Lucien woke up, smiling at the darkness that shrouded the his hometown. "Finally..." He said as he yawned and stood up, stretching. "Summer... time to get a new assignment..." He muttered to himself as he pulled out his laptop. He turned on his webcam and microphone.

"Ahhh... Lucien. How was your sleep today?" A voice asked over the speakers... A womans voice, with a british accent.

"Not sure, dont know how things are going when i'm asleep" He responded.

"Smart a**..."

"Thank you" He replied

"We have a new assignment for you..." The voice was ominous, but it didnt phase him.

"What is it?" Lucien asked.

"You know... i hear the Caribean is quite beautiful this time of the year..."

"What is it?" Lucien repeated himself

"The Caribean is an ocean Dear..." the voice responded

"Quit stalling, what the hell is it?" Lucien demanded, he was losing his patience.

"... You have to go over seas for it."

"I'm on summer vacation, but you people better be paying for the transportation" He replied going to his fridge to grab a coke. He returned to his seat and opened the can.

"Cokes are bad for your health Hun..." The voice condemned.

"Tell me the damn assignment and stop stalling" Lucien was sharp, his words cut, the owner of the voice knew better than to try Lucien's patience.

"You need to take a plane, then a boat... heres a picture" The voice said, as a picture popped up on the screen. "Theres just a small problem..."

"Spill it" Lucien replied unafraid.

"There hasn't been contact with the island for the past week.... some freaky stuff is going on down there..." The owner of the voice sounded worried.

"Don't worry, I'm a big boy, i can take care of myself Claire..." Lucien smiled at her.

"You'll leave tonight..." Claire responded, wishing he hadn't accepted the assignment.

"Good.. would be hard during the day..." He said as he shut his laptop. Missing the words "I love you" from the woman he just cut off. He packed his things, and got ready to leave.

"Aye mate, this here be th islan yous was wantin' ta be" The captain of the boat smiled at Lucien. "Why's we harf to take this trip in th dark?" The Captain asked him, curiousity could get a man killed...

"Because the sun hurts my eyes" Lucien responded blankly. The captain almost fell off the boat in laughter.

"Yous be a funny un Mr. Michal" The captain said as he pulled the boat up to the abandoned dock. "Be careful out der, ders been no Communicacion wit tis islan fer th past week" The captain said to lucien as he got off the boat. "Thanks..." Lucien said as he made his way from the dock. The place was rather pleasnt from the dock, the palm trees swayed lightly with the wind. A peaceful place. When Lucien got to the buildings, he stopped dead in his tracks. "What the hell????" He quickly got out his swords. Bodies were strewn all over the place... and the blood... it was everywhere...

[yall decide what you want to be the cause of the death, be it zombies, gargoyles, minotaurs, or unicorns. Someone post please, we can continue from there ^^]