Welcome to Outset Island! In case it's not clear, that's where this rp is set. as for the time period, it's in the few years before link goes off on his Wind Waker quest. In this rp, you can either pick a character from the game, or you can make one up. if you make one up, you'll need to fill out the following form and either post it in the thread or pm it to me. i need to know your character's

appearance(preferably a pic or avi, but you can just describe):

and any other info you think people need to know. after that, i'll pm you to approve your character and you can start rping. there are some rules.
1. welcome newcomers and try to work them into the storyline as best you
can. i really hate it when people are mean to newcomers.

2. for the love of zelda, no power-playing or godmoding. yes i know that was dorky.

3. romance is allowed, but keep content pg-13 or below.

4. if you see that the character you want to be is already taken, don't sit there and whine about it. if you really REALLY REALLY feel the need to rp a character that is already taken, pm me about it and we'll work things out.

5. dont sweat grammar too much, as long as what youre saying is readable. for instance, "Lnk wlk up 2 arill n sez hi" is not acceptable.

6. this rp is purely for fun. dont turn it into something stupid.

any people who i find breaking these rules will be reported. now, for the character list.

Link: Outset Island Hero

I know it isn't a complete list, but i'll add on as people request them. now, have fun!