So I've decided to make a scrapbook
To recount the sins and save advice, the ones I took.
For these memories are all we have
I use to think that life is made of destiny
built up of the choices we make
and of course the temptation behind the risks we all take
but what happens when we realize that not even I have a choice
you are left with but a gasp or suprise
and hope it could be a joke or perhaps maybe some silly white lies
when another makes a choice it impacts its surroundings
as does the surrounding have waters
that carry us, just like a father
when you take a picture do you remember everything that you thought?
do you remember your goals or adventures that wanted to be sought
its hard to be told that one day we will grow up
and we all forget that means letting go
destiny is a road yes but where do we start
we can all leave and be alone
set in stone we might be afraid to get torn apart
so before you take this road we all travel down for granet
take another glance at this beautiful planet
life is more then just having priorites
its about learning truth and finding answers
and we all are known as minorities
because in this life no one is equal
and once this one is over, do you really belive theres a sequel?

so to make this scrapbook good, i want to remind myself.
Is this really where it starts? is this all there is? Could there be more? I'll never really know until I can find a question to ask, and time to find the answer. I look back on a lot and have many regrets, weather it's just making friends, choosing to do certain things, saying words I never actaully ment. When I sit here and replay these memories and images in my head, I tend to reflect to the future and where I'll be, to be honest I'm scared because I feel like life is way too short, will I be able to hold someone's hand down the way, I'm not too sure. But I'm sure we can all make it if we try. That's the first step...Isn't it?