Chrono Trigger - Robo
well i am partly republican and democractic
there is only one thing i desigree with my parents about
and thats that they think that we should have the death penalty i say no why KILL SOMEBODY? you should NEVER EVER EVER EVER kill somebody its wrong and inhumane (except if your in war thats a diferent story)

I'm so sorry this just bugged me and ima get to the subject after this

look i strongly agree with the death penalty see you say except war what do you mean war is more wrong then killing more mentally insane people
see people who we would give the death penalty are not people they are evil in pure form they commit crimes that aren't even committed in war these are people that can never function in this world so you want to cage them up using Meany resources and people are still being killed they are in there heaven they have no consequences ohhhhhhh 20 more years on my 1020 year sentence it s wrong