Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:21 pm
S'rasha cut through the vines with his claws and continued to try and get a hold of the wizards arm in his mouth. If he could get a bite in, he'd have to drop the pendant.
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:45 pm
He watched the panther cur through the vines and heard the girl. He mentally cursed her aunts for teaching her about different magics. He looked to the panther again as it sought his arm with it's jaws. He scowled wishing he had already set the girl up for a calling. He called out feeling the teeth but refused to let go knowing he had to stop the creature. It was on his lands of magic, a place where techies did not belong. He motioned his hand once more for the vines to surround him hoping to give better protection. "I will not let you beat me techie."
She listened to the fight behind her hoping her friend would be okay. She pulled as much strength as she could to get out of the hole. It was rough and hard but inch by inch as they fought, she would eventually come to sit on solid ground and smile at herself. She took a breath in relief then turned towards the area before her and the two fighting. If she kept quiet she knew she would have some chance to help her friend. She moved quickly hoping the high wizard was too pre-occupied to notice her and went around towards his back side so not to be noticed. As the vines went up around him she saw her friend trying to break through them. She took a deep breath unsure what she was going to do then ran to the mage and jumped onto his back. She wrapped her arms best she could trying to hold on so his arm controlling the vines was less useful to give her friend some more time and a better fighting point.
The wizard called out feeling something holding him and noticed the girl. He cursed in the old tongue at her before motioning his hand slightly. Soon the vines would wrap and pull her from him. He turned his head watching as the vines tossed her to a nearby tree before turning his attentions back towards the panther.
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:57 pm
"Silly wizard...this was never about me and you..." S"rasha took off at top speed towards Rayna. Crawling underneath her, he tried to bring her back to her senses so she would grab a hold of him. "Come on Rayna, we are going now..." Once she had figured it out, S'rasha sprinted towards the border of New Mecha. "Even if he does decide to follow, the technical's have their own way of sensing magic..."
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:06 pm
Rayna sat from where she had been tossed holding her head a bit but shook it off. She hear her friend and nodded grabbing on. She didn't look back but rather closed her eyes trying to trust her friend knowing the direction he had been running in. "S'rasha, I'm sorry you got into trouble back there. But, thanks for trying to help me." She was sad a moment knowing she had lived on the mage side all her life. If techies could sense magic then she may have the scent so to speak on her.
The wizard watched as the panther took off and got the girl. She glared as they ran off and called the vines to try and catch them. He then called through the pendant to a few others and within moments four others appeared and began the chase hoping to catch them off at the boarder before they would loose them in the techie domain. "We cannot let them get away from us!"
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:20 pm
If there was one thing S'rasha knew how to do, it was run invisibly through the jungle. Dodging around trees and over rocks, S'rasha expertly navigated his way to New Mecha. He wouldn't be able to stop at the edge of the trees. He booked it straight out of the woods into the open field towards the city he had run from.
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:29 pm
The wizards followed sensing the edge of their domain and would see the city before them. The four called hesitated before stopping the other. "We have no clearance for a retrieval into the techie's realm. The techie and traitor will have to wait until we can get the order and a stronger team. Besides, if she has anything magical they'll probably be on them in no time." He looked to the other and nodded though wanted their heads for the trouble they had caused. Nothing worse then a techie except for a traitor. He would bide his time though knowing they were his the next round.
She held on hoping she wasn't hurting him seeing the trees turn into a clearing and viewed the city ahead. She felt a panic wash over her and looked back to see the ones chasing them had stopped. She was relieved but still unsure about what could happen now. She had never been on the techy soil and wondered how normal humans, if they had any got along, or would she be an outcast here as well.
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:42 pm
S'rasha arrived at the edge of the town and brought Rayna to rest behind a building. "We'll be safe for now." He looked back towards the jungle and the wizards who had stopped. This was his territory now, but far from a friendly one. S'rasha laid down panting. "What am I thinking...I'm a criminal here..."
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:49 pm
Rayna held on still till he would finally stop behind a building. She got off carefully and sat beside him. As he laid down she pet him lightly on the head. "Thanks S'rasha, for you know, trying to help back there." She kept her voice as calm as could be despite her worry. She knew little of the techie side, but S'rasha had never truly as she would have expected a techie to act. She felt she needed to be brave so he wouldn't worry about her, she just hoped he wouldn't get in trouble by bringing her there. She looked forward seeing the edge of the forest and the wizards. After a moment or two the forest would seem to move as if wiping any trace of them. She sighed shaking her head. "Looks like it's shifted again. I guess the forest is upset at something. Just not sure it was us, simple magic like that's been done before and it never changed so much." She looked over to her friend curious. "I wonder, no offense, why the high mages in the village didn't pick you up earlier. I mean if you are from, well this side that is?"
