I have 24 chao, and because i'm really boerd, ill tell you of all of them.

Hero- BobFlay, fly type,penguin,tiger,phoenix,unicorn,shiny white. Big Jon, swim type,unicorn,tiger,shiny white. Cherry, pow type,unicorn,tiger,shiny red. Iishere, pow type,unicorn,tiger,shiny black.NOK, former neutral and swim type, unicorn, shiny gray, in process of third raising. Tigy, normal type,dragon,tiger,black. No Tigy, Normal type,dragon,black Tigys twin. Zim Gir, Pow type,gopher,peacock,shiny white.

Neutral- Bingzza, run type,unicorn,tiger,cheetah,shiny black. EmrlRay, run type,unicorn,bear,phoenix,tiger,shiny black. Jespia, run type,parrot,bear,dragon,peacock,shiny yellow. Justin, swim type,tiger,phoenix,dragon,unicorn,shiny black. MikeBJ, pow type,tiger,bear,parrot,started shiny black evolved shiny brown. Smity, run type,gorilla,unicorn,tiger,shiny yellow. SpEdDvL, run type,dragon,unicorn,shiny black. TDILdun, run type,phoenix,cheetah,shiny black.

Dark- Airmoon, run type,gopher,phoenix,tiger,brown. Bryant, run type,unicorn,tiger,parrot,shiny sky blue. BlakNja, run type,unicorn,skunk,raccoon,black. DuffGuy, run type,condor,tiger,unicorn,sky blue. Knuxunk, swim type,unicorn,penguin,red. Mieke, run type,unicorn,shiny purple. Skiduls, run type,unicorn,parrot,shiny white,white. 1/2&1/2, run type,unicorn,shiny white.

I know some of the names, are weird, but hey, its what i came up with. If you think THIS is crazy, be glad i didnt go on about the 90 chaos who are sadly no longer with us crying .