Name: Derek Okean
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Appearance: (will get on it)

Personality: Derek is what he would call a ‘normal guy’ there is nothing exceptionally different about him. Then again he’s not 100% in the norm as well. He tries his best to be as good of friend as he can. He likes to joke around with his friends though can sometimes go too far. While he may not be over sensitive he still does care about others and try’s to stick up for them. He is a self proclaimed otaku and not afraid to admit it. He is shy around new people but isn’t afraid to turn a stranger into a friend. He, like most guys are, is shy around girls. He’ll reply if spoken to but he won’t start the conversation with them. Same applies to guys he doesn’t know, he’s just not one to start up conversation. He likes to draw though he is very critical about himself and is rarely happy with his work. Derek has been known to get annoyed easily; he hates extremists of any kind and has a great love of justice. He has a hard time making friends, not because he’s a jerk. He just can’t find many people who share the same interests he does. He normally likes to think things through before taking action, but sometimes Derek lets his emotions get the better of him and rushes in with out thinking. Derek has few pet peeves; however one of them is arrogant people. He is annoyed by how they think their so much better than every one else. In his opinion ‘if they were so good they’d get up and prove it instead of running their mouth on how good they say they are’ He also is annoyed by little kids, though he’s still a ‘kid’ himself he likes to think himself as older. Derek believes that most kids have no respect for those older than them, nor any respect for authority figures. He has interests in many things and tends to get excited when talking about them. Derek tends to talk very fast when he’s excited “somuchsoitshardtotellwhathesaying.” For the most part though, he is a happy kid with a happy go luck look at life. He tends not to take things seriously and often brushes off insults and jokes like dust. That does not mean however that he does not know when to take things serious. He just prefers to have few things to worry about. Derek is also lazy; he usually put’s things off until the last second, yet somehow get’s it done in the end. Derek is loyal to those he holds dear to him and enjoys the time he spends with them. When engaged in a contest or game of sorts he try’s to play ‘for fun’ and not to win. People on his team tend to get mad at him for that but he doesn’t care as long as it’s fun. As stated earlier Derek brushes off and takes most things lightly. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel emotions though. He is often lonely, seeing couples, just makes him feel worse that he has no one. He’s never had a girlfriend once in his life and has never even kissed a girl because of this Derek feels as though he’s destined to grow up and die alone. Whenever Derek’s feeling blue, angry or any strong emotion he makes his escape to behind a manga.

Powers/Abilities: Derek has the ability to ignite himself on fire like the human torch. He can throw fireballs and can raise small flames from around him. Another ability Derek has is the coveted wall climbing ability. He can stick to the walls and the ceiling and scale buildings if needed. Lastly Derek has the ability to change any limb into anything. This could be something as small as pencil for a finger to some thing as large as a battering ram for an arm.
Weaknesses/Disabilities: Firstly, Derek can not stand the cold at all. What might be perfect for a normal person would be freezing to him. Also room temperature water would be as cold as ice on Derek's skin. What limits he wall crawling ability is something ironic really, his fear of heights. Derek absolutely hates heights and that limits the extent of his wall crawling ability quiet a bit. Lastly Derek’s ‘body-item’ power is his newest discovered power. He has limited control over it. It will randomly activate for a randomly set amount time. He could be walking down the hall and have his leg turn into a pooper scooper with out warning. This random activation doesn’t give him tome to prepare and thus can cause him great pain at times.

Likes: Reading manga’s first of all, drawing, he likes role-playing online. He enjoys Most RPG/adventure games as well as watching anime. He likes many soups but mainly ramen, though it’s not technically soup. Hanging with friends and having a general good time.
Dislikes: Heights, cold weather, arrogant people, young kids he hates closed spaces as he’s claustrophobic. He also hates complete silence or darkness; he’s just paranoid about it.

Background/History: Derek has little memory of his child hood. He can remember that he lost his home and family at a young age. One Christmas long ago, Derek was seven at the time. He was reaching under the tree to grab a present when all of a sudden he began to feel warm. He asked his mother if the heater was turned on and all he got in reply was a scream of terror. He looked down to see that he was on fire, immediately he jumped out from under the tree which was immediately set ablaze. In panic his mother threw a bucket of water over him and the tree. The second the water hit him Derek fell to the ground, his skin pale white. He was shivering like mad and completely covered in goose bumps. His mother panicked and called a specialist. The doctor found no burns or signs of harm at all, however soon after Derek began to get colder more easy and refused to drink anything but boiled water. It was then they knew something was wrong. Think their child was a freak they dumped him in the nearest orphanage they could find. There Derek was immediately subject to mockery and bullying. A few years later on his 10th birthday he was being chased by someone. He continued running until he was backed into an ally. Little did he know the ally was the back lot to a chemical plant. At one point Derek tripped in a puddle, fearing for his safety Derek jumped to his feet and kept running, not caring what he may have fell in. Eventually he was cornered. In a desperate attempt to flee Derek jumped for the fire escape, not surprisingly Derek missed. What was surprising, jaw dropping even was that he stuck to the wall. Just out of the bully’s reach. Excited at his new found freedom he grabbed his things and set off again. He made money doing small tasks. One day when he was counting his money he dropped a 20 in a rain gutter. Derek kneeled down and tried to lift the grate with no success. He cursed and mentioned ‘if only he had a crowbar’. Suddenly Derek herd a clank and looked down to see that his had had turned into just what he needed, a crowbar. He retreved his money and returned the grate. Derek was startled, yet slightly amused at this newest power. Either way Derek decided he should settle down a bit. He herd about the “Outcast Orphanage” and decided that would be his destination.

Other: to come.