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:12 am
Sayori nodded and ran to catch up with him. 'Maybe hes right i coulve sworn we passed this place already.' After almost tripping over a few roots and vines, she had caught up and was at the same pace as Diz.
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:14 am
She sat there still feeling more calm with nothing happening right away. After a short time she moved pulling out her map and looking to it seeing a blank page. "Well, guess this is useless at the moment." She said looking back towards her friend. "Hey, you gonna be okay? It was a bit rough back there. I mean I couldn't imagine trying to fight a mage without magic." She sighed looking back to the woods knowing no matter what they did now wouldn't be the best of ideas. She slowly stood looking about the buildings and then the woods again. "Don't hate me S'rasha, but the calling is sooner then the village expected. I should head back to warn them. No one deserves to be part of callings, well unless someone wants to, but I hear most don't." She hoped her friend would understand. As much as she wanted to help and be around him, she knew her own duties in life for her village at least.
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:24 am
Diz led the way walking toward where the village should have been located, every so often looking behind him to make sure the girl was ok. "So, I never caught your name. What should I call you?" He asked making idle conversation as they walked through the the jungle. "After all I can't just be calling you oi or girl, that's just rude." He hadn't stopped moving while waiting on the girls reply and continued going forward. Diz figured that there was something odd going on here as they had not walked straight into the middle of the village yet, he thought about mentioning this to his travelling companion but was reluctant to do so as he didn't want her freaked out anymore then what he had already.
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:35 am
"Yea I'm fine, and I understand. We should head back there right away. Can't stay here anyways. Nothing good would come of it." S'rasha stood up and looked upon the city. He never really got to explore it. The handlers always kept him locked up or out in the jungle. "Besides, the wizards might get caught up with that other technical in there."
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:00 pm
Rayna looked to him nodding closing her eyes slightly in thought. She noticed him looking to the city and wondered if he would want to stay though from his tone seemed more confused or conflicted about the idea. She started walking knowing her map would be useless until they got to the woods. She wondered about this other he had mentioned but put it back away in her mind. She didn't wish to worry him more then he already seemed to be, but knew more then likely what was coming. "S'rasha," She started, her tone soft, though stopped herself from speaking more. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say, none of it sounded like it would come out right in any case. She simply smiled looking to him as they would walk. "Can I call you my friend? I mean it's not like you've decided to eat me yet." She made her last comment more light hearted hoping he may find it a little funny since their meeting. She knew once they got to the village what could possibly be awaiting them, but wasn't sure. She would think to herself a bit as they would walk wondering if when they did reach her home, if she should ask him to wait just outside of it. She didn't want him pulled into their world more then he already was. Not that she minded his company, but as a friend, she wished to protect him the only way she knew how, by keeping him at a safer distance.
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:17 pm
Halek-Jeun's ears perked as she mentioned deciphering scrolls. So that meant she was studying them too? That sounded interesting, but.... It probably wasn't his place to butt into her work. Of course it wasn't. Brushing the thought away, he grabbed a key off the rack on the wall, walking out from behind the counter and waiting for when she finished before leading her upstairs. The view from outside made the place look a lot smaller than it was inside. "Your room is here, Miss Inola," he said, stopping them in front of the door marked 808 as he handed her the key. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to alert us. Enjoy your stay." Bowing again, he turned and walked back down the stairs and outside, continuing on his way downtown.
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:39 pm
*Inola would follow him as he grabbed a key and led her to a room. She smiled and thanked him before opening the door and heading in. She was glad to see so much room and knew soon every inch may be covered in scrolls and books for her to look at. She left the door open not really caring who looked inside as she moved to one of the tables and began emptying her bag of things. She would start with some of her clothes putting them away neatly in the closet as she expected to stay for some time at least. On the boarder she rarely would have the luxury of staying on one place longer then a week. This inner city she hoped was a bit harder for the enemy to attack before she could get something done. Once the clothes were dealt with she began pulling out books and scrolls, sorting them based on brief translations of what they were about. Soon small stacks and piles of them littered in various spots within the room. Once she had the majority out she reminded herself how useful her expanding bag spell tended to work. She sat on the bed looking to the first pile and pulling out a pen and book and began her translations and scribbles. Some things she knew was within her magical range, others she wasn't sure, but with the sign of woods just past the city on her map, would give her plenty of hidden space to test them.*