me on the iron man rp i have already made the intro and everyhting)
Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 5:44 pm
((sry im back))
Liz walked over to Kabal, "So you bring him back and then what? John will just kill him again, maybe worse this time. I'm not going to put him through this."
Nikki walked silently down the street behind John, thinking to herself. Then she said, "So the first step is complete?"
John smiled, "Yes. We've killed her emotionally. Next, we kill her mentally. And just when she thinks things can't get any worse, we kill her physically. The rest should be easy to get rid of after she's gone."