Hey guys, it's your friendly neighborhood Sai-kun reporting for duty!

This guild has been around for a while, now and we've accumulated a healthy number of members.

For all those who've joined and spent time with us in these forums, a huge huge THANK YOU goes out to you.

However, we also have a lot of names in our rosters with no apparent involvement. I'm going to be going through the member's lists and purging members with zero posts and zero donations.

This is going to make our guild look much smaller for a while, but we get new members all the time, and hopefully active ones who will be engaged with the guild!

Here's the skinny. It ain't the end of the world if you're kicked from the guild!

~*Full Disclosure*~

1. I will be removing all members that have zero posts and zero donations since they've joined.

2. To remove members from the roster, I will have to ban them.

3. A message will be going out to all members who have been banned, explaining the reason for the removal - this is nothing personal, its just a routine and necessary clean up.

4. I will try my best not to ban new members. Everybody needs a little time, but something might slip my memory. My apologies ahead of time if you've only recently joined and were kicked.

5. If you were kicked but wish to remain a member, just PM me, I'll send you an invite!

Any questions, objections? Let me know!