Kale Qualas
[Sonic Offline]
Kale Qualas
@Sonic: More features. Cool! But... I didn't see the problem.
I can't show the problem in a screenshot, and I can't run a screencast program with Beryl. not enough RAM.
it literally takes just enough to not let it run properly.
Bummer! Oh well, at least words will do it for now.
(RAM is short for Random-Access-Memory.)
I know what RAM is o.o im a freelance PC troubleshooter/Security tech. not even the geeksquad would hire me because I knew too much for what was required. Waiting for Google to verify im well-enough informed to get an internship through them.
Linux was made by Linus Torvalds, who believed that the OS 'Unix' has more potential than it made itself out to be. So he started working on making it better and allowing it to do more stuff. Pretty soon, he had a whole new Kernel for the OS, and realized now he has his own. He called it Linux (Linus' Unix). It was Open Sourced from the Get-Go, which is what made it so popular as of today. Because of its Open Sourced-ness, people can make their own software and distribute it for free, or just straight up rip the OS and make various versions for free and legally. Hell, if you know how to use it properly, you can even make your own hardware! D8
not meaning to rag on you or anything, but I spent the las like 10 years of my life learning about this stuff (on my free time, of course or I'd probably be helping Gaia with the production of the site or something. Maybe security)
btw im 17, so I dunno if that has any relevance. ~just looking for an excuse to post his age~