Let the winds blow the candle out...
.Darkest Night Poetry and Music - Dark Corner.
.I bid you welcome.

I bid you welcome to this dark corner. Here is a place to discuss amongst yourselves about the dark world... This includes themes such as goth, emo, rocker, punk, screamo, death-rock, etc... You get the point. I am aware, though, that people included in these themes are mistaken for outcasts and such. You know they're wrong, right? Right! (Don't ask, I, myself, have a rep. at school as the emo girl)
Here, you may discuss anything, even the music. Though, all poetry stay in the Poetry subforum. I dunno, perhaps on attitude perspective, how to apply the heavy eyeliner, how to dress... life... I dunno. It's up to you.


1 - Be nice to each other! Also, if you just come into this section to say "Freaks of nature" or stuff like that, why are you here!?
2 - The only exception I am making for posting a themed thread is music. I am ONLY allowing the exception of the music threads here, but they must be "dark". You know, screamo, post-hardcore, etc... you get my point.

...For that candle was my only way through the night