Title of RP : Dawn of the Hunters
Genre : Action
Picture : None
About : The year is 2130. The world is overrun by criminals, named Crimidux. A new group rises up from the ashes of the world of ruin, called the Hunters. They are mighty and magical beings whose goal is to take down the Crimidux and to rescue people who could make a good Hunter.
There are two pairs of hunters: Wielders and Casters. Wielders are Hunters who use physical weapons, and must have a Caster partner. Casters use magic, and must have a Wielder partner.
Number of Characters Needed : The RP needs five people. The targets are controlled by me and another, and I am one of the four Hunters.
Skelly for Characters in RP :
[align=center]Appearance: (picture here)
Biography: (At least a paragraph)
Type of Hunter: (Wielder or Caster)

How Many Posts Will you Need? : None needed. I might make a sequel for after the Hunters take down the Crimidux.