Damon nodded and looked at Lucius.
"Well training 2 knuckle-heads will take some time to get use to..but what the hey..I oew it to Valcom and Lex.They were my parents when I had none."he said grinning.
Damon then whistled.
"Speaking of which..if I remember right..Valcom used to sing Lexi to sleep with a song from his homeland."he said putting his hands behind his back as he saw a few women came out of the tree's.He grinned at Victor and began to beat the tree like a drum.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZnhoplYkMgLucius eyes began to wide a little at the song.He couldn't help but grin though.Only if he could talk to his parents..oh how big a diffrence it would make for him and his sister.
("Wolfen One" Heather Alexander)